Resort party at the forbidden forest

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write a story about a character who gets lost at a carnival or festival.... view prompt


Crime Fantasy Fiction

Resort party at the forbidden forest

 It was a huge resort near a dark forest that was said to be haunted and no one dared to visit that forest and the one who visited it never comes back alive and if he returns alive, he dies in a weird manner. Roney was trying to sleep, it was 12:00 night wolves where hauling and the door opened slowly. Roney was in the peak of fear then suddenly a music and that where his friends outside. A night party was arranged in the occasion of Schai festival celebrated by the local tribal which was sponsored by a business man to celebrate it in the resort near the forest. It was a colourful festival the tribal people would make up themselves with vegetable paints on their face wearing attractive dresses. This festival is celebrated in memories of their leader Schai Fu who preached them their gods teachings. Why would the business man sponsor them? It's because he was one of them and came up with his hardwork. Roney was attending the night party with his friends and he was not used to it; he needed a nap so he came for a bed. Then they where having some drink and noticed that there Vimal was missing. The business man was the chief guest, the event was arranged and Vimal was the one to invite him. A phone rang, it was Vimal’s father they picked the call and father asked about Vimal who was not picking the call. Now because of missing of Vimal the whole party was going to be ruined so the friends said that he will be somewhere here we will tell him to make a call to you and continued the party. Then the guest was invited by Roney. After the inogration, Roney then got out for a round, away from the party and there he heard some sound then he noticed someone going into the forest.

The previous day, Roney heard Vimal talking to someone on phone that he was going to visit the forbidden forest. Roney thought whether it was Vimal who is going there. He went slowly inside behind him; it was dark inside the forest. He stepped slowly inside. There he found something moving. He became cautious and went closer and closer then suddenly someone choke hold Vimal and he disappeared in the darkness. Roney was afraid and ran away. He felt that someone was chasing him. Roney returned to the party and acted as if he knew nothing. Next morning, since Vimal didn’t return home, his parents called his friends. They said that they didn’t know about it and he did come here but disappeared from the party suddenly. They waited till night, then his father reported Son’s missing in the police. 

Next day, the police enquired the business man and Vimal's family and friends about him. The friends said they didn’t know about him, may be Roney would know about him and even Roney was missing from the party for some time when Vimal disappeared. His parents cried. When they came to Roney’s house they saw someone running out of his house. They chased them but they somehow managed to escape. Then they had a doubt on Roney, is he involved? 

That evening cops fortunately found Roney in a mall. He was caught and brought to the police station. When they enquired Roney, he explained the whole scenario. Cps asked why he ran away and Roney said he was afraid and and panicked due to the rumours about the forest. They left some cops in mufti around Roney’s house to find the truth. They where realising that Roney was innocent. For further clues the police went to the resort near the forbidden forest. There they found nothing but when they were coming back along the forest, they found spots of blood on rock. The blood sample was sent for DNA testing at the forensic lab, they found that it was the blood of Vimal. Considering the situation of his parents they continued the investigation without informing his parents. Next day, they came with a force knowing the severity of the situation. Now they went deep into the forest.

They ended up at a cottage. An officer went into the cottage and found traces of cocaine drugs. Then they knew that it was a drug hub and the forbidden forest fear was created to safe guard that drugs. They checked the cottage well and found a piece of pearl. Then they tested it in forensic lab and found that the pearl was nothing but drugs. So, they checked out for the pearl and beads chain dealers. Then they caught a tribal man selling beads, who panicked when he saw policemen. They caught hold of him and found that the beads he had were drugs. They enquired him and found that a business man was involved in it. 

The business was none other than Vimal. He shattered his blood and wanted to confuse everyone. The cops caught him at a villa using a CCTV camera footage near a mall near his home. Then he was arrested by cops. He said that he did this business secretly. The cops asked him who where those who ran out from Roney's house. He said he was the one who sent men to kill Roney in a weird method so that it seems like he died due to the visiting to the forbidden forest but cops ruined it. Cops asked who caught you in that forest. He noticed Roney following him so he acted as if he was caught and killed at the forest. It was not him alone who got caught. As he was caught all his helpers, from the dealers to the ministers who were involved were caught. Missing of this one person ruined the whole drug market. Tribal people thanked cops for saving their life since the forest was under his control they where running out of resources. They invited the cops to attend their festival.


May 12, 2021 08:23

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