Mystery Thriller Drama

I woke up one day, surrounded by four walls with creepy things on its wall.

I tried to remember how I ended up here, but-- I can't.

I looked upon the frames on the wall, and I saw a family portrait that is giving me a creepy vibes. Suddenly, the light became dimmed thus, I am hearing laughs around me. I don't know where does those voices coming from but all that I want to do now is to-- escape.

"Help, help me!" I shouted on top of my lungs, hoping that someone could hear me.--I was about to stood up, when I felt a heavy thing on my leg.

My left leg has a tied metal rock,-- preventing me to go anywhere.

That is the time where I knew that I am going to die inside this room.

I wanted to cry, but I can't.

The voices are beginning to become louder and louder, I am forcing my feet to go, hide me from the voices that is about to capture me.

They are everywhere, they are near me, and they will haunt me.

"No, no--NOOOO!" I shouted as loud as I could, I tried to close my ears with my two hands-- but it doesn't help me.

I still hear them loud and clear.

I am too helpless, and I was about to lose hope.

Maybe, this is my fate.

But then, the voices stopped. I looked around, assuring myself that they were gone.

I drop a deep loud breath, regaining my courage and strength that was drained a while ago.

Now, I feel alone.

I want to get out'ta here. But I don't know how, there was something on my leg and I couldn't see a door in my room.

All I could see is a four-white walls with frames on it.

Aside from a family portrait, I saw a woman carrying a child with a smile on their faces. My heart melts from that picture, and I don't know why I feel some pain somewhere in my heart.

I don't know why suddenly my tears are falling from my eyes, and I don't know where my pain came from.

As I begun crying, I saw the child in the picture standing in front of me. He's smiling and waving at me, he run towards me spreading his arms like a baby bird trying to fly on a tree.

I also spread my arms, waiting for his warm hug for me. I close my eyes while waiting him--





5 minutes of waiting..

I decided to open my eyes, and saw my child lying on the floor--blood's covering his body.

M-my poor child.

Who did this to you?

"NOOOOOOOO! I will take revenge, let me out! My poor child, let me out!" I shouted the loudest I can, I have to capture the one who did that to my child.

"Mrs. Jackson? Time for meds now." a woman's voice stated, and suddenly I saw a door opened.


"Nurse, how's my wife?" a man in middle-age asked wearing a white cape.

The nurse is holding a tray with syringe and a cup of medicine, and put it down the table beside her.

"She's slowly recovering doc, however, she still experiencing paranoia." the nurse stated.

The man with white cape, released a deep sigh and suddenly drops his body to a chair.

"It's been a year since I put her in that room. I feel sorry to her." the man bowed his head reminiscing his wife's situation.

"You should be sorry if she died with your son, Doc. As she still lives, don't lose hope. Be strong for her, I know she can recover." the nurse powerful statement that make the man's faith awakened.

"Thank you." the man stated, and the nurse picked up the tray again and goes to her room.

As she closed the door from her room she dropped the tray on her table loudly, as if she was an enraged bull.

"How long will she live?! Tsk, she's so strong! What if she really recovers?!--No, that will not happen as long as I am here! I will kill you too, Celestina! I will burn your soul in hell, I will going to retrieve what you've stole from me!" the innocent looking nurse was nowhere to find in this room, she was replaced by a furious woman that can kill anyone as of the moment.

She started gritting her teeth as if she was losing control to herself.

When she heard a knock on her door, she quickly returned to her innocent looking self, and wear her plastic smile to welcome the one who's knocking her door.

"Nurse Angeline, are you the one who's in-charge of Mrs. Jackson?" Albert asked.

"Yes, why?" she answered.

Albert take something from his pocket, and show it to Angeline.

"I saw some sort of drugs in Mrs. Jackson's trash bin. I don't know where does she found this kind of drug--unless you're the one who's giving it to her?" Albert suspecting Angeline.

Angeline looked at the drugs, she was froze a second on her feet. She could barely speak, she don't know what to say.

She slowly put her hands inside her pocket, and get her small knife.

She smiled to Albert sweetly, and step forward to his direction.

"Why would I do that?" she asked him with a sweet tone, going nearer at him.

Albert looked at her as she seduce him with her eyes.

Angeline fastly wraps her arms on Albert's nape and tried to kill him with her knife, but because of Albert's fast reflex he grasp Angeline's hands and remove the knife in her hands.

"Stop here, Angeline." Albert stated.

Angeline slowly turns into a fiery woman and started shouting at him.


And everthing went black.






A flash of light strikes my eyes as I opened it.

I blinked my eyes many times, trying to recover my eyesight from the flash, and soon a man wearing an eyeglasses with white hair appeared.

"Do you hear me?" He asked, I nodded as a response.

"Good, you were asleep for a year. Thank God you are now responding." he stated, he seems to be a doctor.

I tried to looked around me, and I saw a child beside my bed.

"Who is he?" I asked him, but he is not telling a word.

Suddenly, pictures and scenarios are starting to reflect on my mind. The child--

"Is he my child?" I ask him.

And finally he nodded.

"What happened to him?" I asked him.

But he did not respond again, he just gave me a sorry-look which made me more curious.

Because of my sudden memories, I remember Angeline and Celestina.

"Do you perhaps know Celestina and Angeline?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Do you know where are they? I am regaining my memories, I heard their names. Maybe they knew what happened to my precious child." I stated.

He dropped a deep sighed, before stutter a word.

"You are here in a research laboratory, I am a psychologist. Celestina and Angeline is both your identity together with Albert and the Doctor. You were diagnosed to have a multiple identity, and your child wants to help you. But suddenly, he was lost somewhere in your past and might be holding by one of your identity." The doctor said while looking to my child.

My poor child.

"I will retrieve my child, turn me back there!" I said, raising my voice.

"You cannot do that, your child should be the one to find his way out." The doctor stated.

I started crying, while looking at him.

"I am now here my child, mom's here now! Please wake up." I beg him to wake up, but he is still sleeping.

Dreaming with a dream made by his brain, full of desires, full of imaginations--illusions indeed.

"But you know, he might be living the dream he wanting for you and him, with his late father." the doctor stated.

"Late father?-- he died?" I asked the doctor, and he nodded.-- This life was way more heartbreaking.

"How?" I asked.

"That is the reason why we did this. You are getting rid of that person inside you, who killed your husband." he stated.

I was shocked, and pierced with several knives around me.

"No..this is not happening.." I whispered.

My husband's dead, and my child's suffering-- all of this happened because of me.

"Doc.." I stutter.

"Is it possible for me to live my dream just like my child?" I asked without looking at him. "Can you make me sleep too, just like my child?" I added.

If this is my reality, I rather sleep and dwell in my fake life forever.

I will happily acknowledge whatever circumstances may happened.

"You might di-"

"I will accept my fate doc." I answered.

I heard him sighed.

"Nurse, get the medicine." He ordered his nurse.

If this is the way to escape, my reality I am happy to do it.

The doctor started to insert a syringe on my skin.

Just like my child, my husband.. We will live happily ever af--

March 09, 2021 02:02

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Silas Miller
18:17 Mar 19, 2021

i loveed it


Jercy DG
11:06 Mar 20, 2021

Hi Silas! I am not expecting someone would actually comment here.. Thank you for appreciating my work 💜


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