Fantasy Fiction

One day I was bored, so I went to look in the crawl space for some things.  I moved the boxes to look for something I knew was in the back. I kept crawling further and further. I don’t remember the space being this big, I thought. Then suddenly, I hit a door. Where did this come from? I thought.

I stood up and brushed off the snow. Half expecting to see Mr. Tumnus waiting for me, I was a little disappointed. But I trudged on, and soon I came to a house. I knocked on the door.

“Hello,” a little old lady answered. She didn’t look like a witch, so I figured I was safe. But again, being familiar with all those other fantasy worlds, I was on guard.

“Hi,” I said.

“Are you lost?”

“I just arrived here.”

“Come on in out of the cold. You’re not properly dressed for this weather, my dear.”

That was true. So I entered, cautiously. Everything looked normal.

“Where are you from?” she asked.

“The other side of the portal,” I said, knowing it sounded silly.

“Oh that’s so wonderful. It’s been so long since anyone has visited from the other side of the portal,” she said happily.

“Can you tell me where I am?” I asked.

“You’re in The Red Forest,” she told me.

“The Red Forest, sounds neat. Are there lots of people here?”

“There’s a castle a few miles down the road. You’ve actually arrived at a good time.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes. There’s a ball in a few weeks. The prince will be selecting a bride. I think you would be great.”

“Well I don’t think I can stay here a long time. I should go home.”

“Well why don’t you stay until the ball, and if you don’t like it, you can go home.”

“Sure,” I agreed. Why not, at home,, I was bored, there was nothing else to do. Besides, if I was right, then just like in the other worlds, when I returned home, it would be like no time had passed at all, and no one would know I was gone.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“You can call me Grazella,” she said.

“I’m Annie,” I said.

“Good to have you,” she told me.

Over the next week, Grazella taught me all about how to impress the prince. She also fed me some delicious meals, and I slept in a very comfortable four poster bed. It was great, I never had to do any chores or anything. Of course there was no tv, but Grazella had a lot of books for me to read.

After the first week, Grazella told me she had a dress for me to wear to the ball. “How did you know my size?” I asked.

“I’m good at guessing sizes,” she told me. I slipped out of my pants. I had been wearing the same clothes for a week, and they were beginning to feel a little tight, I realized. But that was probably just because of Grazella’s good cooking. Gaining a little weight would be okay. Grazella said the prince didn’t like stick thin princesses. The dress looked beautiful.

“It’s perfect,”I said.

“We’ll save it for the ball,” she replied. “I made you some more outfits to wear the next few weeks.” She handed me a skirt and blouse. It fit perfectly, it wasn’t tight.

The next two weeks, I spent reading all about the history of the prince and his family so I would have things to talk about at the ball. And I continued to eat Grazella’s great meals. It was better food then I had ever tasted.

“Where do you get all this good food?” I asked after I’d been there two weeks.

“What do you mean?”

“Well back at home we have restaurants and supermarkets.”

“I grow all the food in my garden, and whatever I can’t get I buy at the market. Actually, tomorrow you’re going to come with me.”

“Really?” I was excited.

“We have to introduce you into the town. The ball is next week, and you need to start attracting the prince’s attention.”

“Will he be there?”

“Of course not. But some of the palace’s servants will be. He always wants reports on the girls in the town. The servants will let him know about you. Here,” she handed me another new dress.

“This seems a little dressy for the market.”

“You have to look really great, so you’ll attract attention, trust me.” She sent me to my room to put it on; I wanted to look at myself in the mirror, but there was no mirrors. She told me mirrors promoted vanity. As I took off my outfit and put on the dress, I noticed that my chest and stomach had filled out a bit. I was happy. I was finally getting a little bit of a figure. Whatever Grazella was putting in the food, was great.

Soon I came out, and Grazella braided my hair. “We want your hair away from your face, so they can see how great you look,” she told me. I nodded. I was beginning to like it here in the Red Forest. Maybe I wouldn’t ever leave after all.

We got into Grazella’s carriage, and soon we were in a marketplace. Now I was surrounded by people. “I will introduce you as my niece,” she told me. “They wouldn’t understand about you coming from the other place.”

“That’s fine,” I said.

“This is Annie,” she began introducing me around. “My niece. She’s come for the Prince’s ball.” I was introduced to a lot of people. I saw them glancing at me. Some of the men pinched my butt, but I didn’t mind. It was great to finally be in a place where I was getting attention.

As we walked through the market, Grazella whispered to me, “those are the palace servants.” We walked pass them casually, and she introduced me, and said I was here for the ball. One of the male servants eyed me, and said, “We’ll be sure to tell the prince that there is an attractive new girl in town.”

Soon we had everything we needed, and we went back in the carriage.

After dinner, Grazella said to me, “Now that the prince will soon know about you, we must make sure you don’t make any faux pas at the ball. We only have one more week.” I nodded.

The next week, she worked me hard. During meals she made sure I knew what cutlery to use. When I was eating or sleeping, I was practicing curtseying and memorizing the names of the royal family. Every once in awhile Grazella had me model the dress for the ball. Sometimes I’d hear he whispering, it sounded like, “not quite ready yet,” but I think I was hallucinating.

The night before the ball, she said, “Tomorrow you must fast all day. There will be a many courses and you must eat them all. Many of the girls will be dainty and pick at their food. The prince will like to see that you have a hearty appetite. To practice, I have prepared a feast tonight.”

“I think I’m still stuffed from lunch,” I said, patting my stomach. I had noticed over the past week that I didn’t have to push my chair in as much. I guess I was putting on some more weight. But it didn’t matter, if that was what the prince liked.

“Why don’t you take a nap, maybe you’ll get hungry then.” So I nodded. I realized I was getting tired. I stripped out of my outfit, and put on the nightgown she’d made me. I closed my eyes.

I was dreaming. I heard the door open, and Grazella come in. I felt her feel my stomach. “Almost ready,” she said.

When I woke up, I felt refreshed, and sure enough, hungry. I put on my dress, and sat down at the table.

“Now,” Grazella said. “We’re going to pretend you’re at the ball. After the dancing, you will take your seat. We’ll go through the meal exactly as it will be tomorrow.” I nodded. As she placed each course in front of me, I found I was hungry. She kept reminding me to use the right cutlery. And asking me questions. “It’s hard to concentrate on what fork to use when you’re quizzing me,” I replied.

“Remember, there will be conversation during dinner, you need to make sure you can do both,” she reminded me.

By the time she placed dessert in front of me, I didn’t even realize that I had eaten so many courses already. I didn’t even feel full. When dessert was done, she said, “And now, to put the finishing touches on your gown.” She slid me into it, and gave me some heels. “You have to practice walking in heels,” she said. I twirled around. I looked perfect.

I had had a nap, so I wasn’t tired, so I went to do some reading. I had to make sure I knew what to talk about with the prince. But finally, I fell asleep.

I had a dream. I saw a girl climbing through a portal. There was an attic room. It seemed familiar. Like it might have been me in another life. Then the dream went away. Now I saw myself at the ball. The prince was coming towards me. “You look so beautiful,” he said. He took me in his arms and we danced. I saw all these stick figures, which I realized were the other girls at the ball, looking at me. The prince leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Wow, you are so big.” I looked down at myself. My stomach was expanding larger and larger.

I woke up with a start. The sun was shining in the window. Grazella came in, “time to get ready for the day,” she said. I put on my day outfit.

“No breakfast or lunch today, remember. You need to save your appetite.” I nodded. I went into the reading room. I would study all day.

In the afternoon, we had some tea. “You should have a nap. You don’t want to get tired if you’re going to dance all night at the ball.” I nodded.

I thought I might dream again. But there was nothing. I woke up when Grazella came in, and she said, “Time to go.” I reached for my bra. “No need,” she said. “You want the prince to see your cleavage. Trust me. The other girls won’t have what you have.” I nodded. She put the dress on me. “I’ll keep it a little lose,” she said. “After all there will be lots of food tonight.” I nodded. “I know you are against mirrors, but couldn’t I just look at myself just once?”

“Of course my dear,” she said. “Now you are perfect for the ball.” She took me to her room. “Look in this mirror,” she said. I did. I looked perfect. 

Soon we went in the carriage and headed to the castle. As it got closer and closer, it looked more and more beautiful. When we arrived, Grazella announced, “Grazella and my niece Annie.” The footman helped us down and soon I was walking into the castle. A lot of people were mingling around. A lot of women. Then I saw the royal family. I recognized the prince from his pictures. The King and Queen came up to us. Grazella and I curtsied. “This is my niece, Annie,” she said. “She came here specially for the ball,” Grazella announced. The prince, Michael, came up to us, and as I curtsied, I saw he was looking at my bosom. “My niece, Annie,” Grazella said to the prince.

“Pleased to meet you,” he said, kissing my hand. “I hope you will save some dances for me.”

“I would be honoured,” I said, as instructed.

Soon it was time for dinner. The prince took my arm and let me to the table. Grazella sat on another end with the chaperones. I saw all the young ladies looking at me jealously as the prince let me to a seat next to him. I was starving.

“I hope you are hungry,” the prince said.

“I am,” I told him. “I look forward to all the courses.”

Soon we were being served the first course. As I sipped my soup, I noticed the other girls only taking a few sips. Course after course was served. Salad, then meat, then pasta. I lost track. The prince kept up conversation with me. Soon the desserts came, an elaborate cake, pudding and more. “It is good to meet a girl with a hearty appetite,” Prince Michael said to me. “I like that in a woman,” I blushed. “A girl with meat on her bones will have fine healthy children,” he said. 

“We will take a short break, and then dancing,” the king announced. “Come Annie,” Grazella said.

“I will find you for the first dance,” Prince Michael said. I nodded.

Grazella led me away. “I am stuffed,” I said. “I don’t know if I can dance.”

“You’ll be fine,” Grazella said,  “The prince has barely looked at any other girl all night. By the end of the night, he’ll propose to you.”

“But he just met me.”

“My dear, you were meant to come here, and be with the prince.”

She led me out to the ballroom. The music had started. Everyone was milling around. “Why is no one dancing?”

“It is the prince’s ball. No one dances until he starts.” Prince Michael came down from his throne, and walked over to me, and held out his hand to me. I took it, and he led me out on the dance floor. Soon men were picking their partners. As the prince twirled me around, everyone looked like stick figures, like they had in my dream. But that had just been a dream. The prince signalled to the orchestra, and a slow number came on, “You are the most amazing girl I have ever met,” the prince said to me. He leaned in to whisper in my ear. I sucked in my breath. He leaned in and kissed me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grazella with a big smile on her face. And then suddenly, Michael pulled away from me, “You are so enormous,” he said.  Almost like in my dream. I looked down. Suddenly my dress was ripping apart; everyone was looking at me. I tried to move but I couldn’t.  In front of me, Prince Michael was frozen statue like.

“What have you done?” the Queen was looking at Grazella. Only she wasn’t the beautiful Grazella any more. Before my eyes, she had transformed. I realized why there was no mirrors, except in her bedroom. I would’ve seen her true face. And when I had looked in the mirror, it showed me what she wanted me to see. 

“Grazella, what is happening to me?” I asked. 

“At last,” she said. “At last I can have my revenge.”

The Queen spoke, as if she suddenly remembered. “50 years ago, I came through a portal. I attended the Prince’s ball and he chose me as his queen.”

“But he was supposed to choose me,” Grazella said. “I was the most beautiful princess. He was going to marry me. But then you showed up out of no where and he married you. I have been waiting so long for another girl to come through the portal. You see my dear. I knew the prince would be like his father. He would pick the most beautiful girl at the ball. But he would reject you if you were enormous. So I would finally have my revenge.” She snapped her fingers and the prince came out of his trance.

“Annie, what happened to you, you were so beautiful.”

“Magic spell,” I said. “Grazella has been fattening me up, but she disguised it with this dress. She wanted revenge on your parents.”

“Oh Annie, I love you, I don’t care how big you are.” The prince kissed me again. I heard Grazella scream. Suddenly, everything went black.

When I woke up, Prince Michael and his parents were looking down at me. I was in a bed.

“What happened?” I asked.

“My son broke Grazella’s spell, by accepting you even though you were enormous” the Queen said. “When that happened, Grazella disappeared in a puff of smoke. You fell unconscious, and you’ve been like that for two weeks. But the good news is, the magic she put on you has also broken.” I looked down at myself. I wasn’t enormous any more.

“For the past two weeks we’ve been hoping you would wake up,” said the king. “And now you have, and the wedding can proceed.”

“You still want me?” I asked Prince Michael.

“You are beautiful. I want you to be my princess. But I do have one question. Where are you from, really?”

“Suddenly it came back to me. “I came through a portal, to this world.”

“In the attic, right?” the Queen looked at me. “Just like I did. Now my dear, will you stay, or do you wish to go back there?”

I looked at Prince Michael. He had declared his love for me, whether I was normal or enormous. “I’ll stay.”

We were married a month later. A few months later, I looked at myself in the mirror in the palace. I had gained some weight, but this time it was healthy. It wasn’t from a spell. I was pregnant with Michael’s child.

I took a trip back to Grazella’s house. I saw the portal, and my attic room. She was there, but she was young. Then the portal closed. I left the house and returned to the palace.

Then Prince Michael and I lived happily ever after.

April 19, 2020 21:41

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Morey Guntz
14:40 Apr 30, 2020

Hi! I'm from the critique circle. This story was amazing. When you wrote about Grazella fattening Annie up, I thought she was going to get eaten, but you completely subverted my expectations with the revenge story. That's always good to do. I think this story has a good message about unconditional love. However, you do have an issue with consistency. At the beginning of the story, you wrote that Annie found the portal in the crawlspace, but later it changed to the attic, which was a bit confusing. All in all, though, this story was re...


Aha Blume
18:09 Apr 30, 2020

Thanks for noticing - the crawl space is in the attic. I actually based that on when I lived in my grandma's attic and there was a crawl space. When I was submitting the story, I had to cut down the word count to fit with Reedsy's word limit, and I cut a few things. I thought I had mentioned that the crawl space was in her attic room, but that must have got erased when I was cutting it down. I'll add that back in for future submissions that don't have word counts!


Morey Guntz
19:01 May 01, 2020

Ah. Okay. Thanks for clarifying!


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