
It was a rainy night in the year 2099 the clock was about to turn to the year 3000 and people were getting ready to set off their fireworks. Others were trying to do other crazy things that's when Luke the bounty hunter was shown in frame. In year 2077 they created a ghost projector which would accurately put dead people as a projected ghost. It came with a catch the generator came with an android and unluckily Luke got a very lazy one. The countdown began 3,2,1 everyone screamed happy new years even Luke. The ghost generator turned off because at midnight they all turned off to save power. Suddenly a blast of light came from the closet and Luke and his android jumped.The intruder then went through the fridge and sat down on the couch and both the android and Luke thought the intruder might have something that makes him think this was his house. Both of them jumped the intruder and the face they saw surprised them.

It was an older much bigger version of Luke. Luke was 23 and this Luke looked to be about maybe 50 or older. Future Luke said that he was from the year 3030 and said that a big catastrophe was coming, he then dropped a ghost generator to show his wife. Noone showed up; it might have been because this was a newer model and wouldn’t work back then. Future Luke went to the fridge again while the android and Luke were trying to tell him what was gonna happen in the future and how did he come here. Future Luke said that first he wants the android to charge his generato so he can talk with his wife. After a few hours of sitting around and doing nothing the ghost generator was finally charged to 100%. The future Luke said that for them to leave so they can talk alone. Both the android and Luke heard muttering and sipping of english tea. That's when this was testing their patience. They both decided that they would have one little peak of what was going on. They realized no one was there and it was a machine making all the noise of talking and sipping tea. They saw future Luke turn around with green beady eyes and it ran out the window with the ghost generator. Both the android and Luke ran outside to try and catch them then saw a black van with no license plate speeding away. 

The android finally after a few hours was able to track down where the unmarked van was. They got there but it was in the middle of an abandoned factory they searched and kept on looking but no luck because they couldn’t find anyone. They knew they were here because they saw the unmarked van behind the building. That’s when both the android and Luke realized that they could possibly be at the bottom. They saw some staircases that go to the bottom that were really well hidden. The bottom floor was empty except for the ghost generator in the middle. They activated it and Lucas’s wife came out to have a cup of tea. They both sat down and got some tea to figure out what was going on. Lucas’s wife said that the people in black suits took here and started running some tests while writing some things down. They took a look at her one last time and then turned her off. It was weird because there were only 2 people, Luke and an android that looked very old like our android. This was very confusing first there was a future Luke then it turned out all he wanted was the ghost generator. They all heard footsteps from upstairs and hid in the darkness while leaving the generator where it was originally. It was the future Luke and like Lucas’s wife said there was a future and older kind of android. They both muttered to each other and got the generator. They were about to walk off when the regular android’s alarm began ringing. They were caught and both the future android and Luke said if they were looking for the generator and they both said yes. The android and Luke tapped a button there arm and they turned into regular looking people. Both Luke and the android were more confused than ever.

The 2 guys said they were government officials and were trying to recall all of the ghost generators because a few were malfunctioning and people were refusing to give them back. The android said that it wasn’t created by samsung though. Luke and the android said why they were morphed into things that looked like them. They both said that they had to turn into people they trusted to had to them which was themselves. Both Luke and the android were relieved until the government officials said they still have to take the generator away because of rules but they said a new one would be coming out in a few weeks so they could wait until then.

3 weeks later…

Luke and the android rushed to stores to go and get one of the generators. Everywhere was sold out in the first 2 minutes and they finally got ahold of one. They plugged in the chip and out came all the ghost’s you could choose from and of course the only one available was Lucas’s ghost which they went ahead and had their cup of tea. This was the longest they have ever talked. It was a new record of 7 hours but after a while she needed to go back to charging. He shut it off and left it to charge a few years later he lost the generator he never realized this was the last time he saw her. The android was left behind and of course even the ghost generator and it's ghost chip inside

March 13, 2020 17:11

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