Science Fiction High School Coming of Age

Fast forward to the not-so-distant future, the year 2040 when a half-android, half human, named Roberto was just your average kid.

Roberto Pacino otherwise lived an absurdly normal life. All his peers thought he was Italian and he grew up like any regular neighbourhood geek. He attended high school just like all the other teenagers of his age.

Roberto, though, was different in a way that even he found a little confusing!

Roberto was so good at schoolwork, it never ceased to amaze people. People around him were indeed impressed by his intelligence.

Almost always the first to answer questions asked by his teachers in class, the other students labelled him as "The Brain", "Google" and "Android".

Just like Elvis, the king of Graceland, a blue light was seen in the sky, the day Roberto was hatched! Only his mum, Anna Pacino, knew the truth about her son. Roberto was pre-destined to be a little above the others in terms of intelligence at least.

The only person that didn’t know this was Roberto himself. He could sense that he was gifted, but he simply didn't know what to make of it all.

It was considered normal that Roberto got an 'A+' at nearly every test in school. Both teachers and students noticed how gifted he seemed. He seemed so used to getting straight 'A's in literally every subject!

The one thing that Roberto couldn't excel in however, was Socialising!

Roberto, was, much to his own detriment, terrible at talking to people. He wasn't good in making conversations with people of the opposite gender, either. Roberto was painfully shy and it seemed a bit unsightly. It was easy to guess why the others in his grade at high school, often asked him for help with assignments. They loved asking him and he loved helping them out. Roberto, indeed, gained a sense of self-esteem from helping other people with assignments. People loved him in general. He wasn't very popular, but people got used to him. The fact that they didn't bother to thank him for his effort at their assignments, upset him a little. A lot, actually. He didn't tell anyone. In short, Roberto felt a little unappreciated.

Roberto was so smart that he crammed huge text books almost like a computer. Brilliant for his age, there was nothing childish about his superior intelligence at all. He didn't even need to use a calculator in math class. He would actually tell teachers the solutions to complicated equations in Algebra. He loved Chemistry as well, and often tried to sneak into the Chem lab, though it wasn't exactly part of syllabus for a sixth grader. He didn't like Sports, but he did love watching the news and other typical geek stuff.

Ofcourse, again he wasn't great at socialising, and hardly had any real friends.

So one day, Roberto got a 'D' grade on his English paper.

Everyone was shocked. It wasn't all that surprising, but everyone was indeed very surprised! Everyone in his class wondered if Roberto was alright. 'You're not yourself, buddy' talkative Joe told him. Roberto just looked at him, quietly, silently.

Roberto, as usual was a guy of few words. Saying nothing, he just looked at the floor, tears welling up in his eyes.

Roberto was starting to realise that if he didn't do well at school, no one would talk to him. Roberto didn't care anymore. Thoughts buzzed through his head 'What's the point of it all?' Even he didn't know why though- was there any point in being so gifted? There was absolutely no one to share these gifts with!

Roberto was obviously depressed. He went home, and didn't tell his folks a thing. He went to bed without touching his dinner that night.

The next day, at another test, on his favourite subject, Algebra, Roberto yet again easily managed to score an 'F'. The other students were stunned. 'What happened Roberto?' A chorus could be heard all around him. The Teacher was surprised too!

Roberto wasn't listening though. He went home a little sullen. It seemed like all was lost.

Roberto decided to tell his folks, since he knew for sure that if he didn't tell them, they would figure it out on their own soon enough. His Algebra teacher, Mrs. Buxley was the type who loved calling up his mum, so if he didn't tell the truth, she was going to do it anyway, sooner or later. He decided to put on a brave face and confess now to his mum rather than wait for the worst to happen.

'Mum, I've got bad news for you,' Roberto said, observation that she was in a quiet mood; he saw that she was knitting something, while comfortably seated on the couch. He knew that this was usually the best time to tell her sensitive things. 'I got a 'D' in English, and an 'F' in Algebra.'

'Okay son, you have to tell me is something wrong? You're normally a straight 'A' student so this seems rather surprising!' she replied, looking concerned.

Suddenly he burst into tears. "Mum, I don't have any friends...No girl is interested in me, I'm not popular with the other kids and the ones who get me to do their assignments never bother to thank me. I don't know how to put this, but I don't have much of a social life."

She felt for him. "Oh Roberto, You know I love you! Why does it matter what anybody thinks? You've got me, and that's all that matters!"

Roberto stopped crying for a bit, and spoke in a calm voice: 'Thanks mum, but it's not enough anymore. I wish I had friends who love me, just the way you do. I really do want my own friends. I want friends of the same age. It could help if they said thanks every time I did their assignments as well.' Roberto went back to his own room, and slammed the door shut.

Roberto was now lying on his bed face down, with his face buried in his pillow, when suddenly his mum opened the door. She sat down on the bed next to him, and tried to comfort him.

'Roberto, there's something I have to tell you. I know I kept it a secret for a number of years, but since you are mature enough now, I think it's something you need to know.'

He had been crying. He got off the bed, wiped the tears from his eyes with his shirt sleeves, and sat up straight on a chair next to the bed. 'Okay, tell me mum. What's the big secret you've been keeping from me?' he asked in reply to her question.

"Long ago your father and I, attended a Star Wars Convention with a friend, who also happened to be a mystic. She told me that her story was similar to Roswell. You remember the popular tv show you used to like so much on Netflix? Well, she told me something about you that no one else knows, something that your father and I have been keeping a secret for a very long time." she said, with a hint of regret in her voice.

'She later confided in us that she has been to the Milky way and galaxies beyond. She claimed to be an android. Your father and I didn't know what to make of it, we thought she was making up stories. When she handed us an egg, the size of a watermelon, your father and I had a good laugh. I was surprised and thought she was nuts. Of course, after that I never met her again."

"I took the egg home, and nursed it for 24 days, exactly the way she had told me to. 24 days later, the egg hatched and then - you came out. I have your baby pictures; you were the most adorable little android I ever saw. If you were ever confused about why you are so smart, now you have an answer." she said and looked at Roberto.

'wow, that really makes me feel wonderful!'

'Yes, you are! Shine your light, Shine it as far as you can and touch the lives of as many as you can. Every time people ask for help with homework, do it, and do it because it’s fun. Do it because you can. No one must ever find out your secret, however."

"I Promise mum, my lips are sealed..." Roberto replied. He gave her a hug and went back to bed.

The next day Roberto breezed through his class test. He got straight A's the way he used to in the past- Like it didn't matter - Like it was so easy, The other kids in the class patted him on the back, saying "Way to go bro, the old Roberto is back."

Nadine, a particularly annoying high school senior, that Roberto had a crush on decided to ask him for help with a tough assignment. Nadine wanted to avoid doing it herself, since she had cheerleading practice.

The only bad thing about her was she never thanked him afterward. Ever. She got a lot of work done by Roberto, but Nadine didn't ever seem grateful.

This time, Roberto decided to do Nadine's assignment, but he asked her to thank him afterward. "Android. Get a life!" she said looking a little surprised and walked away. Nadine was just being herself.

But for once People who saw this took his side. They seemed to be surprised instead! Roberto standing up for himself? It seemed a bit miraculous really. Perhaps today Providence favoured Roberto.

Roberto had a big smile on his face. He couldn't help but think that he was finally in his element. He seemed to have a reason for living now. It sure looked like he was finally blending in. He always knew he was smart. He just didn't know why.

Though, he wasn't going to tell anyone any time soon. Being low-key about it, seemed to be a wise decision.

"That's the spirit!" somebody said.

Roberto Pacino finally got a life.

February 21, 2021 06:01

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Akshara P
19:17 Aug 18, 2021

This was such a cute story, I loved the ending! There were a few grammar mistakes, but they didn't make a big difference. Well done! :) Could you please go read "Jace walkers fatal mistake" part one and two in my stories? 🙂


Sarah Desouza
19:20 Aug 18, 2021

sure ill do that


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