
I, Natasha (Tasha) Williams, look through the electron microscope and see the mysterious, unknown thing. An alien, perhaps. Let me start from the beginning. I got a call from the director of NASA, saying that they found a special kind of rocky object that was unknown to us. Not a color of rock you find on Earth, but one that you find in space on a planet far from here. NASA thought it might be approximately 700 light-years away from the edge of this solar system. They found the rock from the famous space explorer, Leonardo Fitz. As I jot down my observations and what I have been told about it, I notice something interesting. I put my pen down and shoved it aside. 

When I look through the microscope, I see that the rock is moving. Not very little movements, but large, stalking crouches. Then it attacked. Well, that is what I thought it did. It leaped from the little container made to hold it. Fuzz seemed to form around its body as it landed on my face. Because of this close encounter, I noticed for the first time that it was growing a cute little top hat that was jutting out of its head. I screamed and flailed my arms. I couldn’t believe it. The thing was alive! I fell stiffly on my back as it transformed. It suddenly became very heavy, and my heart lurched in protest as it pounced onto my face. 

What is going on! Thinking that my eyes were deceiving me, I wash down my face in the sink next to me. But when I force myself to lift my head back up, I see the monstrous creature clinging to the mirror above me, wearing a sly smirk. I feel around the sink until my hands grasp the smooth metal of a stick. I raise it high above my head, about to hit the terrible thing. The alien suddenly starts shivering, turns into a pale, light blue, and begins to...cry? I wanted to get rid of it so badly, but I just couldn’t bear to see it like that. So, I let the stick clang onto the floor and gently lift the little guy and rock him in my hands. I stroke his head like a baby and lean my head close to his face. 

“I’m sorry, you really are nothing but a gentle, sweet little guy. Aren’t you? I’m gonna name you Forrest, like your beautiful green fuzz,” I whisper softly to him. 

But then, unexpectedly, it lets out a sort of screeching sound and bites my hand!

“What is wrong with you!” I scream.

The little guy begins to scamper off, but then I block the way. 

“Oh, you’re not going anywhere!” I reach for the horrible beast and end up tripping on it. Now there were two of them. They start laughing like little children as Forrest multiplied even more! Unable to take it anymore, I stagger in horror and faint. 

I hear a little tinkling, panting sound. It’s very soft but loud enough to hear. I flutter my eyelids as I try to form a blink. My eyes finally open up enough to see the fuzzy monster laying on my chest. A loud, terrible scream escapes my lips as I try to get away from it. A doctor bursts through the door and sees me. I flail around, trying to get up, but I’m somehow strapped to the bed. 

“Please, please get this thing off! What is it even doing here? What am I doing here?” I pant, tired of my efforts to get rid of the fuzzy brute. The doctor walks over and screams at the sight of the alien. Then she just walks away like nothing was happening. But something was happening. The creature hops off me with an apologetic look on his face. I think about forgiving him. After all, he was nothing more than a little creature. Then the doctor comes back with a murderous look. She’s holding a pistol in one hand, and it’s directed right at me. Forrest stares at me, a sad glint in his eye. Then she shoots. I close my eyes, waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. 

The creature leaps in front of me, sacrificing itself. The doctor fires again and hits Forrest. This happens five times more. Then the creature spits out venomous bullets towards the evil, evil doctor. In a very painful spot, that I dare not say. She doesn’t die right at that moment, but screams out in pain, holding her hands above her head as she tries to grasp something. She still ends up collapsing onto the floor, unable to get back up. That’s what you get!! Don’t ever mess with this girl!! I thought. Forrest doesn’t look hurt, but he still seems tired. “Thank you. How could I ever repay you?” I say to the sweet thing. Then he leaps at me again with a loving look in his eye. By the way, he only has one large eye. Back to the story. He hugs me, and when he does, his body wraps around me like a blanket. All I could do was hug him back. 

He fell fast asleep on my shoulder, and I snuggled up with him. We slept until morning, and the doctor was lying dead on the cold, hard floor by the time we woke. There was a small pool of blood surrounding her, and I noticed that she was missing a finger. How interesting, I thought. I was surprised nobody in the hospital noticed all of the crazy mishaps that were happening. I laughed at the thought. 

I had decided that I really wanted to befriend the little creature that saved my life. I was thinking about my life feeling amazing for the rest of eternity as a large smile spread across my face. But then, that thought passed. I felt a stabbing pain in the pit of my stomach. It took a great amount of energy to force myself to pull my head down. I look down and see a hole right next to my belly button. Blood was gushing out as tears brimmed my eyes. Then I collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.  

I wake up to the sound of my furry little creature breathing life into me. I was alive! Then, once again, a gun trained on the back of my skull. What is it with people trying to kill me? I thought. First, I almost got killed. Then, I got shot in the belly. Finally, I have a gun trained to the back of my skull. What’s next?! Then the voice of Leonardo Fitz said poetically, “Answer this question without hesitation.” I forgot about my pain for a second as I heard his voice. What was he doing here? I think.  “What is that creature?” he asks. My brain screams. I had no idea what to say. 

“This is the creature you found. The rock thing. Also, there is more of his story that I remember now.” I said carefully, unsure whether this man was to be trusted. But then again, he was pointing a gun at my head. I would rather live than die. 

“Tell it to me. Now.” he sputtered terribly. 

“Ok, ok. Whatever you say, Fitz. When I was writing down my observations of this little creature, I put my pen down and forgot to write something. I thought that I saw it move, so I completely forgot about what I was doing. That something that I didn't write was very important. The rocks that the creature has inside of it are the rarest kind of rock that we have ever studied. The rock is only found in one single part of the universe, and it has very special capabilities that include--” The trigger was pulled, and I see my life flash before my eyes. 

“I do not need you telling that brute the special ability that it has inside of it. Who knows the terrible things it will do to us. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a monster to kill,” Leonardo Fitz says with the evilest smirk.  

He points the gun, ready to pull the trigger. Then I watch Forrest in sadness, as it turns into the deadliest monster I have ever seen, looking for someone to kill. I try to tell it to stop, but there is nothing I can do to stop it. With that look in his eyes I could tell what he was thinking. It was searching for the Evil Leonardo Fitz, enraged at the man for killing me. I had been his first and only friend from Earth. I cry in objection. But looking at me, the alien becomes even angrier and leaps for the man. I will miss my beautiful Forrest forever. I tried to fight the urge of seeing the light, but there was nothing I could do. He had pointed the gun at the perfect spot. My eyes fluttered in protest as I finally gave into the light…


“As the famous scientist named Natasha Williams dies, a monster takes over the universe. Or is trying to. After paralyzing Dr. Leonardo Fitz, the monster gives the slowest death to him that we have ever seen. We still don’t know why. We think this monster is planning to take over the Earth. Or worse, the universe. We do not understand its behavior, or what is happening, but scientists are looking into a way to kill this monster. After the two famous scientists' deaths, we are almost positive that it was the monster who killed them both. We have no idea why it would do such a thing. It probably did it for no reason whatsoever. Sadly, we cannot stop him without the famous Leonardo Fitz and Natasha Williams to help us..” After the broadcast was streamed, everyone on Earth was panicking. Scared of everything. Everyone was staying in the house, and not going out for anything. It was as the world was falling apart before the monster was even coming. 

Suddenly, the reporters gasp in horror as they watch the terrible monster emerge from the darkness, like a shadow. It comes in with thunderous steps, but then suddenly stops. It gasps at all the destruction it has caused. It shakes into its true, adorable, loveable form, with its signature tophat resting on its head. The sweet thing is back to normal, with its fuzzy, round body, and its one, large, adorable eye. The reporters gasp at the alien, and some faint of its cuteness. The creature walks up to one of the cameras and unleashes the cutest and most lovable squeal. Everyone who was watching from the safety of their houses run out and hug the alien. Out of the blue, the fuzzy animal threw up a video cam and pointed its face to it. A man picked it up and saw what the creature was trying to tell them. 

A woman, or the best doctor in NASA, holding a gun at Tasha’s face. Then the creature steps in front of the scientist, taking the bullets. He saved her. Then after they went to sleep, they saw the famous Leonardo Fitz actually kill Natasha Williams! They saw the monster, or now they could call it the little fuzzy alien that turned into a monster kill Dr. Leonardo Fitz out of anger. All that the reporters could do was stand back in awe and have nothing to say. 

The people of Earth finally understood the meaning behind the deaths of these people. At first, many thought that the alien may have completely made up the video.  But when they suddenly saw the alien save a child that was about to fall off the balcony of the large building, they knew that it was a creature to trust. Plus, why would he just randomly kill three famous people, but not kill anybody else? The people of Earth understood that this wasn’t a creature to fear, but a creature to love. 

Humans learned that the tiny alien was only 7 years old when all this happened. He was a very sweet thing. They also learned that he was male. They wanted him to stay forever, but they knew he couldn’t. He left like the Lorax, flying into the bright blue sky, back to his planet home. With the people of Earth waving farewell, he soon disappeared and was gone. 

But they did not have to truly wave goodbye because only 3  years later, the little alien came back to Earth, with all his family and allies from his planet. They soared down like a gigantic flock of birds. They landed at the exact same place that the alien had left. There was a memorial for it, with Natasha lovingly holding it in her arms. The sight of it brought tears to the alien’s eyes. 

The alien’s father walked up to a news reporter that ran up to them. He was the only one of their kind that had the special ability to speak all languages, including English. The father explained how after the 7 year old came back, he bust into terrible tears. Younger aliens were unable to control their emotions, and so he was truly sorry for all of the demolition it had caused. But, the adults of their kind were very trusting and could easily control their emotions. The boy had matured, and was very guilty of everything he had done. 

Apparently, the boy who was now 10-years old was named Forrest, and his father was Octavious. Forrest’s name had been given from Natasha. Everybody called his father Octo, though. The mother, who was named Juliet, walked over to the reporter and handed him a beautiful crystal ball. It was a special kind of ball, made up of several different crystals. The people of Earth were only able to recognize one of them, and they were all very rare. Juliet said that the crystals were Alexandrite, and the others were unknown crystals to the humans. They were called Badayaditee, Felizxis, Dzeyomitree, and more. Apparently, each crystal was made for a planet in the solar system. There was one crystal for each planet that they were in peace with. 

The reason that there was only one known crystal, Alexandrite, to the humans, was because it was the crystal significant to them. In other words, the aliens were offering a peace treaty. The reporter, unsure of what else to do, said that he had no power whatsoever in this world. He said that it must be given to another, more powerful person. Like the president or Queen of England, perhaps. Juliet just smiled and shook her head gracefully, indicating no. Octo then stepped over to the reporter with a broad grin. 

“You were the special man who first believed that my son was good and announced it to the rest of the world using your special devices, or so my son told me,” Octo said thankfully. “You are now my favorite human, and therefore deserve to hold this responsibility.” 

The reporter, who was named Nathanial, accepted the honor with a bow and walked over to one of the cameras. They were on air in a few seconds and the reporter told everyone everything he was told from the aliens. After an online vote was placed, they counted up the votes and the world agreed to sign the treaty and to be in peace with the aliens. It was unanimous! Then the aliens left after the crystal ball was signed by the reporter, and they finally noticed that peace was with the land.

May 15, 2020 22:28

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