Crime Fiction Thriller

It’s been two days since he has been here. we are investigating for two days but there are no outcomes. “he comes, speaks, and ruins the day”. our sleep is destroyed, no one has reached home from 8th. we all are here waiting for proof or a victim. forensics will be here soon. the moment I filed the complaint was not auspicious. the only thing we know about this man is his name,’ Mugil’. we have been constantly asking him questions about the day, he killed his brother. to remember everything he said we have the report, that was the only time he said anything. it is written there that he killed his brother 10 years and now he is here to complain about him and surrender himself. he said no details, why he did this? when he did this? where did this happen? why are you filling an FIR, now? why after 10 years? why didn’t you do this in years? nothing, nothing at all but he confessed a crime, we have to keep him in jail.

the day he came here was unforgettable. he was nervous, sat on the chair in front of my desk. he started speaking without anyone noticing him. I came back from the inspector’s office and I saw him talking to no one. I sat on the chair and noticed he was carrying a Bluetooth headset. I settled myself on the chair and he kept the call off. before I ask him about the case, he started.

forbade“he listed that he slew his brother 10 years earlier and now he is here to file a case on himself and surrender”. he spoke it aloud. it was night, rarely eight people were present in the station, everyone heard what he said. the sound might have reached the inspector, he didn’t came out. one of the officers ran into the inspector’s cabin and called him out.

removed we asked him more about what he did but no words came out of his mouth. he just sat there glancing at everyone around him. we even checked whether he was deaf or not but he could hear every sound. every question that existed, in this case, was asked to him but his reply was always the same, “I stabbed him because it was for my and your benefit”. we understand his benefit but what was there for our benefit. there was zilch profit for us. a man was sitting inside the station stating that he killed a person, what can we do to him. FIR was filed, the only option left was to present him in the court. the day was very bad, it was Friday night. the court was closed and wasn’t about to open in the next two days.

it has been two days, today is Sunday evening, we have collected no identity of this man, no contact information. he speaks nothing just stares at everything. we give him food here, he sleeps peacefully at night and the same happens the next day. on Saturday there was a miracle that he spoke, he insisted he will speak to the forensic department if they come here. it was not hard for us, the next morning we created some police officers to be forensic scientists but he found the truth that they were not from forensic. the man might be working for the forensic. what could his age be? he killed a person, he must have guts, I was scared to fire a bullet on a criminal, he kills his brother, that must have been hard for him. it might not be, seeing his face, it seems like he was happy while he kills brother.

required by god’s grace, the forensic department was here. they came in the same uniform they carry everywhere. a shirt, a tie, black or brown boots, carrying a suitcase and a fountain pen in their shirt pocket. I was glad that they were here. the man scared me a little. if he says them everything, we can stand him in court and he will leave the police station. the inspector came out of the two doors that didn’t touch the checkered tiles. he shook hands with the man in sky blue shirt and pointed his hand towards the cell. they walked further in that direction. I hear what they said but there was no reason for me to be inside. “I can bring them water”, I was conscious to not say out loud. I went to the cooler and filled four glasses. three for the people from forensic and one for the inspector. I followed them inside the cell. all the light faded, it was darker as we walk deeper. surely we kept him in the third cell, that was not too deep but he cannot run from there and we can see him from our chair. before I reach there, the three officers already opened their suitcases and sat in front of the man. I served them water and stood behind the inspector, so he doesn’t notice me.

The officers barely took two sips of water and kept the glasses down. the inspector knew I was standing behind him, he ordered me to take the glasses. I had to leave, he noticed me. I was about to leave when he told me to stand to the door and check whether anyone is listening or not. the officers started asking him without wasting time.

“so, what is your name”, yellow shirt inquired setting himself upon the rock which was slippery due to water drops.

it was incredible to see the man talk, he was on his words.

“my name is Mugil”.

“so why did you murdered your brother”?

he was again silent. a drop of water fell on the yellow shirt’s arm. he stood in shock and realized it was water. he changed his place and sat next to the pink shirt. after all the chaos the blue shirt repeated the question.

“why did your murder your brother”?

“because he killed my son”?

I wasn’t shocked to see everyone’s face the same as mine. they thought the same as I thought. before I can question my mind, the blue shirt continued.

“then why didn’t you file a report in the police station and now why are you here to surrender”?

he was carefully choosing his words, one mistake and someone innocent will be behind the bars. everyone was waiting for Mugil to answer.

“because I feel guilty. I wasn’t intended to kill him, it was just a little fight and I got angrier, I had to do something, so, I found a knife and I stabbed him, four times until he was empty of all the blood. I saw him lie down on the floor dead. I was watching him asking me for help, he lost almost all the blood but he raised his hand, maybe he was expecting I will help him but I didn’t rather I gripped the knife and pierced it through his hand, I saw his finger fly, it flew far enough than I expected. then I had to do something with his body before anyone notices it. so, I buried his body in my backyard.”

“can we find the body there if we dig there”, the pink shirt guessed?

my eyes were wide open. he just talked about a murder which was about his brother. “he killed his brother, how can this man be so cool about this. does he have any feelings or he is also someone like this man. I cannot believe someone alive can do something like this”. “thank you God for not giving me a brother and I love my sister”.

“yeah you can find his bones there, you won’t find the finger there, cause I wasn’t able to find the finger after I got rid of the body. if you covet you desire you can check my house if you find the finger but I was never able to”.

the man in the yellow shirt nodded and took his phone out. he called someone and took his suitcase. he walked out of the cell. might visit Mugil’s house.

“so, there is no chance we can say that the body is your brother’s so is there any other proof that you killed him”?

“I have the knife with which I stabbed him, I have that in my kitchen’s third drawer”.

the blue shirt stood as he wanted to tell the yellow shirt about this. before he walks out of the cell, the yellow shirt yelled.

“I heard that I will see”.

blinking his eyes the blue shirt settled back on the place he was sitting.

suppose“Okay, so all the information you gave is that your brother killed your son and then you stabbed him and buried him in your backyard”, pink shirt reminded himself of all the information. “and I this is incomplete”, after taking a pause the man started.

“Why did your brother kill your son and when did this happen, moreover where did this happen”?

even I was confused for a bit with these many questions, how will he answer them, just give him some time, pink man. you just heard how he killed his brother, you come in no relation with him.

“Okay, I will start from where I think it all begins”.

it would be better if I had a place to sit, he was about to start his story for what I waited. two days and the moment comes, after all, I am further scared of Mugil.

“umm, it started twelve years ago, my brother did drugs and he asked my son for that. he was a college-going kid then, he accepted that, maybe he thought it would be cool to do drugs. so this was happening for two years and I had no idea about this. one day when I reached home, I found my son lying on the couch with blood oozing from his nose, earlier I thought it was because of the heat but then I check around him, he was covered by white powder. At that moment I got the idea that he did drugs. I can neither go to the doctor nor I can keep him like this, so, I decided to take him to the hospital. everything that happens will happen after I see my son alive but before I can take him, he was dead. I was never able to find the reason why he died like this but one thing I decided was to kill the person who made him stand in the situation, after some days I found the same drugs in my brother’s house. that moment I decided that I will kill him and I did”.

crave“then do you to surrender now, and don’t tell me that you feel guilty”?

Mugil smiles, this person can smile, how?

“you are experienced, so, I thought of killing the person but I wasn’t able to find that how my son died so the person’s family whom I will kill should not know where he is or what happened to him, is he missing or he is dead. they should feel what I did”.

“This doesn’t answer what I asked you”, the blue man was furious.

“Okay, turn the heat down”

what is happening here, he is smiling and he is acting to be cool. you don’t deserve those expressions, come back to those who you really express.

suppose“cause I have got no money to live and I need someplace to stay, there will be no better place to stay rather than jail. so you all will accept me staying inside the jail”.

consider this is your answer, really, can anyone what he was saying there. he wanted a place to live and jail was good, he will get free food and nice sleep with people with the same thoughts as he has. and I know, no one is listening to me.

“do you have any images of your brother and your son”, the pink man asked.

“oh, I knew you will ask me this, on my phone, I have the wallpaper of their photos, the one in the green t-shirt is my son and the other one is my brother and don’t worry there is no password on my phone”.

the blue shirt ordered the inspector to bring the evidence the man was carrying. why cannot I say Mugil, it is his name, why I keep reporting him as ‘the man’. am I scared to speak his name, no I don’t think so, I can speak his name. the inspector came on his phone. he already opened it and gave it to the blue shirt.

he saw the image it was a tall man and a thin man standing side by side. the blue shirt observed him and gave the phone to the pink shirt, he gave him the phone back and it finally reached the inspector. he went out to keep it inside.

there was silence, just some squeaking of rats was heard, no one was scared of that.

oh, why didn’t I think of this, is anyone going to ask him this, or I should ask him, what will everyone say if I ask him this but if I won’t there must be suspense kept, did they figured it already, should I ask him or not, I think I will ask him. I should ask for a blue shirt that I can ask him or not. okay.

“Sir, can I ask him a question”, my heartbeat was raised but it was out and I cannot take it back.

“sure, till it is not stupid. go on”, the blue man was not too bad as a human.

“what about your son, where did you keep him, you told us that he is dead but where is he, you didn’t take him to the hospital”.

everyone was staring at me like I said something wrong but the next moment their attention transferred to him.

“oh”, Mugil let out, but before he speaks a man came inside and told that someone is here to take him out on bail. who is in his family alive to take him out? I need to meet him. we all went out to meet the person, we were excited or curious to meet the person.

it was raining outside, the reason for the ceiling to drop. it was a man who wasn’t seen carefully, some other two people came after him running inside the station. before the man’s relative, the yellow shirt was seen. he is all wet, when he came we handed him a napkin but he was in a hurry to say something, no one was noticing him, everyone was waiting for the man to come in.

“oh, my dear god, what is happening”?

a drop fell from the man’s eyebrow and dispersed on the ground, one ray of the moon fell on his face and it was lightened. it was him, the man, he is the one. ‘his brother’. everyone had the same expression, I have no idea what is happening here. how can his brother come here, he came to complain about his death and he is dead the yellow shirt was here with the proof. the expression we had was not on the yellow shirt’s face, he was in the tired face, asking for breaths. did he knew about this, was there something in the house that told him?

“excuse me, I am here to bail my brother”, the man’s brother spoke.

he is here then, what is happening, his brother is here, the man is still in the cell but he can see everything that is happening here.

“now will you all listen to me”, the yellow shirt demanded.

everyone’s eyes shifted to him with all the possible questions that can occur in a person’s brain.

“I told our people to dig the backyard and we found a body there, we took the bones out and sent it to the lab, one more thing that he told was the knife, I found that and gave to the lab to check the DNA remains on it, they found it”

“whose blood was it”, I couldn’t resist myself from asking this, just flipped out of my tongue.

the yellow shirt sucked the maximum amount of air he could. he said with his whole potential.

the man’s brother was staring at us all, he had no idea what we were talking about or he was just pretending that he didn’t and he knew everything from the beginning. he was dead and now we see him alive, he might know it.

“he killed him, it was the other way out, he, he killed, he is brutal”.

I got the words, he cannot do that, how can he kill the person for whom he killed him but it was the other way around, so we should arrest his brother but according to the story he should be dead and he is alive, so, he just.

“oh, I cannot believe that he did this”, I said it as loud as a person can hear it.

for some seconds all I can hear was the man’s laugh, his dark, creepy laugh, that was reverberating in my ears. he is not a human, he killed everyone. he should not be alive.

November 10, 2020 17:38

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Rachel G
09:38 Nov 17, 2020

the matter came to me when the man killed- stops me from releasing the sectret


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Sanar Top
09:34 Nov 17, 2020

liked the twist when the story revolved into another plot.


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Ketki Trivedi
05:59 Nov 21, 2020

Great story with a brilliant plot twist


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