Adventure Fantasy Fiction

The Enlightened

Ryan Gordon , alias , Flyin' Ryan or Flash , leaned back in his gaming chair after the less fun part of his intrepid (mis)adventures , the travel blog. But this time was different - Everest , Angkor Wat , even the Great Wall were all spectacular in their own way , climbing each and learning about their origins were enriching , but there was a feeling about Machu Picchu , altogether more peace........serenity .......calm in the mind.

Calm was a rare commodity for Ryan , since childhood , he always buzzed around , running wild , having fun. As he grew , sport replaced fun but until climbing , rarely brought quiet to his mind. Even a double degree in Psychology and History with the requisite burden of study , really only provided a distraction to the noise.

The only other similar experience was at the Sphinx but he'd dismissed the voices as wind in the desert or the burgeoning heat. As his eye fell on one of his selfie stick images , he caught sight of something. Ryan had set the shot up with the Inca guide , Pablo , where they clasped one wrist each and fanned out either side of the Intihuatana Stone , an ancient sundial towards the top of the Inca mountain. And there above both their heads was a faint but distinct aura , orange , yellow and mainly greens. As Ryan looked closer , it appeared that the aura was the background colours of trees , foliage , sunlight but , amplified , clarified even.
 Anyway it was late and Ryan had to present his travel findings and report to Professor Heriot tomorrow so it was time to turn in. As he reclined on his bed to begin the breathing exercises , he selected meditation music from the playlist on his watch and as the Buddhists began to hum in harmony. He looked at his ceiling and as the lava lamp projected rolling psychedelic baubles across it Ryan was reminded of the auras.

"Outstanding , Mr Gordon' the Professor bellowed 'you have surpassed yourself!'

Ryan was already peering over his presentation notes and now he wanted to hide behind them completely.

'You understand we are not the Tourism and Adventure Faculty don't you? That when the University of Edinburgh send you on a field assignment to one of the richest human historical artefacts in the World that there is an expectation that you would undertake to further our research endeavours and expand our knowledge base? 'Wisdom is the Principal' and all that , Gordon?'

Ryan raised his left hand and rubbed his eyes with thumb and forefinger as he replied' I know......I understand we are here to further our collective knowledge , Professor , but this was different. When I was a the summit of the Citadel with Pablo , there was trance-like feeling , colour , lights.....'

The Professor leaned forward in his studded leather armchair and rested his chin on the heel of his hand, 'Hmmmmm. Ayahuasca , maybe?'

'No....no , not at all , I mean,' he tossed the notes on the enormous leather bound desk and dug deep in his pocket now , pulling out his phone. He swiped through the images for the one over the Intihuatana Stone , and turned the phone over to the weary Dean.

He accepted the device and as he looked at the image onscreen , his frown uncreased , his eyes widened and raised his left hand to his mouth , bunched in a tight fist and Ryan though he could detect a slight tremble.


'Good God in Heaven , boy. I see it but ....... I mean'

'What is it?' Ryan said , now alarmed.

The Professor slowly raised himself to his full height and said' I need you to go to the Faculty library immediately , I need you to bring me the volume of Highest State of 
Consciousness , the Campbell one.'

'Why , Professor , what do you mean'

'You'll need to trust me now Ryan , but I think you may have just made the most valuable discovery in recent human history'

Ryan shuffled down the marble corridors of the Faculty , lined with busts of some of history's great minds , Marcus Aurelius , Seneca and Epictetus to name a few. As he approached warm glow of the oak double doors he noticed the Faculty insignia above them ' Sapientia Principal'.

He briefly doubted the wisdom of what he was about to do next before forging on through the ornate grand doorway and heading for authors whose surname began with C.
As he walked gingerly between the colossal archive praying Campbell wasn't among the nestled on the 25th row of shelves , Ryan became aware of draft. Turning towards it he began following the source of the air and , left first and then down to the far end of the entire library past endless volumes in Greek Mythology , Roman Architecture , Alexander of Macedonia and finally to the darkest corner of the bibliotheque to ancient philosophy.

As he blindly followed enthralled by the air flow now it seemed to be guiding him to the book. He glanced over at A's and B's he distinctly heard the voice from Egypt say ,' feel the energy , follow the energy'. Entranced by the voice , Ryan turned and directly in front of him was the book. His vision started to blur as his hand reached out to grab the spine of the heavy volume , his head started to shake , the airflow started to rush at his face and then as white light encircled him he whirled into unconsciousness.

Ryan opened his eyes , aware he was standing upright. To left and right were two enormous semi-circular vaults , each shelf illuminated and tomes of ancient study volumes occupied each shelf space. In the centre was a white ceramic column and above it a crest of what looked like stars , almost like a shrine.

The area was so bright and immaculate , Ryan started to feel this may be Heaven , but then what happened to him?

As if his thoughts had been heard a familiar voice said 'Outstanding , once again , Mr Gordon'

'Professor?' Ryan said and a figure emerged in white robes from behind the centre column , hooded but as he turned his face was unmistakeable.

'Oh , thank God , Professor it is you,' Ryan exclaimed as he walked to the cloaked figure and tried to embrace him and he passed straight through the figure and turned to face him.

'What? You are ghost?'

'Not quite. Come with me Ryan , I have a lot of explaining to do.' As Ryan walked alongside the Professor he became aware they were both glowing brightly.

'Energy. its what we all are when all is said and done. What you are now is a conscious energy projection created by your mind. I saw you were one of us from the aura in the photograph and sent you here to see if you would manifest. The book I asked you for doesn't exist , it is only visible to those with the capability to see it. Right now you are still at the library , in the same moment as I am still at my desk in my chamber. You see Ryan , this sanctuary is an enormous energy cavern and we are not just dedicated to improve knowledge , our higher purpose is to understand , study and use the brains undiscovered powers.'

'Whoa .......hang on here , what do you mean , powers?'

'Have a look for yourself , these are our study volumes.'

Ryan turned and walked gingerly to the left hand vault and , as he did so , the names of the text came into view - The Power of the Spectrum , Harness Your Aura , Pyromania , Cryomania , Telekinesis , Telepathy for beginners , Teleportation.

Ryan whirled around and , momentarily it felt like the world was spinning ,' Telekinesis? Telepathy? These are myths , the stuff of fantasy???'

The Professor's mischief was kindled and he smiled and he replied without moving his mouth , ' No , my friend , very much facts'

'Aaaaahhhhhhhh' Ryan yelled in alarm as he heard the reply but acutely aware that the Professor clearly had developped his telepathy skill. 

'I'm sorry Ryan , I shouldn't jest , but there is a world I must show you now.' and with that the Professor continued to channel his telepathic messages.

Suddenly Ryan was confronted with a memory , his mother holding his hand as the doctor delivered the news. 'ADHD , Mrs Gordon , is quite common , treatable with therapy and a drug prescription , Ritalin is the most prolific at successful ADHD treatment' and now'.........suddenly , Ryan , older now is extending his legs to lock his knees as he straightens his back and lifts a car off a man's legs trapped underneath it.

And then suddenly his aunt appeared , young again and was sitting in a hospital bed trussed in a straight jacket , glazed eyes and rocking back and forth. At the end of the bed a little girl was wrestling out of the grip of two orderlies and suddenly the air distorted above her head and small items began float , cups , paper clips , a handkerchief , an empty bedpan , food trays , all revolving around her in a circle. One orderly said ,'its meds time Mallory' and before he could continue she screamed and all the floating shrapnel then flew at the orderley.

And then the Professor slumped in a dark lounge room airchair , a bottle of whisky in his hand dropping at the side along with a photo frame of a woman as a shaft of light lanced directly at him and his body floated out of the armchair , and rose arms outstretched and face upturned to the light .

The light subsided and Ryan became present again ,'Its all lies , all of it. ADHD , schizophrenia , depression , they not real..........misdiagnosed. But the objects and .............you were floating ............'

Speaking this time the Professor said ' Our modern psychology is in its infancy Ryan , too little is understood about the brain and our answers are to treat the symptom not the cause. For a few of us who can harness our power , we can use our impairment to great benefit , levitation , superhuman strength , transporting objects , mind reading.'

'But why is this not widely known?' Ryan said.

'Sadly , we are the greatest existential threat to the pharmaceutical industry and sadly our neurotypical brothers and sisters tend to react with fear and irrationality. Also , we have an enemy who seek to destroy us'

'Us?' Ryan exclaimed.

'Yes , Ryan Gordon . We are The Enlightened.'

May 24, 2024 09:33

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Sam Dawson
13:49 May 30, 2024

Hi Alex I really enjoyed your story. The narrative is very clever in the way it mimics how Ryan's mind works. The story is compelling, intriguing and keeps you guessing as to where the story is taking the reader. I think the way the story looks at neurodiversity in a very enlightened way which I guess links very well to the title.


Alex McColm
23:46 May 30, 2024

Thanks Sam , really appreciate the feedback , glad you enjoyed it!


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Alex McColm
11:41 May 24, 2024

3rd submission


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