American Drama Sad

Summer, 1950s

April's POV

"Papa," I called as I strode into our new house. Papa built it himself and, he just finished a couple of weeks ago. It was a cozy house made from brick and flowers planted outside. It felt like home. "Papa," I called again. "Yes, April," He called back. My name wasn't inspired by anything, just that my mama and Papa loved the name. I saw that Papa was helping my older brother Timothy with his toy car. He thinks he's all that special because he's 14 but, I'm only two years younger.

I looked for mama and found her in the kitchen cooking in her new apron, light brown hair swept up into a loose ponytail, and her olive skin looking sweet. I wish I looked like her but, I was stuck with dirty blonde hair, pale skin, and freckles. I hated my freckles with all my heart. I walked to the dining table and watched mama knead some dough. I got bored and decided to go outside. I saw a newspaper on the ground. I was surprised because we live in a farm area, not the city. I saw a huge picture of our president. He was a boy. Of course, he was. Women had barely any rights. I want to become the first female president.

I kept walking into my backyard. I sat down on a chair on the patio as the sun beamed down onto my face. I daydreamed on the chair until mama called me in for supper. I walked into the house and saw Papa, mama, and Tim sitting at the table. I washed my hands at the sink and walked to the table. I sat down as mom put a baked potato onto my plate.

Everyone started munching into their food and, I did too. Suddenly mama started coughing like crazy. Papa handed her a glass of water and, she began to calm down. I began to get worried. I didn't say anything. I asked if I could b excused and skipped to my room. I jumped on my bed and opened my journal. I had written down a whole bunch of things about becoming president. It has always been my dream. Mama thinks it's silly and, Tim thinks I'm crazy and that it will never happen. I don't care about what they say though I know I will or, at least, I'll be part of it.

A couple of days after mama passed away. I'll never forget that day. She was in bed that night. When I woke up in the morning she wasn't there waking up. Papa and Tim helped shake her but, It was useless.

Summer, 2016

April Jr.'s POV

I knocked on the wooden door sharply. I was so nervous I was going to meet my grandmother for the first time. She also happens to have my name, April. The house was very pretty one it had a flowerbed and attractive brick on the side it looked very aged though. My hands were so sweaty and, my heart was beating so quickly. Then I heard footprints and an old woman with a beautiful pale complexion and a loose bun of grey and a few strands of golden hair falling out. She smiled sweetly and said, "You must be April junior". I stared and blurted "how did you know". "Oh, you look just like I did when I was younger". She walked inside and, I followed her.

She pointed at a seat and sat down on the sofa next to it. I sat down and started talking. "I'm here for a few reasons," I said a little too calmly than I was feeling. "Go ahead," she said with a calm and kind voice. "Mom's dead" I blurted out before I could stop myself. I slapped my hands on my mouth. I almost started bawling there right on her couch.

She walked towards me she didn't seem fazed. "there there" she said while patting me on the back and handing me some water. I accepted it and apologized. "There's no need" she replied. "you don't seem to care that- well- shes-" I said. "shhhhh" she interrupted me. "I'm not fazed because I knew it Courtney was always a bit sick. She was always getting fevers all the time. "It happened to my mother too" she whispered.

I gulped some water and started to calm down. "How old are you dear," she asked me "I- 'm 35" I gulped. "you're not married," she said. "yep" I replied. "I've been so busy preparing to become president I didn't have time" I explained. I saw her eyes open widely. "president" she asked quietly like if she said it any louder it wouldn't be true. "yep" I said. "Oh my," she said. "I was going to ask you if you help me," I told her. "of course," she said excitedly but, calmly. "I have a person who will help us," she told me.

We both waited in awkward silence until there was a knock on the door. I suddenly asked her what I should call her she replied with grandma, nana, granny, or April. I decided on grandma as she got the door. A tall man around 35 walked in. We made eye contact for a split second until grandma said "Michael this is my granddaughter April junior, April this is my neighbor Michael he is like a grandson to me". "Hello," we both said.

He sat down on a chair. "April here is running for president," grandma said. "Oh," Michael responded. We continued talking and we hired some people and Michael would be my Vice President. Michael left and grandma went to get some tea. I fidgeted with my hands while waiting for her to bring the tea.

Summer, 1970s

April's POV

I turned 35! What an exciting thing well for me at least or anyone else obsessed with becoming president. I thought while waking up. I jumped out of bed and walked downstairs. I saw my husband, Jason. Sleeping on the couch. I walked past him and got a glass of OJ. I rushed upstairs and threw on some bellbottom jeans and a striped shirt. I rushed out of the house and just sat there with my journal.

I wrote in it until I heard the television crackle inside. I walked in and saw Jason watching the television with a glass of OJ in his hands. "good morning" He grumbled. "Good Morning," I said enthusiastically. He didn't say anything. I was so confused had he forgotten my birthday I thought. I wanted to cry.

I ran upstairs with my journal and saw that there was a telegram on my bed. I ignored it and decided to sleep. When I woke up it was dark and I was starving. I went downstairs and got some food and sat down. I chewed my food thoroughly. Then it hit me that it was my birthday. I put my plate of half-eaten food down and went back upstairs. I saw my telegram again and decided to read it. It was written to, Mrs. April daughter of Mr. Harris. It said, I am very sorry to inform you this but, your father has passed away. That was all that was written. I almost fainted. I cried that night. I haven't cried since mama had passed away. That was decades ago.

Summer, 2016

April Jr.'s POV

I waited a bit until Grandma brought me some tea. She handed me the tea and, she had some tea herself. We sat there drinking tea. After a while, I decided that it would be a good time to leave. "Um so grandma I think I should leave now," I said awkwardly. "Oh already," She said back. "Yeah," I said sheepishly.

I honestly didn't want to leave though I loved it here. It smelt like cookies and it felt warm, calm, and like home. It's been kind of hard for me to say anything that feels like home, to be honest. "Oh please do stay" she coaxed. "I don't have anything to wear and, I'm sure it would be uncomfortable for you" I replied flatly." I have lived here all my life and, It isn't just my home it's yours too. Please don't feel uncomfortable. I couldn't say no after that so I decided to stay.

It was late by now so we ate dinner, some salad that grandma made. We ate and she made my mother's childhood room which was also hers's suitable for me. She dusted it a bit and got new pillows and blankets. Grandma left and, I sat down on the bed. I then went to the bathroom and got ready for bed.

After that, I came back into the room and, something caught my eye. It was a journal sitting plainly on a bookshelf. I walked over to it and noticed that it looked very used. I opened it and realized that my grandmother had written it. I started to read it page by page. After reading the journal I found out that she wanted to become president too! "We have so much in common, "I thought.

Winter, 1970's

April's POV

"She's perfect," I said as I saw my baby girl Courtney. She was gorgeous she had my pale skin, my mama's beautiful skin, and Jason's green eyes. Suddenly the doctor told me that he wanted to talk to me. "Maam I'm sorry but your daughter has quite a few medical problems she might not make it," the doctor said shyly. "Will she be okay?" I asked. "We will work on her and try to save her" he responded. He took the baby and I was exhausted and fell asleep.

I woke up the next day seeing my baby next to me. I felt so relieved that she was alright. The nurse came in and gave me some food. I ate it and after I finished the doctor came in and told me I was free to go. I thanked him and Jason came a few hours later. He helped me in the car and he held the baby as well. The drive home was smooth and when we arrived I slept like a baby. Courtney did not though she kept crying.

Summer, 2016

April Jr.'s POV

Michael came over every day and Grandma helped plan. I gave a lot of speeches, shook a lot, and kissed a lot of babies. Everything was going great and we had posters everywhere and I saw lots of signs at people's houses with my name on them. They were supporting me!

I was thinking over everything at lunch when I thought of something that I had never thought of before. "If I get elected for president then I'll have to move to Virginia. I would have to move away from grandma. I loved Illinois I couldn't move. Maybe Grandma would move with me. "Grandma," I said. "Yes," she replied. "Will you move to D.C with me if I get elected?" I asked calmly full of hope. "Oh, I would never leave my house, I've lived here all my life" She chuckled.

I finished eating and told her I was going out. I was just talking a small walk around the neighborhood when I got a phone call. "Hello is this April jr. Ruth Harold" The caller said. "Yes, it is," I said worriedly. "Your father Joseph Harold has been arrested," he told her. I stood there in disbelief. "What did he do" I whispered. "Your father has pushed 13 people off of a cliff" he replied. "Is there any proof?" I said trying to push back my tears. "Yes two police officers saw him do it," he said. "Oh," I replied. "Is there any way to get him out of jail?" I said with hope. "Sorry there is no way to get Joseph out of prison," he said. I had some hope but it was all gone. I ran home and rushed up the stairs without saying a word to grandma.

Winter, 1980's

April's POV

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" I screamed at my husband as he threw my second child Melisa into the water. I called 911 right away. It was dark and cold. I saw the red and blue lights in the background, the sirens screaming in the wind. I saw the policemen taking Jason while he tries to get free, everything was a blur and then I fell.

I woke up with my head throbbing. I saw a doctor beside me with a clipboard with a bunch of results from some test. "Your awake," He said surprisingly. "Where am I" I responded. "At the hospital Maam," He responded. That was the moment it all came back to me Melisa crying my husband laughing like a maniac.

"Is he in jail?" I asked. "Yes your husband is in prison" He responded.

I looked on my lap and realized my firstborn child was sleeping on me. I started crying. "I should have saved my other one too," I thought. A nurse came in and I quickly wiped my tears. The doctor went out and The nurse handed me some water. I drank it and I realized how thirsty I was.

Summer, 2016

April Jr.'s POV

I didn't cry that night. I wasn't sad at all I was furious at him. Why would he do something so stupid? Why did it have to happen to me? "April honey," Grandma said interrupting my thoughts. "Please go away grandma I don't feel like talking," I told her. "Okay sweetheart I left some food here," She said. After a few hours, I got really hungry so I opened my door and found some food and a note. I ate some crackers and an apple while reading the note. I started reading and realized that It was a page from the journal. I kept reading and I was speechless. It happens that grandma's husband had gotten arrested as well.

Fall, 2016

April Jr.'s POV

"OH MY GOSH, WE DID IT" I screamed to Michael. I had just been elected president. "WE DID IT" He screamed back. I hugged him so hard. I couldn't believe it my dream had finally come true. I looked around and I was confused because I didn't see grandma. "Where's, grandma?" I asked in confusion. Michael shrugged and he went to get some punch and to eat some celebration cake. I called her phone but nobody answered. I started to get worried, I looked around but she wasn't there. Suddenly I got a phone call. "Hello"? I said. "Hello your grandmother is in a coma please come to the hospital," the caller said. I started to get my coat and headed to the door. Michael caught up with me and asked me what was happening. I ignored him and kept walking." April you're scaring me what's happening?" he said. I ignored him. I got into my car and drove to the airport.

I got there and told them I needed a flight right now. They booked one for me and Michael came running in. "What is wrong April please tell me," he said. "Grandma- she's- she's in a coma" I blurted out. "Oh," he said. Someone walked up to us and told us our flight was ready. I walked and he trailed behind me. The flight was silent. That's all there was to it. We arrived and got into a car and went straight to the hospital. When we arrived I rushed to her room and saw her. She was pale and there were bandages on her head, her eyes closed. I rushed up to her and held her hand.

Summer, 2024

April Jr.'s POV

"WE'RE RICH" Michael screamed as collected the money from the lottery. I was unfazed I stopped caring about everything after the coma. "Cool," I said. "WE'RE BOTH GETTING ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS" he screeched. He hurried out and we got into his car. I put on my earplugs and started to listen to music. We arrived at my house and I got out. "Bye," he winked as he rolled down his window. I gave him a small smile while rolling my eyes.

I walked into my house and threw the money on my counter.

The next day I got in my car and went to surprise Michael. He was perfect because he knew for so long so he knew my habits. I arrived and saw another car I was confused because he doesn't usually have guests. I knocked on the door and Michael answered. He grinned at me. "Hi," we said at the same time. "Come in," he told me. I walked in and sat down on a couch looking at my ring. When he proposed I couldn't believe it and the ring was beautiful.

All of a sudden I heard a woman's voice "Mikey I'm home". I stared in disbelief. Michael looked like he wanted to disappear. "MICHAEL HOW COULD YOU AFTER ALL THAT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS IS HOW IT'S GOING TO END" I screamed at him throwing my ring at him. "April listen to me," he said. "WHY SHOULD I DO THAT" I yelled.

A couple of months later I got a call saying I could see my grandmother because she had woken up. "Grandma," I said when I got there. "Hi," She said with a raspy voice. She started coughing like crazy and she drank some water. She looked sick. "Grandma I did it I'm p-" I said until she fainted. I called for a doctor but It was too late. This was all my fault I thought. I cried right there. The last time I cried was when I was a baby. It was all gone I had the money and the power but I had lost everything that I loved. There no point in being on the top of the world when there's nobody to be therewith.

March 18, 2021 18:37

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Robert Consiglio
22:57 Mar 24, 2021

It's hard to comment on this story, since it is so complex and multi faceted. I'm afraid it has too many crazy twists and surprises. Having plot twists is good, but too many can confuse the reader and the constant shocks begin to make the reader become numb. The relationship with the grandmother is good. Expand on it. When she dies, it was the most heartbreaking event in this story. Tell us more about her character/life etc. Just some suggestions. Good luck with your writing.


23:02 Mar 24, 2021

Thanks so much for the feedback. The story was over 3000 words long so I had to cut it off a bit so that's why I couldn't add much information about her grandmother.


Robert Consiglio
23:37 Mar 24, 2021

Understood. The word limit can be a handicap.


23:51 Mar 24, 2021

Yes- thank you for the feedback though.


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Awww......... so saddddddd But great jobbbb :DDD


23:39 Mar 18, 2021

It is sad- very sad I almost cried while writing it. lol but thanks so much for the compliment I worked really hard. :))


23:53 Mar 18, 2021

I'm glad to know my hard work finally payed off. :')


23:55 Mar 18, 2021



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14:09 Mar 23, 2021

I think it was just a little bit choppy, but I love the ideas. Like, once again, I think you're just missing a few things in your writing, but you're so cloooseeeee I'm *technically* an Aquarius too btw, but I don't see it at all.


14:33 Mar 23, 2021

lol ik it needs a lot of work and zodiac twinsssssssss.


14:37 Mar 23, 2021

Yesss... could you fill out my reedsy cast form too?


14:43 Mar 23, 2021

yesss omg i jus did im so excited lol.


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Sia S
06:30 Mar 23, 2021

:'( so sad but it was greattttt


12:43 Mar 23, 2021

aww thank you so muchh and im sry it saddd lol


Sia S
15:24 Mar 23, 2021

Welcomee aw it's okay loll


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