Fiction Funny

Before I could even open my eyes, my thoughts were already on April Fool’s day. I had a full year to plan out my pranks on everybody that got me last year. I was determined not to be one of them that got pranked. My friends get me every year and I be darned if they get me again. My partner does not like April fool’s day, I respect her on that, but if she did man she would have to watch out.

I start imagining the day, I would get to work at least an hour before anyone would get there. I will start with Marge, she does not like snakes. I will get at least fifteen different kinds of snakes. They must be very realistic, so I will meticulously pick them out. Well maybe not so many, after the first one she will be waiting for the next and so on. So, I will get three different kinds and place one in the top drawer of her desk, the next one I will time it exactly right into the bathroom. That one I must get her good on. I can have it ready and waiting for her to announce that she is going to the bathroom. When she does that, I can go and put one in the corner of the bathroom and tuck it behind the waste basket and leave the clear fishing line outside of the bathroom. Then I can sit there waiting for her and then pull it or I can see if there is a remote-control snake and have it make some noise or even a motion sensor one. Oh man that motioned sensor one, would get her good. I got to find it; I will google it later. The third one I can sneak out of the building and place it inside her car, she always has one of her windows cracked.

Then there is Becca, what is she scared of? Oh yeah that’s right, she does not like clowns at all. Last year on Halloween, she did not go into a haunted house because she saw a clown that looked like the clown from IT the movie. She normally only gets me once and then she leaves me alone, so I will get her once. She is normally the first one to use the bathroom, so I will buy a scary clown doll. Where can I put it? I can sit it exactly right on top of the door of the bathroom, so when she closes the bathroom door it falls, or it tumbles forward at her. But then again, I can download an app on her computer and have a clown pop up at her, like an hour after she has turned it on. I think they have one that just moves on its own, but I do not want to scare her to death. I just want to give her a start kick to her day.

Now at last but not least, there is Beth. She gets me all day long, with just little stupid stuff. She is not scared of anything at all, so she is going to be the hardest one. She always parks in the back of the parking lot in the same spot, where she can look out the window at her car. I can pay someone to paint a tarp of the scenery and put it over her car when she goes to the bathroom. The look on her face would be priceless; she loves her car. I will have to get a picture and shop around for the best painter.

Now the biggest and last person there is my boss. He gets everybody every year and now its my turn to get him back for all those years, but what can I do about to him. I know he gets his wife every year, I will give her a call and Marge, Becca and Beth also. I need to figure out a prank, a good one, huge one. This one is going to be the biggest prank of all times; people are going to read about it. I can have his wife put all the clocks in there house forward at least two hours, the girls and I will be on time for work, but he will be two hours early. I could also have company logos and names printed out to cover all our logos and names. I could get a guy that he does not know or has ever seen, have him portray as the new big boss man and here are the new rules of the company that just took over our companies building. He is going to freak, we can have the phone lines down, where he can not call corporate or use the internet.

Now, who do I know that he has never met? I can call Joe; he is husky and six foot eleven inches with a look that makes you crumble. Well only when he is being very serous that is. I am going to give him a call now and hopefully he says yes. I can also have a fake email printed out telling us that the company has been bought out at an incredibly good price and that they hope that we all can keep our jobs and best of wishes to us. I can print four pages and hand them to the ladies and we can storm his office. We can have him sweating by the end of the hour.

We tell him that it was wrong of him to not tell us that the company was being sold out from underneath us and that we might have to find another job. Once he proclaims that he did not know of any of this and proclaims that this is just a joke that we are trying to pull off, in comes Joe with his serous voice with the matching facial look on. He will say that his company bought us out and now we all must play the game of keeping our jobs.

It has been eleven months sense I started planning our bosses’ prank, I have everything ready. I have the logos for the new company that I made up and I have the supposed email typed and passed out to everybody.  Everybody knows their rolls and we have rehearsed them for nine months. We have it down to the point of no return. Now I am ready for my big day with tomorrow being April fool’s day.

March 29, 2021 03:48

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