
I was having a drink with friends in a hotel bar, and my head was spinning when I realized that I had been in this very lounge thirty years ago. Wow, this is where I met a guy whom I fell in love with over a mere holiday weekend. What a time warp this was; the lounge looked the same but had updated furnishings. Golly thirty years was a long time to keep the same barstools.

Labor Day weekend was a big deal around here more so back then than now. The world series of men's softball was going on, and Jack was a pitcher for his team. They were from Cleveland, Oh. I was sitting almost in the same place then as now. I looked around, expecting to see him sitting at the bar in that uniform. He had pure white hair and was tall, not dark, but he was handsome. The team appeared to be having a great time and a bit too many drinks.

When the server headed towards our table, I smiled. Frannie, my friend, did not look surprised at all when the server told us the guy with the white hair bought us drinks. I told the hostess to tell him thanks, and then she said he wanted to know if we would like to join at their table? Frannie gave me that, "you're going to go aren’t you?" You know I am, I love that white hair on that guy. I didn't want to seem anxious, so we waited a few minutes before moving.

Well, are we going or not, asked Fran? I picked up my things and my drink and headed for his table. Ladies, thanks for joining us. My name is Robbie. My knees were weak, and I think I remember my hand shaking. Nice to meet. I'm Amy, and this is Fran. Could I have really been that geeky? He was with I think five other players. One, in particular, did not seem happy we accepted Robbie's invite.

They were a lively group and a lot of fun. Robbie was the center of attention, and I believe the oldest. He as very fit and tall I guessed his age to late forties early fifties. Much older than me. Frannie was getting bored; she had a steady boyfriend; therefore, not interested in staying. After she left, Robbie asked if I also was going? No, I can stay, but I haven't eaten all day and needed some dinner. He asked, "would you mind if I joined you?

I excused myself to the ladies room when I came out of the restroom I saw he was chatting with the not so happy guy. As soon as I approached them, the unhappy one left. Am I interrupting your time with your players? Not at all, let's eat bar food isn't my idea of nourishment. I started to walk towards the hotel restaurant when he asked me if we could eat elsewhere. Okay, but we're going in my car. Of course, he said, "you don't know me, but I sure would like to get to know you."

I was somewhat apprehensive about having a stranger in my car, but I felt like I could trust him; he reeked of safety. After a nice quiet dinner, I asked if he was still in the tournament. Yes, we won our game last night and won two games today, so we play tomorrow. Would you like to come and see us play? I don't have plans so I think I could manage that, are you pitching? Yes, I am. Good, then I will come.

When we returned to the hotel, most of the guys were gone. Robbie wanted to know if I would have another drink. I'll join you but no more alcohol I'm driving. After he drank another two beers, he mustered up the nerve to ask how old I was. My answer was, "why does that matter?" Oh, it doesn't matter to me, but does age make or break your decision to date a guy? I laughed. What's so funny, he asked? Are you asking me out? Yes, I wanted to know if we could do something after the game tomorrow?

It was getting late, well after midnight. I think I should leave Robbie, it late and you have a game tomorrow. I do, and the guys would be upset with me if I let them down due to lack of sleep. Is that why your friend looked so unhappy? Oh, you noticed. Hard not too, but is that the only reason he was mad? You are a very perceptive woman Amy. To tell you the truth, he was surprised I invited you guys over, it is something I rarely ever did. He'll get over it, or he won't either way I know I'm happy I did.

Robbie walked me to my car I got in, but the door was still open. He asked if he could kiss me goodnight. He got many kudos for not asking for more! I will see you tomorrow Amy, and with that, he kissed me but on my cheek.

I went to all the games that weekend. Robbie and I spent every moment we could together. On the last day of the tournament, we both dreaded knowing that our time together was over. The team bus was almost ready to leave; the guys were watching from the bus as we said our goodbyes. Robbie was literally standing with my car door open for what seemed like hours. All of a sudden, he jumps in the passenger side seat. Amy, "I can't put into words what this weekend has meant to me. I want to see you again as soon as we can arrange to meet." For some unknown reason, I started to cry, and it was the weirdest reaction imaginable.

Robbie, you have all of my contact information; call me when you can get away. The guys on the bus were now yelling for him to get on the damn bus. They mad at me, Robbie, for making you late. No worries, darling, it's my bus. Amy, I will call you tonight when I get home.

Amy, what the heck are you sleeping or what? Oh lord Ruth, I was deep in thought. Were they pleasant thoughts, Amy? More than you will ever know.

 Lynda L Freeman

March 11, 2020 21:37

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