Viva la Revolution

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a story about an ordinary person speaking truth to power.... view prompt


Adventure Mystery LGBTQ+

“How does a kingdom run, with their mighty ruler gone?”

Our revolution started off very small, with only me and five others who were brave enough to speak out against this tyrant. 

My name is Azarin Frioster and I started the revolution against King Giakja.

We started in the deep grain fields which we sat in trying to hide ourselves from the world and any soldier who could hear us. At this point in the gigantic timeline, any person who dared to speak out got taken away and nobody knew what happened to them after. My friend Nesta had gathered us together with a simple letter on a piece of parchment, telling us to gather in these massive fields. 

We discussed with each other about the outrageous rules the corrupted king set up. From the fact that part of our monthly salary went to the army to the fact that the prices of food had to go up. He even started more wars while we were in poverty and struggling to meet any of our basic needs. He on the other hand fed himself round and thick!

The world was a cruel, cruel place.  

Some people would call us weird or crazy for wanting to speak out against the king but we disagreed. Who would stand up to him if it was not us? How long would we stay under his thumb if we did not take action?

We never wanted to know the answers to those questions and we never got to find out.


We started off small, afraid to do bigger things that could risk our identity. Trioa designed the newspapers that divulged the truth, in return the others spread them around the city in the middle of the night. Bars, cafes and even tailor shops were full in no time with our new newspaper! 

As we speak about risking identity this revolution nearly came to an end. It started when I was distributing flyers around the town. Laying them on benches, tables and even between loose bricks. Unfortunately, a guard made his round right when I finished up.

“And what are you doing here sir?” Their voice was strict and very cold. My hands started to shake slightly from under my jacket but I managed to keep them hidden from their line of vision.

“ Ah hello there, I was not expecting company on this fine evening.” I cracked a manipulative smile that I knew had a chance to convince them. “ I am simply trying to catch the traitor. They spoke badly about King Giakja and that is not right in my eyes!” I proudly exclaimed while inside my brain I eyes rolled. Stupid guards.. This king is a corrupt tyrant! How are you blind to that?

“ Thank you for your.. acts of patriotism but stay inside ma’am. The guards will handle this, love.” They shot a small smile towards me which disgusted me.. Although their look was not a bad thing..

No Azarin! No time for love. There’s only one place for anarchy in my mind. No time for relationships. 

When I returned to tell the others what happened, they had recruited another person who supported our acts of revolution. 

A guard. 


She was quite useful. She fed us information from the insides and provided their nightly schedules so we would not have a repeat of my incident. At this point, our little revolution had gained even more members to support the removal of our ‘lovely’ king. So, Aerish proposed the idea of a freedom march. Trioa again made the posters and we spread them out so the villagers could see them.

Remember our inside spy? 

Well turns out her name is Aanya and she looks like a real queen. Her red hair… Brown eyes and her personality.. Normally I would be focused on our goal but she stirs up feelings in my mind I thought disappeared from my mind. I don’t see how she’s beneficial to our revolution but I’ll let her contaminate my mind and thoughts for now.

Before I get carried off again, let’s talk about our little freedom march. 

We created disguises to mask our identities just in case it went straight into disaster. Me and Aanya went to the front lines to hold a speech before the protest started. Her hand grabbed mine and gave it a light squeeze before we began our speech.

“People of Thech! Hear me speak out the truth, as leader of our revolution!” For the first time in a while I thought of myself as confident and well worded. Now it’s time to bring it home with the rest of my words.

The crowd started to cheer and I felt my heart race faster and faster. My eye sight blurred for a moment from the anticipation as Vitario and Trioa calmed down the crowd so I could speak again.

“King Giakja is a corrupt, tyrant of a king who does not deserve his crown! We’ve all suffered under his rules and regulations, leaving most of us homeless and pennyless. I say it is time to change this. Join us for Anarchy and Freedom so this tyrant will not rule any longer! I promise you, the people of Thech, a safe and corruption-free kingdom if you help us!” I intertwined my fingers with Aanya’s and raised them up for the crowd making them copy us. Soon all their hands were in the air and proudly raised.

“VIVA LA REVOLUTION!” I yelled out above everyone.

I heard my words echo back to me, and that’s when I knew everything would work out for us.


Our protest had worked. 

On the night of the 28th of November King Giajka was no more. 

What started as a small group of revolutionaries, turned into a changed city. Aanya says it is because of my powerful speech but I disagree.

“We simply needed a new ruler.” I said with confidence as we walked to the throne room. The others were cheering behind us and shouting for the revolution we created. I did not join in because while it was a revolution it was not over for me yet. Getting rid of one tyrant king was just one of the goals..

And so I walked up to the throne and went to sit. The others who had not seen this side of me yet were in shock or confusion for a moment.

“Oh dear friends.. Did you really think my goal was done? Getting rid of that excuse for a king was not my final goal. “ I laughed wickedly, pulling out the tricksup my sleeves.

“What do you mean dear..?” Aanya sounded afraid which only humored me even more. Her eyes shone of fear and I savored every moment of it.

“ Guards.. Take them away outside this room. They’re not the ones I want to deal with at the moment. Leave Aanya here. “ I ordered the guards who now had to obey my commands. My hands reached out to the side cushion and pulled out one of the crowns that suited me.

“Azarin this is not like you.. What are you doing?” She asked again and I stood up.

“ Everyone corrupts at one point in their life dear Aanya.. I guess now it is my time. I give you a choice.. “ I stuck out my hand for her to possibly grab. “ Join me or be seen as a traitor to Thech. It’s whatever you decide ‘love’. “ At ‘love’ I made sure to sound extra charming just for her.

“Never. You want all the power for yourself! You didn’t want a revolution for change did you? You just wanted to gain control!” She said accusingly.

“That was always the goal sweetheart. Gajka was only another person in my way to my success. GUARDS!” I raised my voice as I stared her in the eyes.

“ Take her away! She’s a traitor to our kingdom now.” I accused her and watched her get taken away. They stopped at the door as she took one final look at me. “ And to think I loved you! “

“Oh dear. I’m just doing what needs to be done.” 

The door closed and I turned back to the throne.

“Viva la Revolution.”

April 09, 2021 10:10

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