Sad Romance Teens & Young Adult

"Matthew, please Matthew. Forgive me and open your eyes! I promise I'll be good to you. Matthew plea-.

3 Months Before~

As normal as a day could seem, Eliza was roaming on the bustling streets of New jess Town in hopes of finding a part time job. She could barely manage to pay her mother's hospital fees. She dropped out of college the year her mother went into paralysis, but when she recovered she could speak no more. The doctors said maybe it was hereditary or maybe an event took place that shocked her to this extent. Nevertheless, Eliza struggled financially, emotionally and physically. The sky had turned cloudy and after giving an interview, she was returning home when suddenly something grabbed her mouth and dragged her into an empty street. Coughing and wiggling out of the stranger's grasp, she turned around to see a man in a suit and he was non other than the son of the successful businessman, Mr. Mark. Mr. Mark had two sons, David Mark and Matthew Mark, the latter inherting his business. And the one who happened to kidnap her was the younger one, David. Eliza's eyes popped open with shock and she gave him a questioning and frightened look as to why he was harassing her. David understood this and released her.

0 Now before you run away, hear me out. David


0 Woah lady, calm your self down. Otherwise I'll have to threaten you with the cliché power, money and authority sh*t. Said David

Eliza just stated at him with whatever intimidation she could muster.

0 I know how clever of a person you are, I've always noticed you around class. I also happen to know your house situation so I need you to do some work for me. In return, you will get financial stability, the reason for your mother's paralysis and you'll be safe as your name won't come up anywhere for doing the deed. Now do we have an agreement. David

0 But how did you manage to find out everything and what deed? Eliza

0 I have sources, plus you should simply agree because this is too tempting to leave. And I shall tell you your job. David

0 Do I have a say in this? Scoffs Eliza

0 Apparently no. David

0 And I bet you're not going to let me leave. Eloza

0. Hmm. Yeah. David

0 You are very very suspicious. Do I really get a clear in this? And the only reason I'm not refusing is because this is a good chance and I'm bored. By the way, I need warranty for my life.

0 Sure. David

He passes her a file which contains the future manufacturing and for their company.

0 These are my designs, not yet released and a big part for our progress. If you fulfill your deed, and don't get what I offered. You can leak these. And before asking for their authenticity, check all the major stamps and signatures. David

0 The file is very well authentic. What do you want me to do? Besides the vulgar works like murder and pleasure. Eliza

0 I want you to gain the trust of my brother and get me his plans for the project. Basically my father wants to make the next heir based on our plans and though I did my part as well as I could manage, Matthew has more working experience and it's very obvious father has already made his mind for the next heir and is doing this just to keep my heart. Now I'm not a child. David

0 You want me to steal his files, win his trust and give them to You?! Eliza

0 Better than murdering. I want you to give me those files by the end of March, this is just the start of January. 3 months is more than enough right? And for additional information, he keeps the files at his house in his study which is always locked. He doesn't trust me. David

0 And for very good reasons. But how do I come in contact with him. I can't expect him to kidnap me too if it's not a family thing. Eliza

0 I'll get you a job at his office. You'll be paid by him, as well as me. You majored in computer and he just so happens to be in need of someone managing his accounts, what better chance could you ask for. David

0 Okay..... And when do we start? Eliza

0 Tomorrow in the morning, go to our company building, Mark n Co, he is on the 10th floor. I've already submitted your application to him. Wear something acceptable. Here is your printout. We are speaking no lies, just the truth. David

Eliza thought of this as a life changing chance and though would be, she won't recover no matter what.

The next day, Eliza found herself standing in front of the building breathing heavily as she calmed herself down. She entered and reached the elevator. She was in a simple white T shirt, with blue jeans and sneakers. Her brown hair tied in a ponytail. She reached the 10th floor where there were only 3 doors. The one at the end of tha hallway read "Matthew. M". All the way she kept thinking about how afterwards she persisted David to actually tell her why he chose her and he finally caved in and told her it had to do with her mother. She entered the office and saw Matthew squinting her eyes at his laptop. She cleared her throat and he abruptly looked up.

0 Oh hello. Are you my computer assistant? David

0 Uh yeah. Yeah that's me. I'm Eliza. Eliza

0 Matthew. Pleasure. David gave me your file and you went to school together. He told me you're pretty good at what you do. Matthew

Eliza gave him a small polite smile and nodded slightly.

0 Then I suppose we should get along with work. We'll start by you teaching me how to use the basics, then to me teaching you about bank management. Sounds fair? Matthew

0 Sure. It does. Eliza

And so began Eliza's long days spent teaching Matthew the computer basics which annoyed and frustrated her to no extent but slowly he got the hang of it.

It had been 15 days since working and she got used to her working environment. She used to have all her meals at the office and only went home to sleep. She would visit her mother in the care centre once a week, hoping she would speak or say something yet the outcome would always be the same. She would sometimes see David around the office too by chance who gave her a knowing nod here and there.

Though Matthew proved to be a very nice person. Though lazy, he would try his best. He was very innocent. He wasn't that sharp at grasping at things but did his very best. Slowly the two became good friends and one day when Eliza asked him why he didn't have any assistants before he replied,

0 The very reason that they became frustrated with me and heard more scoldings from my father due to my clumsiness. I felt bad so I stopped them altogether. Though my burden increased.

Eliza felt a tinge bad for him, and wished him to get better at handling things. Soon there was to be an occasional party held at Matthew's House held for pure fun, but Eliza was invited too. She found this as an opportunity to snoop around his house. It had been a month and she only had 2 more left.

The party was a small one with office employees she had seen around and a few strangers. She walked around the house and when she met Matthew, she told him she was finding the washroom. He directed her and once again she was left alone as the other people were outside in the garden. After looking for 10 minutes, she came across his house office and of course it was locked. She thought hard that where could a clumsy person like Matthew could keep his keys. She went to his bedroom and looked through his drawers. There was single book in it and when she opened it, there lay a single key. How easy. She guessed that he kept his bedroom locked too but forgot this time. As soon as she stood up, she saw Matthew standing in the doorway.

0 Hey

Eliza started sweating and her hear beat increased. HE CAUGHT HER. HE CAUGHT HER.

0 Hello. Um Eliza

0 What are you doing on the floor? Matthew

0 Well, I tripped when I came in this room when my ring fell off and went under the bed. Eliza

0 And why were you coming to this room ? Matthew

0 Because........ Because I was getting bored at the party and hoped to find a book. Which I didn't cause I fell. So.... Eliza

0 Found your ring yet? Matthew

0 Yeah. I was just about to leave. Eliza

0 Well hurry downstairs. Go eat some food and interact. And if you're that bored you can always dance the night away. Matthew

Eliza just smiled and walked away. She was this close to getting the key and God knows now where he would hide it. Matthew was very naive and it felt a bit wrong to betray him yet she was desperate. That night she had a lovely conversation with Matthew and even danced a bit. Eliza was sure Matthew favoured her as she was the longest assistant he had, and not having much female interaction, he may have started liking her a bit more.

This was all well and good as it was in her favour but what she didn't expect was to like him back too. His failed attempts at flirting and she finding out that he didn't delete his history only to find "how to flirt" written which made everything more funny. Both of them threw subtle of hints and finally, their mutual friend Angela, became their cupid and sent them on a date where truth was spilled and proposals were made. Eliza had told him all about her troubles, everything besides the deal with David. And despite that, he wanted to marry her. He was an amazing person ready to accept Eliza despite everything. Matthew confessed that he wanted nothing but a good life partner and a simple life. Maybe even kids if the partner wanted and he had the least interest in business yet fulfilled his father's wishes. This made Eliza feel that maybe whatever she was about to do would help Matthew out of business and lead a simple life as she wished, but she thought this only to clear her conscience.

Finally they got married in the mid of May and her deadline neared. She liked Matthew very much and was perhaps nearing the road to love. But all the time she would do her best to get to his study but someone would always interrupt. David kept reminding her and she would panic now and then. Matthew would also seem tense due to something which he refused to let her on.

The day when Everything took place came. It was the 30th of March, a cloudy day. Eliza had finally got hold of her husband's papers and was supposed to meet David in the alleyway where they originally met. When she came, she got surrounded by gang members. She got terrified and after some time David came and questioned the situation. After a few minutes Matthew came and was shocked to no bounds. All became apparent. The reason Matthew was tense was he kept getting threats from this group of gangs who were vandalising everything. And when he saw his papers in his wife's hand all hopes came crumbling down. Eliza saw the disappointment in his eyes. She had questioned herself a thousand times before whether she could betray the man she loved, but it resulted in answers and comfort she had longed. The gang members no longer waited and shot all three of them. When Eliza kept standing, they shot her once more, but she was protected.

The Funeral~

She stood by his side, looking at him being lowered in the grave. She had blamed and killed herself a thousand times in her mind. He saved her despite her betraying him. She didn't deserve Matthew and for this she lost him, she lost her mother who passed away the day before. She kept saying 0 Matthew, please Matthew. Forgive me and open your eyes. I promise I'll be good to you. Please Matthew. But she knew he won't wake up. She was going to jail along with David who confessed everything to his father. David finally told her that he chose her because she was the daughter of Jewel, the woman who witnessed the plans of the gang who wanted to kill David, but got ahold of Matthew instead. David wanted to keep an eye on Eliza if she knew anything, but in the end she couldn't be of any use. The gang had tortured Eliza's mother to the point she became unable to speak, and she wad the only lead to the gang. Even now that gang were on loose yet Mr. Mark was keeping tracks. Both Eliza and David were to go to jail for encroachment of personal and private possessions. David hated his brother enough to steal the company for him, yet cared enough to keep him safe from the gang in which he failed.

Eliza knew she should have listened to her heart when it said not to betray Matthew but her hunger for answers left her for more hunger of love. Her heart was void of feelings.

"you make me feel complete, Eli". ~Matthew Mark on the night they got married.

November 12, 2020 11:28

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Aurora McKee
15:50 Nov 17, 2020

also dark though


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Aurora McKee
15:50 Nov 17, 2020

wow, that was touching


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