Troubles of a Super

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



She flies over her town of Greenville. The girl with her brown hair in a ponytail. Her light tan skin. Oh, right. And her purple super suit. She looks for trouble within the town. Her name is Sofia George, or as the town knows her, Sonic. During school hours, she is a normal 15-year-old girl. But out of school, she is Sonic, the superhero that can fly and has sonic waves for power. The townspeople look up to her to protect their town from danger. Anything from robbers to rock-slides. She has super strength too. Sofia handles everything that comes at her.

As night falls and the town goes quiet, Sofia starts to head home for bed. Just then, something ran into her. No, not something, someone. They hit the ground and rolled down a hill. When they stopped, Sofia was under a boy in normal clothes around her age.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that, I couldn't see where I was going." He gets up and offers his hand. She takes it, saying, "It's okay. I understand." He was tan with sandy blonde hair. He had calming blue eyes. "I'm Sonic." She introduced her super side. "What were you doing?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story. I have been flying for days. When my family found out about my powers and all. They told the town and they didn't want me. I flew away with nothing because I was scared. My name is Luke." Sofia stood for a second. She couldn't imagine being unaccepted in her town. She took off her eye mask and put out her hand.

"My name is Sofia." Luke shook it and asked, "So, is Sonic your "'Superhero' name."

"Yeah, that's what the town started calling me."


"My powers. Sure I can fly and I have super strength. But people talk most about my sonic wave power." Luke looked like he was amazed at her powers. "That's so much cooler than mine. I have x-ray vision. Along with flying and super strength also." Sofia thought that x-ray vision would be a cool power to have. "Think that's a cool power. That can be useful when used right." Luke looked as though he was considering when it would be useful. They stood for a silent thirty seconds before Sofia said, "Why don't you stay with me tonight, given your situation." Luke took a few seconds to decide. "Will that be okay with your parents?"

"I'm sure it will be. Come on. I'm heading in for the night." She told Luke to follow her. They started to fly to her house. They stopped when Sofia caught sight of the stars. She is always looking down on the town. She hardly ever looks at the beautiful night sky. She then thought about how much she commits to the town. "Are you okay?" Luke looked at her concerned. That shook her out of her daydreaming. "Oh, yeah. It's just..." She couldn't finish because she didn't know. She never thinks about herself anymore. "It's just what?"

"I guess I realized I don't think of myself that much." Saying this made her feel a little sad. Then, they heard the bank alarm go off. She glanced in the direction of the bank. "I have to go, you can come if you want." She put her eye mask on and flew in the direction. When she got there, two men in black ran out. "Stop!" She yelled. They only turned, and before she knew it, one shot her in the leg. She yelled in pain. Then, Luke came up from behind and knocked them out. He ran over to her as she pulled the bullet out. She grunted in pain when she pulled it out. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Luke looked at the wound. "We need to get you to a hospital-"


"What do you mean 'no'. Look at you."

"I'll be fine. I just need a few bandages." She got up and flew over to the men to grab their bags. "I'm going to drop these off at the police station and come back for them. Then we can go home." She flew off to the police station with Luke behind her. She dropped the bags at the front desk and went back for the men. After she got the men in jail. She and Luke made their way to her home. "Are you sure you-"

"Yes, Luke I'm fine. Please, don't worry."


They walked in silence the whole way. Sofia limping each step.

When they got there, her parents were on the porch. "Oh my!" Her mother ran toward her with her father behind her. "Oh dear, let's get you inside." They brought her inside not seeming to notice Luke too much. "Mom, Dad. This is Luke, do you think he can stay with us? He doesn't have anywhere to go." They paused from bandaging her wound to exchange a caring look. "Of course he can, sweetie." Her father answered. "Where would you like to sleep?" Her mother turned to Luke. "I don't-"

"He can sleep on my bedroom floor." Sofia got up all bandaged and ready for some sleep. "Alright, I'll grab a blanket and pillow." Sofia's Mom walked away. "You two head to your room, I will get you some waters." Her father left for the kitchen.

They walked to the back of the house. It was a cottage type house with decorations that would remind you of the beach. It was a beautiful home. Sofia's room was painted light blue. She had pictures hung all around. She had some friends and some of her family. The one thing that stood out was the metal manikin in the corner. "For my suit." She said. She didn't think Luke knew he was staring at it. "Oh." He sounded tired. Her mother walked in with a blanket and pillow for Luke. "Thanks, Mom, I can put it together." Her Mom gave her the blanket and pillow and stopped at the doorway. "Goodnight sweetie, love you."

"Night Mom, love you too." Her mom walked away and Sofia started to put together a bed for Luke. "I want to thank you. This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Oh, don't mention it. Though, I do have a question for you."

"What's that?" Sofia thought back to when she was shot and he came up from behind to knock them out. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to, maybe stick around? Help me out around here so I can focus on me a little more." For a moment. Sofia thought he was going to say no. Then he smiled. "Of course, where else will I go." They laughed for a moment. They got ready for bed and laid down. "Goodnight, Sofia."

"Goodnight, Luke." Sofia was happy to have some help. She gets so stressed sometimes, doing it all on her own. Now, it will be different.


They woke up with the sun the next day. "Luke, are you-" She looked over to find Luke fast asleep on the ground. She laughed quietly. She had to wake him up. She grabbed his shoulders softly and shook him slightly. "Luke, Luke." He opened his eyes sleepily. He smiled up. "Oh, morning."

"Good morning, now get up. We have to get in the air."

"This early?"

"Yep, I'll start breakfast." She made her way to the kitchen. What's a good Saturday Morning Breakfast but also your first day on the job? Sofia thought about it. She ended up making eggs and bacon.

A few minutes later, Luke came walking out. "Hey, I made eggs and bacon. I'm going to change."


She went back to change into her suit. When she was changing she got an idea. She found an old shirt and her sewing kit and got to work. A few minutes later, she came back to the kitchen in her suit. "You done eating? I have something for you." She tossed a freshly made, brand new eye mask for Luke in front of him. "Wow, Sofia, you didn't have to.."

"I thought you could use it."

"Thank you."

"No problem." Luke finished eating a few minutes later. They found him a fresh pair of clothes. "Ready to go?" she asked Luke as they stood on the porch. "You bet." He answered. And just like that, they were gone in the sky.

July 20, 2020 21:23

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Brittany Smith
23:48 Jul 31, 2020

I liked how the characters accepted each other instead of challenging each other's power.


Gabby Grenier
21:36 Aug 14, 2020

Sorry I’m seeing this so late! Thank you!


Brittany Smith
20:51 Aug 19, 2020

No problem. I can tell you love to write. : )


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