Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

Arabella flew around the lavender growing, delicately inhaling the calming scent of the purple flowers. It was a warm summer morning, the dew had just left and the plants were still moist, the honey bees began to do their work, pollinating and buzzing around her. "Watch out you clumsy creature, can't you share with others?" She told the bee boldly, some fairies were quite the brats you see, others were mischievous and enjoyed causing troubles. Arabella had a strong personality really, she was comfortable fluttering her pretty colorful wings and hovering around the lavender. "Hmph, we have to eat, and so do the plants." Replied the bee, as he continued to pollinate, he was NOT going to be swayed by this little tiger fairy he thought, his wings busied in the early morning sunrise.

"Well, you can always find another spot, how about those daisy patches over there?" A young robin pointed his wing towards the spread of white and yellow petals, inviting. "Lots of those around." The bird continued and squaked. It was mating season he was looking for a wife a lady robin to nest and breed so he can take care of the little ones and give them worms to eat. The fairy looked over at the daisy patch, and decided to make a move for it, there didn't seem to be any activity going on there 'Not a bad idea' she thought, so as the sun rose high in a promising blue sky day, Arabella flew and flapped over to the daisy patch.

Once again she began to enjoy her time, fluttering and hopping among the pretty little white flowers, not a care in the world, then suddenly she jumped up in fright of having been interrupted.

"What the heck? Oh great, a nice big cow to bother me now." She sighed in deep exasperation, putting her face in her little tiny hands and sat on top of a daisy.

"Mooooo, I live in this field, I love these daisies as a snack." The old cow told her as he chewed and chomped on a bunch of the flower tops, drooling while he did so.

"So, where am I supposed to play then? Everywhere I go seems to be inhabited one way or the other." She said to him. "Can a fairy not have some peace and quiet?"

"Not sure about that, maybe you need to go deeper into the forrest, and fly among the tall grasses there or hide in the shrubs?"

"Oh, the forrest, it's so dark and dreary, I much prefer the sun."

"Well, let's see then, how about the haystacks over yonder?"

Arabella looked out beyond the daisies and saw the fields of haystacks, sitting quietly like little bundles of round beings, not doing anything really. She pondered the idea, but now was getting tired of flying and needed a rest, her little wings worked hard, her inner voice told her to stay put for awhile. She fluttered on top of the old car and planted herself right behind his ear, warm and soft, the old cow didnt seem to mind, he could barely feel her anyway, he kind of liked having a friend anyway, being a cow could be so lonely, all cows did was eat and try to stay in the shade as much as possible. One cow didnt seem to care for another cow, so he welcomed the little fairy nesting in his ear.

The fairies lived among the animals, and they all enjoyed their communicating, in the world of fairyland nothing was impossible, and even though some fairies were nicer than others, the lot of them thrived in unison and harmony.

"Well, that was nice, I feel so much better now, are you going over to the haystacks soon to eat?" Arabella hoped to catch a ride, the cow lifted his head and mooed, began walking clumsily towards the haystacks. Horses grazed in the back field, not paying heed - even the little fairies didnt bother them much, they just trotted off and away if they got annoyed at them, so the fairies would find somewhere else to hang out.

The day grew warm as promised earlier, the morning dew long had dried up, they reached the haystacks and the old cow began to munch on the ground hay beneath the field rack left for them. Arabella didnt want hay, she wanted to play near water now, and see the sparkling shadows of the pond not far off, she had a good rest, she could fly there now, so saying goodbye to the cow, she flew happily to the pond, where water lilies sat on the green water, and little fishes swam happily beneath, dragonflies busied themselves looking for insects to eat.

"Howdy doody Arabella, nice day today isnt it?" Jackal hopped himself onto a large lilypad, next to a log where she started walking around floating on the soft water of the pond. "Not bad, yes, it is, how's the hunting going, lots of insects to eat for you?" She asked, yawning and more relaxed now that she got here, she loved the little pond. Even the horses came here to drink and cool off in hot weather, and today, they would be here to do just that, splash around with their hooves. Bliss, that was life as fairy was like, knowing all the animals, good and bad, (some didnt like fairies and would happily dispose of them for a snack) but otherwise this was her life, and she made the best of things here, in this haven of nature.

"Yes, we are having a good morning, the little spring knats are out, so we are eating those right now, then the mosquito larvae after that later." Replied the dragonfly, only fairies could talk to dragonflies, and dragonflies could only talk to other dragonflies or fairies. That's how the legends went, see fairies had special powers, and talking to animals and insects was one of them, it gave them a way to protect themselves, fairies lived a very very long time.

March 19, 2021 16:13

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K. Antonio
19:13 Mar 27, 2021

Your first sentence feels off. I think it would be easier to read if it was: "Arabella flew around the growing lavender, delicately inhaling the calming scent of the purple flowers." (I don't even think you need to mention their colors, seeing as lavender and purple are easily associable. The story has a few words that are repeated a bit too often "fluttering", "dew", etc... are just some examples. I Would say that a great technique to catch repetitive words would be to read your story out loud, when you hear the repetition you become m...


Marianna Mills
09:59 Apr 01, 2021

Oh ok great advice - thanks so much for your honest feedback, will try reading out loud to improve on those things. cheers


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Moon 🌙
12:14 Mar 27, 2021

love it! this is amazing! well writen too :)


Marianna Mills
00:01 Apr 03, 2021

Thank you glad you liked it.


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Palak Shah
16:27 Mar 19, 2021

I love the way this is written; good job Marianna !!! Please check out my recent story if possible. Thanks Have a good day !!! ~Palak :))


Marianna Mills
21:37 Mar 19, 2021

I am glad u liked it - thought I would try to be more creative, thanks, will do for sure.


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