A Day in my Life

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt

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I hadn’t come to terms with it. The fact that he had left me and didn’t say goodbye. I knew it wasn’t the end of the world, but it almost felt as if it was. I wanted to scream at the world and make it feel exactly what I was. But, I knew that that wasn’t possible. It was just as impossible as him coming back. He had left us and he wasn’t coming back. 

Just as I was finishing my journal entry, my mother called me downstairs. As I walked down, I could hear her pacing and mumbling under her breath. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, she started yelling and screaming at me.

“Sit down, right now,” my mother said sternly. Of course, I sat down but I almost didn’t want to. Whenever she got into one of her rages, it never ended well.  

“What in the world is wrong with you,” she screamed, “I work hard every day to support this household, and this is what you do to me?!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied.

“Oh, I bet you do.”

“No, I really don’t.”

“Then let me enlighten you, you f’ing brat. You’re not passing any of your classes and your attendance has dropped by 60%.”

“Oh, well I-”

“No, no, no, you don’t get to make excuses for yourself after what you’ve done to this family.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” 

“Don’t play dumb with me, you walk around here all day long with your attitude and mopiness. You’re such a disappointment. Oh, and don’t forget you’re the reason that your father left in the first place.”

“You’re such a bitch,” I yelled, “Dad didn’t just leave us, mother, he killed himself, and it wasn’t because of me.”

“Shut the fuck up, you bitch. You don’t get to talk to me like that. I know that your father killed himself but guess what, it absolutely was your fault. He killed himself because you were too much of a disappointment and that's that. Now go to your room and don’t come out until tomorrow,” she screamed. 

After that, I stormed off to my room and locked myself in. She never actually ever checked on me, so I climbed out the window. She may not realize it but today is Tuesday and I actually go to school unlike what she was claiming. I decided to walk to school today, again, since it should’ve only taken about half an hour.  

As I walked onto campus, I heard Fiona and her minions, Cassandra and Cassidy, coming around the corner. 

She was probably my least favorite part of going to school. Her minions weren’t awful though, they just followed her around and did what she said. I mean, talk about a clichè. 

I immediately started speed walking into the building as I tried to avoid them. But, unfortunately for me, she saw me and called me over. I thought about ignoring her, but then I realized that that would probably lead to more problems, and I have enough to deal with already. So, I stopped and turned around.

“Yes?” I replied kindly.

“I heard about what you did last night at the party,” she said sassily and rude.

“I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about, sorry,” I said confused. I remembered the party but I had no clue what she was talking about.

“Sure you don’t.”

She started to walk away, but her being the bully that she is, couldn’t just walk away, she had to shove me out of her way. She pushed me so hard that I landed on the solid, cold concrete. I stood up and felt a sharp pain. I looked down and there was blood streaming down my leg. As I watched her walk away, I was boiling with rage. I stared her down and clenched my fists. She approached the steps into the building and ever so slightly, my fingers slid against each other right as I mumbled “fall.” A moment later, as she was reaching the top of the steps, she fell. Talk about coincidences.

I went to the nurse’s office shortly after, so that I could deal with my injuries. Once I left her office with my bandaged leg, people stared and glared at me as I walked down the hall. I really didn’t understand why. I kind of just figured that it had something to do with what Fiona was talking about. 

In English, we were reading The Rumors of Safron. I wasn’t really paying attention and I think that the teacher noticed because he called on me. 

“Lia, what’s your opinion on Safron’s rumor about Max,” he asked.

I didn’t know what he was talking about so I said, “I don’t really like to judge people, so, do you mind if I don’t share about this one?”

“Um, I guess, but I expect you to respond at least once today.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Would anyone else like to respond,” he asked the class. 

I slowly glanced around the room to see if anyone would, and sure enough, Fiona raised her hand. I turned back towards the front and I expected him to call on her but he didn’t. He called on the new kid who raised his hand as I looked away.

“Alex, how do you feel about the rumors?” 

“Well, obviously I think it was wrong but in the end, it might actually turn out alright for Max,” he replied.

“Why is that exactly?”

“Because in the story, they’ll most likely twist the story and make it so that the rumors teach him a life lesson or just help him in general with something. You know, typical stories.” 

“That certainly is an interesting way to put it.”

The new kid was definitely cute but I didn’t realize that we were personality twins. I bet he wouldn’t be that bad of a friend either.

After class, I packed up fast so that I could talk to him. As he left, I caught up to him quickly.

“Hey, new kid,” I said, tapping his shoulder. He stopped walking and turned towards me.

“Hi,” he said.

“What class do you have next?”

“Geometry with Nash.”

“Oh cool, I have Myers next door. Mind if I walk with you?”

“Not at all,” he said as he smiled slightly. We started walking.

“Liking Stonebrooke so far?”

“I guess you could say that. I mean, other than the fact that most of the people here suck, it’s pretty okay,” he said. We both laughed a little.

“Where’d you move from?” I said, trying to continue the conversation.

“Not far,” He said vaguely, losing his smile. I noticed it and couldn’t help but wonder what the problem was.

“Tough subject?” I asked politely and cautiously.

He nodded as we approached our classes.

“Well, this is it,” I said pointing, “See ya, new kid.”

“Oh, it’s Alex.”


I walked into class and I couldn’t help but notice that almost everyone was looking at me. I sat down, pulled out my books, and started working on the problems on the board. Fiona walked in the room towards her seat, and as she walked by, she knocked my books off my desk. I don’t know what I ever did to her but she really had it out for me.

About halfway through class, the girl next to me tapped me with her foot. I looked over and she proceeded to say,

“If you ever come near my boyfriend, you’re gonna regret it.”

“Um ok? Why would I do that,” I asked.

“Just stay away,” she said annoyed.

I was extremely confused as to what people were talking about until the guy behind me whispered in my ear.

“Care to do what you did last night, with me?”

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You slept with Cassidy’s boyfriend, duh.”

“No, I didn’t, you jerk.”

I stomped my foot, and all of a sudden, he fell backward out of his chair. Everyone looked at him and laughed. Then, Fiona said, 

“Offer him what you offered Cassidy’s boyfriend?”

“Nothing even happened,” I yelled. I was talking to him at the party but that’s all I did with him. I was only at the party for around 20 minutes. 

“Not according to him.”

“Then he’s a liar!”

I grabbed all of my stuff and stormed towards the door. I stopped at the door, turned around, flipped her off, walked out, and slammed the door behind me. As I slammed the door, the window next to her blew open, the wind blew hard, causing her to fall. I gasped and ran to the bathroom.

Something was happening and it was scaring the hell out of me. Every time that I’d gotten mad today, something had happened. 

Music had always calmed me, so I put my headphones in and I listened to some. I started snapping along to the music. A moment or so later, I heard a sound that sounded like metal being hit with a hammer. I took my headphones out and noticed that the sound was coming from the water fountain. I stopped snapping and the sound stopped too. Something like that wasn’t hard to notice, so, I snapped again. As soon as I did that, the water fountain did it again. Now I knew that it had something to do with me.

I wanted to see if doing other things would have the same effect. I hit the counter and the same thing happened but this time, to both water fountains. I kept hitting the counter until the water fountains literally exploded water everywhere. 

I rushed out of the bathroom and headed straight towards the front of the school. I ran out and down the street. Before I turn onto my street, I pass a creepy alley. Some weird stuff goes on in there. Just last week, I saw someone stab a rat with a knife.

Today as I walked by, I noticed someone sitting at the end of the alley. I slowly walked down without letting them see or hear me. As I got closer, I realized that it was Alex. Then, I saw him do something. Something strange. Just as strange as what I did at school. He was lifting a trashcan in the air, without touching it.

“Holy shit,” I shouted. He jumped and said,

“You didn’t see that, right?”

“Totally did.”

“Crap,” he said quietly.

“It was amazing. Do it again.”

“You weren’t even supposed to see that. It’s not exactly normal.”

“Yeah, well, neither am I.”

“What do you mean?”

I stomped my foot as hard as I could, the ground shook and left a crack halfway down the alley. It was even cooler than the water fountains at school.

“That’s what I mean,” I said.

“Damn,” he said shocked, “How long have you been able to do that?”

“Today actually.”

“So you don’t know how to use your gift, yet?”

“No, not really.”

“I could show you a few things if you like?”

“That'd be great.”

We ended up having a somewhat long conversation and got to know each other pretty well. We not only talked about our gifts but also about our lives themselves. It turned out that he lived in the house two doors down from mine, and we ended up walking together. We got to his house first and we parted ways for the day.

I walked into my house and quietly closed the door behind me, my mother was passed out on the couch. I knew if she woke up that I would be yelled at for being here, so I quickly went upstairs. But, on my way up I heard her get up and march over to the stairs.

“Sneaking out are we,” she yelled.

“Yeah, guess I did,” I replied.

“Ya know what? I’m done with you and your behavior.”

“You're done with me, YOU’RE done with me?!” 

She aggressively and sarcastically nodded.

“You don’t get to be done with me! I’m the one who gets to be done with YOU,” I screamed, “You’re the abusive parent, and I’M the neglected child… So, I’M done.”

I walked up to my room and packed a bag. I was done putting up with her. The only reason I stayed so long was for my dad, and now that he’s gone, I can finally leave. So, I decided to leave immediately. 

Storming down the stairs, I said,

“Goodbye mother, thanks for nothing.”

Then I snapped my fingers. The sink exploded, the power went out, and the couch caught fire. I walked out that door, left her to clean up the mess, and didn’t look back.

July 04, 2020 02:35

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1 comment

Kevin Robertson
03:59 Jul 09, 2020

I was worried this was just channeling Carrie, but I’m glad to see you differentiate the character and make Lia more likable than Carrie. As far as negatives, I didn’t like the vagueness of some things (the relationship with the father, the backstory of the party, the backstory of Alex, but I feel like this is an introduction to a longer story, and if so, play on, I’m intrigued af. Good dialogue, I could have used more description, but I’m a sucker for that. Good job.


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