
I woke up to the sunshine and yawned. I sat up, stretching my arms and glanced at my clock. It was 9:01. My stomach rumbled. Standing up, I slipped on my teddy bear slippers and dragged myself out of my room. I went in the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Lucky Charms. I then went out back and started eating.

“Hey, how’s it goin’?”

“Hi, Natalie, I just got up,” I replied and spooned some cereal in my mouth.

She leaned on the fence. “I know, I can tell; you’re still in your pajamas.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“What are you doing  today?”

“Nutten, why?”

“Just wondering.”

“Oh.” I took another bite.

“Are you eating Lucky Charms again?”


She rolled her pretty blue eyes.


“You should stop eating sugar. It’s bad for you.”



“Well, I like it and you can’t stop me!” I said and stuck my tongue out at her.

“Oh, Marky, Marky, Marky.”


“You’re so silly.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Am not.”

“Are too are too are too are too are too so poo on you!”

I blew a raspberry at her.

“Well!”  she huffed. “I Never!”


She turned her head.

“I said I’m sorry.”


I stuck my lower lip out.

She crossed her arms.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

“OK, OK, I forgive you! I was just playing anyway.”


 “What do you say?”


“You’re welcome, young man.”

“I’m not a young man; I’m a monster!”


“Yeah.” I put my cereal down. “RAWR!”

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Don’t eat me!”


“Did the monster make a stinky?”


“Come on, don’t lie.”


She giggled. “Come here.”

“What are you gonna do?”

“Nutten. I just wanna see you.”

I hesitated.



“Come here.”




“Pretty please.”


“Pretty please with sugar on top and ice cream in the middle!“

Well … if she put it that way… I slowly walked towards the fence.

“That’s it! Come to me.”

I stopped. “You promise you aren’t gonna do anything to me?”

“I promise!”

I walked over to the fence.

“Geetsa geetsa!”

I laughed. “Quit it!”

“No!” she continued.

I laughed harder.

“Geetsa geetsa!”

“I’m gonna go peepee in my pants!”

“Good.” She continued tickling me.

“Stop it!”

“Geetsa geetsa. Geetsa geetsa. Geetsa geetsa!”

“No, really, quit it or I’ll really peepee!”

“OK.” She stopped.

“That was mean!”

“I stopped before you went peepee.”

“Yeah, but it was still mean!” I pouted.

“I’m sorry.”

“You’re mean!”

“I’m really sorry.”

”Okaysies, I forgive you.”



“They’re coming!”

 “Who’s coming?”

“The aliens!”

“Uh oh, what do they look like?”

“They’re green with cone-shaped heads.”

“Sounds bad.”

“It is.”

“What are they doing?”

“They’re coming for me.”

“Oh no! Run!”

“I am!”

“Good. Don’t look back!”

“Oh no, I did.”

“Oh dear, what do you see?”

“The aliens have laser guns.”

“Oh no, are they shooting at you?”


“Good. Keep running.”

“I am.”

“See if you can get their guns.”


“Do a backflip and land on one.”


“Did you do it?”

“Yes, I’m on the red alien’s back.”

“Good, now grab the gun.”

“I…can’t reach!”

“You just have to.”

“I’m trying to…”

“Come on, Marky, I know you can do it.”

“Almost there…”

“Come on, come on, come on!”

“I got the gun.”

“Good, now shoot!”

“I shot, but missed.”

“Shoot again.”

“Got him, but he’s oozing blue slime… oh my gosh, the slime mutated into baby aliens!”“


“Yeah, now the babies are crying. What do I do?”

“Maybe they want milk.”

“Do they drink milk?”

“I dunno.”

“Then what do I do?”

“I dunno.”

“They’re getting louder.”

“I hear!”

“I think they do want milk.”

“OK, well, go in your house and get the milk.”

“I am.”

“Hurry! The baby alien is looking at me hungrily!”

“How can you tell?”

“There’s hunger in its eyes.”

“Hold on, Natalie, I almost got the milk!”


“I got the milk.”


“I’m running to the baby alien.”

“Be careful!”

“I will.”


“I’m giving it the milk.”

“Does it like it?”





“It’s sprouting another head.”


“Yeah. You gotta see this!”

“I don’t wanna.”


“I’m scared of aliens.”

“Even cute ones?”


“It’s cute.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“How do you know?”

“I know. All aliens are ugly.”

“Says who?”

“Says me.”

“Well, this one is cute, so there! PPPBBBTTT!”

“Did you blow a raspberry at me?”

“Yes I did.”

“How rude!”

I laughed.


“PPPPBBBTTT!” I giggled.


“You’re silly!”

“Am not!”

“Yes you are.”

“OK, I am.” I smiled.

“Hey, guess what?”


“You’re nice.”

“Aww, thank you, you’re nice too!”

“I am?”



“You treat me right. You always come out and talk to me. You help me organize my stuff. And you share your cookies with me.”

“Wow! I didn’t realize I was so nice.”

“You are!”

“Well, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“How’s Mr. Woofums?”

“He’s good.”

“Good, he’s a smart doggy.”

“Yeah, he sure is!”

“Do you still sing to him?”

“Yeah, his favorite song is Old McDonald Had a Farm.”

“I thought his favorite was How Much Is That Doggy in the Window.”

“No, that was his old favorite song. His new favorite is Old McDonald.”


“Yeah, he likes the dog part the best!”

She laughed. “I bet he does!”

"Old McDonald had a farm…”


“And on that farm he had a dog…”


“With a woof woof here, a woof woof there, here a woof woof, there a woof woof, everywhere a woof woof. Old McDonald had a farm…”


“You’re a great singer.”

“Thank you! So are you.”

“I sing to Mr. Woofums every day!”

“That’s good. I know he loves your singing.”

I smiled.

“I know I like your singing.”

“Thanks.” I spooned some cereal into my mouth. I forgot I had the bowl.

“Well, I gotta do some chores before it’s lunchtime.”

“OK, be sure to sing while you do them. It’s more fun that way.”

She giggled. “OK, I will!”

“See ya tomorrow morning?”

“It’s a date!”

Posted Apr 24, 2020

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9 likes 1 comment

Graham Kinross
08:07 Nov 26, 2021

Two childhood friends? It was cute but outside the dialogue I didn’t really know what was happening.


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