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Contemporary Funny Happy

“That’s the thing about this city…” Is the words that always ends with a surprising and sometimes violent outcome. Sometimes I even have a very nice outcome too.

Why do I always end with that line of dialogue?

Hell if I know. That’s not even the only one. Now that I think about it, it’s not even the best one I guess. 

however, I always felt like it was a good end before that final end kiss, or heroic sacrifice. Two weeks ago I said that line then added “it always keeps you on your toes.” Then I swirled the redhead I just saved from sinister terrorist, around in a twirl and did my best Bruce Campbell impersonation, “bow to the king baby”.

I don’t know, maybe I like being overly dramatic I guess. There are plenty of quotes and saying to end a good story on. Who knows. 

This city does allow your Imagination to run wild however. So maybe that’s why I like that saying so much. Because it’s true.

From superhero’s to epic love stories. The city can breed it all. From rag to riches, to even dirty and hot erotica. Theres no Fifty Shades of Grey or Godzilla in rural Oklahoma. But those types of places have a feel and look all there own.

Right there, that street corner. A squad of battle-harden soldiers are holding off a hoard of zombies trying to overwhelm them. In their weary minds, is the voice of the president. He sounds just like President Eisenhower. But instead of saying things like “you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine”. He is saying something like “you will end the grip the undead have on us. Only then can we restore our place as this planet Dominant lifeforms. 

On the other street corner. A robot steps out of a bombed out storefront. It’s carrying a massive energy weapon. The alien mech looks around confused. It arrived to destroy humanity. Only to see that it is about a hundred years to late. O the irony. 

In between these two scenes is a host of characters. Walking to their own individual destinies.

A sword wielding lone wolf who is trying to forget the past. Trying to find some redemption maybe.

The woman beside him. A seductive killer straight out of a bond film. Curvy, but absolutely batshit crazy.

The man behind her. His suit is clean to the point of unnatural. His eyes bleed the color of dead angels. He holds up a playing card. “Willing to place a bet” he whispers softly. His voice is the sounds of scream and terror. 

The woman behind that beast is holding herself tight. Her eyes are gleaming with tears. However, her stare is pure determination in its most purest form. She has seen terrible things. But they won’t beat her. Never have, never will. 

The teenager behind her is a wizard. Struggling to save his magical world from some long imprisoned threat. Or a dead/resurrected threat. His friends and love interest right behind him. A epic battle of light versus dark. A oldie but a goodie. 

You know I read once that the writer of those famous wizard novels use to be a stripper. A stripper that wields fire spells. Haha, sounds like the beginnings of a bad porno. Not that I… would know anything about that. You understand right? 

Hey, if you’re going to tell me, that a badass sorceress In a bikini. Blasting monsters with her lighting spells like a damn sexy Darth Vader, isn’t entertainment. Then I guess we aren’t going to be best buds. You tell me that I’m weird for thinking of that, then I’ll say to go and play the those games with the guy with the gray hair. The game that now has a show. The one with the two witch’s. You know the one. Oh yeah, and you can go fuc….

“HEY DIPSHIT!” a voice yells out behind me. ”The light is green”! The man in the car behind me yelled out his window. 

Snapping out of my daydream. I looked around. The soldiers fighting the undead. Look to be just a bunch of patrons at a corner bistro. Across the street, where the lonely killer robot was, is just a boring bank. The cast of characters are just a bunch of people talking on their phones or with each other, as they crossed the street. I really got to stop daydreaming like this. 

The lone wolf and seductive man-eater look to be a couple. Holding hands and talking like couples do. The card wielding demon looks to probably be a bank manager or loan manager. Judging how he is aggressively talking to whoever is on the other end of that phone. The card wielding, eye bleeding demon is probably more nicer. 

The woman who seemed so scared yet determined, was actually a fit and very accomplished looking older woman. The wizard teenager was just a high school student listing to music. His head popping to some tune playing through his earphones. 

Yep this city may be heaven to some, and a cesspool to others. But it is interesting.

Many people say that Imagination is all in ones mind. Some people are just creative. Others aren’t. I don’t really believe that. Imagination can be built up. Strengthen with enough passion and detail. Imagination is a core fundamental of our kind. We looked up at the stars and said “what is that”? We seen people do wonderful and horrible things, yet we asked ourselves, why? 

The imagination is a key fundamental element of our collect soul. No matter for want purpose; good or evil, Imagination feed our minds as much as pizza feeds our bodies. 

Speaking of pizza I am hun….

“Dude, your killing me smalls, go already”! The man behind me screamed. 

I laugh to myself as I waved to the man behind me, a little embarrassed. I drive past the colorful characters and interesting locations that don’t exist. I think I’ll tell my girl about some of the daydreaming I did today. I know she’ll get a kick out of the stripping wizard. 

That’s the thing about this city, it loves to open your imagination. Now all it needs is some damn patience.

The End 

March 18, 2021 21:49

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1 comment

Sierra T
01:01 Mar 25, 2021

This was great! I was really interested in the fight against the zombies, and these cliched characters preparing themselves for battle. The way you shattered the illusion by revealing that the main character's just in traffic was such a familiar feeling to me as a daydreamer myself, and I really related for that moment of disorientation the character experienced. "That’s the thing about this city, it loves to open your imagination. Now all it needs is some damn patience." I thought this line was so great; it provided such a nice sense of sy...


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