Adventure American Sad

This was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives. We were setting up for our annual fourth of July party. My mom handed me more corn to husk just because I said I was bored so I told her that I wanted to do something else and she said, “You could pour some more skittles and also you could help them get some hot dogs and other stuff cooked.”

"Ok I will do that then I will come back and help if you need help.” I said calmly. I was getting really excited because each step that we took to set up we got closer to the celebration that we put together each year and each year it gets better because each year we get more people to help us because we always make friends.We had to set up other things and we even had to go get things like amish donuts and other things made by the amish.

As everyone started to arrive my mom told em to start to husk corn since they were the only one that needed help since everyone else was ok and there was not enough people to how much corn we had because a few more people than we thought were gonna come so after I went and got more corn so I started and as soon as i started our uncle dooney walked over and started to mess with me which made me so annoyed and make me drop all of the corn, which made me mad so I gave him the look then right after i gave him the look he walked away. 

The hot dogs were cooked, the corn was sweet and cooked and the side dishes were cooked and heated and then everyone started to feast and stuff their faces with food since no one ate lunch. And only ate a small breakfast since mostly everyone was driving on their way to climer and they did not want an upset stomach. 

By the time I was done eating, people were still getting their food because there were a lot of people coming to the fourth of July party because we always have a crazy awesome and giant firework show and because some people were still getting seconds and I was gonna wait till some people got done so A my stomach settles and also so I do not have to wait for like 20 minutes so i can get up there and get done with.

Everyone was having a very good time. We went fishing road golf carts and four wheelers.  

By the time I was done there were so many people that the line was still moving my mom said”J adyn you have to wait till everyone is done” 

So then I went to sit back down in my seat and since I was bored I went over to a dog looked bored and needed to play with someone the dog was one that our friends took along with them they brought the dog to the cabin so the dog does not ruin their house and so he has people to play with. I was walking over to the dog at that second my mom seen me walking over to the dog to play with him my mom said needed me to help her husk a lot more corn because we were out and people wanted more corn so I had to walk away from the dog so I can help my mom because we thought that we had enough corn but I guess everyone loved the corn so we had to husk morecorn and then we had to grill some and make some of the corn creamed corn but we had to make mostly grilled corn because that is what 

After we made more corn we had to restock everything else because while we were husking corn everything else had gone so we had to restock everything else so after I helped restocking the snacks I got to eat some more food after we got done restocking the snacks.

Finally I got to go over to play with the dog. As soon as the dog saw me walk out of the corner of his eye he jumped right up and sat down so I could walk over and pet him. I walked over to pet the dog but the dog ran towards me and jumped up so I just pet him because I thought he was just bored. When I was going to walk away he scratched my shoulder and then he bit my thumb which made me see my bone and as I ran in blood was dripping blood all over. I was crying and appealed because I was always playing with the dog without him wanting to bite me or anything. I was scared because I had to go to the hospital because you could see my bone and I was bleeding a lot. I was also surprised because I was playing with the dog earlier and he did not try to bite me.

Then after I got ice and a lot of paper towels and got in my dad's truck and we were off to the hospital. When we went to the hospital I went to check in and after we checked in we went to go to the room we were admitted to, and when we got in there we had to wait ten minutes until the nurse came into the room. Since I got bit by a dog I had to let my finger sit in a bowl of hydrogen peroxide mixed with some hand soap so my thumb does not get infected. If my finger was infected I would have to get surgery and I would not be able to play sports for longer than a few weeks. Just to be sure that my finger was not infected I had to let my finger soak for 30 minutes. After i soaked my finger i had to go to get x-rays to make sure that the dog did not bite my vein or any things that the dog could have hit because if the dog but in a just right spot i could possibly not be able to move my finger. It hurt so bad when he had to move my finger alot to get the perfect picture so they could see the bone and veins and muscles to make sure that the dog did not hit or bite any parts of my finger that help my finger move. They also had to make sure that i was ok just to have my thumb wrapped up for a few weeks and did not have to get a full on cast and have to get stitches. 

Finally after about another 25 minutes we got the x-rays back and they looked fine. Then they wrapped up my thumb in weird sponges and gauze so it does not get infected and i had to know how to put it on because i has to take it off every other week or so The doctor said I have to keep my thumb out of the water and to not do a lot of things with my thumb because if I do I might make the gauze on the outside unravel or rip easily. We had to get paperwork that we had to get and we had to take with us for taxes and the doctors because I had to get a check up on my thumb and make sure it still was not infected.

After we got the paperwork done it was like nine o'clock and we finally were able to go back to the cabin. I was so happy that i was finally able to go back to the cabin, but i was also sad because i could not swim and do a lot of other things that might make the gauze unravel. When we got back to the cabin I was so annoyed because everyone was asking if I was ok and what happened. After we got back all of the kids were just getting back from a hay ride and from getting snacks lucky jonatan got me some popcorn and snacks. By the time I got back to the cabin it was 10:30 and pitch black outside and they were setting up the fireworks and the fire because almost everyone was on the hay ride so I had to just sit because I could not really do anything. 

Finally the fireworks show started and the smores started roasting, the bowls of snacks started emptying, everyone started to fall asleep and leave to go home or to a hotel if it takes along time to go home because the cabin that everyone goes to is in climer and the good thing that was good was that we were staying at the cabin already so we were all settled and ready to go to bed and end the crazy unexpected fourth of july celebration. and i guess that by then it was to late for the party to go on.

November 18, 2020 19:41

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