Adventure African American American

My parents hated the idea that I was white and my husband to be was black. They hated the idea of us kissing , or one day having childten. In fact they hated us both. They were against interracial marriage and wasn't afraid to let it be known. It didn't matter to Sly or I we were in love from the first time we ever seen each other. Love at first sight. I use to tease him that we were like the ying yang twins. What I lacked he had and what he lacked I had. We were so much I love , there was absolutely no way I could ever betray him.. He was the love of my life, my best friend, my twin flame. No one could ever be compared to him, no one. We had arrived at my father's farm two days earlier for a family meeting, and now we were all being summoned into to the dining room. I new it was bad news from the second we arrived. My mom.had been crying and she had a black eye. As I looked around the room and and noticed all the faces staring back at mine, my mouth watered and my hands shook, I knew I was going to have todefend my husband til the end. My dad was ranting and raving, someone was stealing money from his business, and we were going to find out today who it was I heard the thump, thump of his hands snaking together, I smelled the sweet smell of sweat , and the him that he had been drinking all day. As he was circling the table he kept getting closer to me He grabbed me by my shirt and screamed in my face it was your black husband. I started screaming "It wasn't him". "Daddy, let me go, please I swear it wasn't him". "It wasn't him. It was Bryan" I screamed, and the the whole room gasped with horror and disgust. " "Shut up", My daddy screamed in my face. Then he once again, began to circle the table with his gun in his hand. He was smacking the table every few feet with the palm of his hand ,a loud thump, thump, Before he made it a complete circle around the table I fainted. I couldn't take it anymore the yelling and fighting and fussing all over someone who stole from my fathers business. He was adamant it was the only black person in the house, I didn't care if it was Sly, I would never betray him never. As I came to, a few minutes later, I heard Sly whisper in my ear "Just tell him I did it please, if not he is going to hurt us all." i looked deep into his brown eyes and put my hand in his and I whispered, " I told you I would never betray you". My father continued cursing, screaming knocking things over, slapping my mom in the face, s As his face was turning more and more red, his veins in his forehead and neck kept getting bigger and bigger. I thought he was going to explode. Finally, I got to my feet and I looked, my father in the eyes and I said " I stole your money, it was me". He made a horrible screaming sound " you, filthy bitch how dare you still from me. I am your father". I looked him in the eyes and I said " You may be my father but you are not my husband" . He grew angrier and screamed "get out of my house you two, Now leave. Take nothing with u but the clothes on your back. " We looked at each other grabbed each other's hands and walked out the front door, our heads held high. We walked down the steps and kept on walking until we came to a clearing in the woods. I looked at the man I chose to marry, the father of my future babies and I told him " I said I would never betray you." Wrong or right, bad or good, left or right, up or down I'm here for you". You are the most loving person I ever met." And I would die for you. As w continued walking into the trees if got darker and darker until we couldn't see out hands in front of our faces. By this time we were both tired, dirty, hungry and thirsty. So we stopped by a riverbank and took a break. Falling alsleep in each other's arms, my head on his cheast. Neither of us knew it would be our last night together. The next morning we started walking west. Around noon I got the feeling we were being watched. Then we started hearing twigs breaking and dogs howling, and men hootin . We were in trouble I knew my father had called his family in us and we were being hunted. Sly looked at me and pushed me away from him. "He screamed I'm here come get me". My dad answered "it's not you it's my thieving daughter I want", I started to shake all over my daddy said " let her go and you may live to see another day". I never saw this coming, Sly pushed me into a open clearing and screamed" here she is and he ran away". I screamed Sly please don't leave me and he said "I'm sorry but I don't want to die". He took off running never looking back to see if I was ok. The last thing I saw before my dad shit me was a look of disgust on his face. The last words I heard was " I told you bloodnis thicker than water. I does that day betrayed by a man I would of died for, a man I lived more than anything. I died alone. Betrayed by the one person I loved. I vowed revenge as I lay there dying on both him and my father. I vowed they would both pay.

November 08, 2020 12:36

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