Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Romance

As we depart from this acquisitive world, we leave behind things that never belonged to us. We say bye to our money, home, friends and our close ones. But what lives even after the extinction of our bodies is the best of memories that had once made a little home in our hearts……

The story that I share today may sound exaggerating but not most of the deepest facts make sense to the world and still uttered now and then…

In a library, after hours. I couldn't find a little bit presence of him. I usually spent time in the library more than in my classes. All my professors just scold me, for not attending their classes. But I don't care, about my classroom because it will not make me enjoy those real fantasies of textbook stories, isn't it? I f you are thinking this, then you too are like me. One day the classroom classes were going fine, I found some distraction over the way to my sight. A beautiful young handsome charming boy was talking to one of my professors.

I was in a dream now!

A beautiful hymn was just ringing into my ears. That even a musician can't compose that!

I felt like a Princess!

O, My God! See talking and sharing with your all I missed him now.

After my class, I ran so fast to find his presence. But I couldn't find him.

Meanwhile, I went to the library, for my project thesis reference.

Shockingly, but this time I found him, in the library after an hour of my search, let it be!

I gently go through the journal section, where he was standing nearby, I make a move with a great jerk! I hit him unknowingly with my hand, he shouted so hard that the librarian made a sign to him not to make noise inside the library.

I really apologized to him, for my mistake.

He did not make a hard tone or shouted at me in general Besides, he spoke politely to me and said It's Okay!

Goosebumps tickled my body when his soft tone kissed my ears, Probably I felt like that!

I was about to talk to him. He asked me WHAT'S YOUR NAME?

See How it feels when someone talks to you at first before you could do that!

I said, 'I am Ana.' And it was my turn to ask that What's your name?

He said, 'I am Christian'.

O, Man How Romantic, Christian, and Ana like in the movie 50 SHADES OF GREY. In a library, I felt that 50 shades of grey having the shoot, and these couples are holding the book of Romeo and Juliet. But we are in our journal section!

Then, He said that he liked me, and he needs me after this library session.

I said Yes!

I too like you, I will be available right before I finish my work!

Okay, Ana sees you then, I will be waiting for you.

Sure Christian Me too!

When I finished my Thesis work in the library!

I eagerly ran like a wind to see my Christian.

He said shall we go!

Yes, Of course, I said to him in Joy!

Christian Are you taking me to the Coffee shop, movie, or something else!

No, My dear. Stay calm! Come with me.

As I obviously liked him, I never questioned him, instead of that I followed him.

When I look Forward He again, went to see my class professor. He smiled at me. And I smiled the way he did to me.

Ana! Come here! He called me.

With great confusion, I walked forward.

Well, Ana! The thing is you never attended my classes so far, I too Know the reason.

You prefer to go to the library every day. But I never noticed that!

Look! He is my son. He never prefers to go to the library, but when He saw you He made that a habit of going to the library.

After your graduation day, I want your parents, to visit me.

Sir Parents! What?

I will attend your daily classes, PLEASE! Don't call my parents!

Hey! I am going to ask for your hand in marriage with my son, Christian!

I felt vulnerable.

All I want was this alone.

I Cried and hugged the Chrisitan.

He said, 'Sometimes good habits can change One's life, isn't it?'

I said, YES!

After our graduation, we planned to make that moment special, I and Chrisitan Planned our reception marriage hall like a library.

Sounds really crazy right!

We both loved that craziness!

We invited our colleagues and made the sitting arrangement like a library setting;

like chairs and tables in order with opposite directions.

Our invitation Cards were exactly printed like a library card, which we use to renewal our dues of our book;

For a surprise, we made that Marriage Hall like a tag that, BE SILENT! STAY CALM! IN-LIBRARY MARRIAGE HALL! Notice in the entrance.

Our gifts were All genres of books! Those who were not in our wedding library session were marked on our duelist!

Clapping was not allowed and talking was prohibited! All acted in a role like Dumb!

That really made a great enjoyment for all of us generally.

We Kissed without making a lip touch sound!

The entries were made with entry cards of our reception hall like we enter into the library with a scanned card.

Our parents were astonished by our personal arrangements.

My Professor i.e., my Father-In-Law, said, "Am I into a marriage Hall or I have dropped accidentally to my college library.

All burst into laughter!

An alarm Banged with a message notification on each and every person's phone, You made a loud laughter noise, Each should pay $1, and put it into the fine section.

We did this to improve the latest version of our college library, so all agreed to pay that fine.

All our arrangements are shown How the library was important to us!

It was an incomparable wedding ever in human history!

But I and Christian Did That!!!!

I am not telling that going to the library will help you to find your soulmate. But some good habits will definitely give us a great chance and changes in our life!

April 25, 2021 14:55

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