Thriller Fiction Suspense

It was a very creepy night, Kim went down the squeaking stairs shaking in her boots, fearing she will fall down stairs since it's so loose.

Creepy shadows freaking her out, it seems like the shadows get closer to her and hearing scratching sounds on the walls. she was almost down squeaking stairs.

3 more steps to go. 3.2.1... Boom! The last stair fell with a big thump. Her face frozen, full of fright.

Her teeth were chattering, lungs begging for air as she tried not to breathe, Heart pounding so fast her head spins, shaking so hard she could not move at all. Then something aggressively grabs her with sharp nails from behind. 

Auuuuuahh! she screams, trying to get away saying, please don't kill! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME repeatedly.

She aggressively yanks and forcefully pulls with all her might with her arms waving wildly. He was bigger and stronger and overly powers her with a grip that she cannot get out. Then it was completely silence.  

Kim did not speak at all. She did not move a muscle and was not breathing.  

Are you done? He asked, but it was no answer. I'm Jimmy and I'm not the murderer, you can stop acting like your gone. He replied. Oh, well I did not know and I just did not want to be destroyed. Kim said.

Why are five bodies down here laying here? Kim asked. I'm still terrified because of it, says Kim. I'm the witness who saw the murderer hurt these people. 

Two days ago, I ran from the murderer who tried to get me and all of these people that's laying here. I hid underneath these stairs the murderer attacked all these people. The door got kicked down forcefully. 

It was the cops who took down Jimmy to arrest him. Wait a minute officer, I'm not the murderer, but I know who is. The cops stood him up and said talk.  

He was big in all black, his eyes are red, he has sharp nails longer than mine and that's the guy who hurt all these people.

The police could not find no evidence that a murder took place. so, the police took him since he had blood spots on his shirt and put him in the police car. 

 Kim told the officer that he didn't do anything and that she needs Jimmy to be inside of house with her because she is so scared. The police named Ron did not listen to her and said, he's going in for murder and drove off with him in the car hatefully. 

She went back to the house creping and looking around slowly. someone whispers out, saying Kim. She grabs a medal bat and got in a ready position, slowly walking to the door. It whispers out Kim louder and louder. Boom, knocking down the door and swinging the bat with all her might, with all her strength. It was just a recorder that was whispering out Kim. She picks it up and paused it. 

 She quickly got grabbed, knocking the bat out her hand, covering up mouth, taking her to the back room. She got knock down with red liquid splatter everywhere. The police that drive Jimmy eventually stops on the train tracks while the train getting closer and closer. Officer! Officer! The train going to hit us. Jimmy looks and found no one in the car, but him. He got out quietly and there it was, BOOM!  

The train hits the car, making it blow up in smoke, causing a big fire. Luckily, Jimmy got blasted out flying forwards and fell with a big thump.

The officer that secretly got out the car to watch Jimmy blow up was fired up angry, since Jimmy got blasted away instead of blowing up with the fire. The cop ran to him with red eyes. Jimmy got up excited saying, Phew, I'm alive!  

Then he saw the police running towards him and saw his red eyes. Wait a minute, you not the police, you fake cop! Jimmy shouted, running like the wind for his life. Two officers tried to help the cop with the red eyes, but ran them over, making them fly and hit their heads on the concrete. 

 He ran to Kim house out of breath, holding his knees, heavily breathing. The car speeding fast to get Jimmy, but he flew inside like lighting. Jimmy starts having flash backs of the past when he hid his suit because of red eyes after police officers and a bunch of them begging Jimmy that they need his help.  

Eventually, he remembers what officer bob said to help us down the street at the place called nightmare policemen. All of sudden, a force of police officers with guns, bust down the door saying freeze.  

It was nobody there except the five bodies lying there. They look all around the house and found nothing and left.  

Jimmy came out from hiding under the dark stairs realizing all of them are cops that destroys people, he thought.  

He went upstairs and went in the room where Kim was laying down with red liquid splatter everywhere along with ten other bodied laying there. NOOOOOOO! He dramatically cried.  

Just when he about to leave the room Kim whispered out Jimmy. He jumped saying OH no, here comes the spirit! Kim raises up, saying I'm not a spirit, I'm just acting. You alive? 

Jimmy askes. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Everyone is alive fooling the murderer. Everybody raised up. Wow! Jimmy was surprise. Then what the red liquid on the floor? Jimmy asked. It just red fruit punch. Kim answered. Jimmy and everyone went down stairs realizing the five bodies down here was alive too.  

Jimmy told everyone to follow after him so he catches the murderer. They all followed him down the street to the nightmare policemen place and went in. They found the real officers in jail while fake officers were out destroying people. Everyone was unlocking the real officers out of jail.

Jimmy realizes the place was going to explode in 7 seconds. EVERYBODY GET OUT, THE PLACE IS GOING TO EXPLODE! He screams causing everyone to hurry up. Six- five-four, everyone rushing to unlocking the police out of jail and screaming and banging on the exit door, since it is lock. Three-two-one.... Boom!  

They all busted down the door running for their lives. The building exploded with smoke and it was a big huge fire. Luckily, everyone makes it alive. You are a hero. Kim replies. Thank you, Jimmy responds. All the police officers went after the fake cops and arrested them.

Jimmy puts out the murderer red eyes with sharp nails and they took him down putting all the fake cops in jail along with red eyes. Jimmy and Kim went to her house happy. Then a creepy whisper shouted out saying, Jimmy and Kim.  

Jimmy cuts on the light and their red eyes is, having two guns against Kim and Jimmy heads. Did you really think red eyes was out there? No, I'm right here, Ha-ha-ha-ha! The End. 

November 13, 2020 18:26

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