Fantasy Romance Fiction

Arista watched the sun, slowly sinking into the depths of the scarlet sky. This marked the month’s end. And their little adventure had ended too. It was time for her to return to her little cave, away from civilization. Her human form too would fade soon. 

She tore her gaze away from the sun, her moist eyes meeting his. He pulled her close, burying his head into the crook of her neck. For a few moments they stood there, on the balcony of his apartment holding on to each other as their tears mingled. They both longed for one another wishing to stay forever.  But she had to let go. If she held him any longer, she would lose him forever. She would kill him. She cannot let that happen. 


The sun peeked into the creaks of her cave announcing the morning’s arrival. Arista awoke feeling the cold ground against her bare body. In her groggy state her human form felt alien. But when realization hit her, tears cascaded down her cheeks. It was the day of summer solstice. Her Joy knew no bounds. It meant freedom. This freedom lasted only a short while; a week, to be precise. Yet, every year she could not help but feel joy bubbling in her chest. She made a mental to do list to spend her freedom month . First, she’d bathe in the pond. The elves would have kept her dresses ready near the pond. Then she’d visit the Stonehenge and celebrate with the humans. Then she would dance around the bonfire. This was her favorite thing to do. The week’s plan was to try all the delicious delicacies humans indulged themselves in. 

Unable to contain her excitement she quickly jumped to her feet. That was probably not the best Idea. “Ow!” she exclaimed in pain as her head hit the rocky ceiling of her cave. The cave was too small for her current form. “Stupid cave.” She cursed attempting to move out. She had to bend low as she carefully stepped outside. Looking at the forest was a pure bliss. Golden rays illuminated the forest floor into virescent riots. Colorful flowers greeted her as the green grass caressed her dainty feet. She stood for a few minutes taking in the cool summer breeze that had embraced her naked self before walking to the pond. water stood still in the lake as though waiting for her. Water felt rejuvenating as she immersed herself in its arms. It dampened her entire body slowly soothing her soul. 

 A long red dress lay on the huge stone at the side of the pond. Adorned ever so gracefully with the scarlet sequins. When Arista wore it, she felt as though it was a part of her skin. Despite the sequined work on it, it felt so light and comfortable.  She looked at herself in the pond admiring the dress. It complimented her red hair and amber eyes perfectly. She was ready to go to the solstice.


Thousands of people had gathered at the Stonehenge and the festivities went like a blur. She admired the sun that was still. A cacophony of joy had spread all around as strangers, friends and family mingled. Laughing talking and admiring the solstice sun. Then it was time for the bonfire. Around the cackling embers people danced. She did too, without a care in the world. It was then she noticed him. He was looking at her, a little distance from where she was dancing. suddenly she became conscious. Blood rushed to her cheeks as her feet stopped. She straightened when she saw him approaching. For reasons unknown her heart pounded in her chest. Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her. Holy firesmokes! He was breathtaking. “Hi. I’m Jace” He said extending his hand. “Arista” she said. Nervously shaking his hand. “Arista… it’s a beautiful name.” He said. “Thank you.” She replied. She was never great at making conversation. Especially with strangers. Double that when she found them attractive. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He asked yet again trying to make conversation. “I haven’t seen you around. “

I’m from here Arista thought. I just live at a forest invisible to humans. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him that. At least not now. “I’m from California.” She lied. I just come here every year for the celebrations.

“I know..”

Arista was confused. “How do you know?” she asked him.

“I don’t know… I- I mean I know you come here every year. I didn’t know you were from California. “

Arista chuckled. She knew he was nervous to talk to her. So, she decided to tease him.

“How do you know? She asked pretending to be stern. “Were you stalking me?”

His handsome face was all flustered at that question.

“No no! I just saw you dance and I- “he stopped when he noticed her laughing.

“It’s Alright.’ She said still laughing. I was just kidding."

He pretended to be angry before he too burst out laughing. His laugh so genuine. He looked like an angel.

He then asked her to dance. This is how they connected. She had a month before she would return. They laughed together, shared everything together, their greatest fears and vulnerabilities. She told him what she was, and she told him about her curse.

That month when time had come for her to return, he saw what she was, she shifted at a place where humans could not see them. Her form was slowly changing. Her body twisted and turned painfully resizing and reshaping into a bird. He watched awestruck as she turned into a phoenix. She was just as beautiful as she was in her human form.

For three years every June she returned to him in her human form.

This made the gods angry. Love has its consequences. Especially if it’s a human. It was forbidden. So the gods decided to double her curse. She was cursed now to never return. She would forever in pheonix form. Being a pheonix had its cons. Pheonixes have a very high body heat. The time when she would change her form, her body heat would be a thousand times more than what a human can handle.

If she shifted, the heat would kill him. So she let go. Slowly pushing him away. He kissed her tender lips one last time before she jumped down as he was watching and mid air she transformed into a phoenix. Flying into the depths of the cloud. Never to be seen again.

June 24, 2021 14:40

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Carmen Schaller
14:16 Jul 03, 2021

"It's Alright.' She said still laughing. I was just kidding." -- should be -- "It's alright," she said, still laughing, "I was just kidding."


Kshithi Yathish
15:07 Jul 03, 2021

Thank you so much for the correction. I cannot edit it here but I’ll make changes in my doc. :)


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Carmen Schaller
14:12 Jul 03, 2021

I agree--this story is breathtaking. I love the playful conversation, though I did notice a couple mistakes with the quotation marks. I also agree that it's too short. The ending deserves to be drawn out more! Although, I've had that problem myself. (not to say that any of my stories are this good.)


Kshithi Yathish
15:11 Jul 03, 2021

Thank you so much for reading and commenting means a lot to me. :) initially I had planned for a nicer ending. But I wrote it just a few hours before the submission deadline😅 so by the end I was bored of typing. For any other prompts I may write in the Future, I’ll write well before deadline. Thanks a lot for taking time to read and for the comments.


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Kristin Neubauer
19:27 Jul 02, 2021

Wow, Kshithi, what a beautiful story! I found you through the Critique Circle and I'm so glad I did. The imagery in this story was stunning. I'm not usually a big romance reader, but your story is something special and I was swept up in it. Here's the thing though....it's too darn short! It's so rich in adventure, suspense, love and romance....it has to be a novel. I hope you consider it someday!


Kshithi Yathish
03:04 Jul 03, 2021

Thank you so much! Your comment made my day. I will surely write a novel out of it. :) I will make sure to write more in my other submissions. This one was written just a few hours before deadline so I couldn’t write more. Thanks a lot again for reading. It means a lot to me.


Kristin Neubauer
20:52 Jul 03, 2021

That's amazing that you wrote it just a few hours before! It sounds so polished! It usually takes me an entire week to crank out a story. Well done!


Kshithi Yathish
08:24 Jul 04, 2021

Thank You so much!! :)


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