Christian Fantasy Speculative

From the opulent confines of a grand estate in Pennsylvania, a thirty-year-old Caledon Hockley lamented his lack of a wife. Though he was blessed with wealth and good looks, his haughty demeanour had turned away many a potential suitor, leaving him alone and longing for companionship.

Desperate for a solution, he turned to me in prayer, entreating me with all the sincerity of his heart. "Oh, divine Lord," he beseeched me, "guide me to the woman who will be my perfect match. I will cherish her always and provide for our children with all the riches at my disposal. Hear my plea, O Lord. Amen."

As I had promised to my faithful children time and again, Ask and you shall receive, I set in motion the events that would lead my beloved Caledon towards his heart's desire.


The initial move came a week following, when his father Nathan was set to rendezvous with the amiable Owen Kugel, the owner of the forthcoming Indiana Borough Municipal edifice. I engineered a bargain between Owen and Nathan for the key materials of the building - load-bearing steel, roofing sheets, and piping - to provide Caledon the opening to encounter Owen's assistant, the mesmerising Patricia Smith.

Patricia was a remarkable woman, one whom I had blessed with many virtues - patience, resilience, and the natural ability to nurture her future children. While Owen and Nathan discussed business matters, I arranged for Caledon and Patricia to cross paths, dropping Patricia's pen and notebook at Caledon's feet. He gallantly retrieved them for her, and soon they were lost in conversation. Caledon's heart was entranced by Patricia's delicate sensibility, and I smiled in satisfaction at my handiwork.

However, my plans took a sour turn when I heard the true desires of Caledon's heart. Despite all my blessings upon Patricia, he found her lacking in beauty - too thin and pale for his taste. 

I attempted to impart upon him the knowledge that in due time, Patricia would blossom and meet his lofty standards. I beckoned forth the comely Mrs. Matthews, once slender, now voluptuous, to stroll past the edifice as proof to the transformation a woman can undergo with proper nurturing. Yet despite my subtle cues, he remained ignorant and resolute in his pursuit of another who fit his fanciful ideals.

On a breeze's breath, I murmured to his soul, "Caledon, my child. You're sure?" His spirit answered, unyielding: "Yes." So, I wielded my power, closed one path, and opened another, resolved to guide him to the love he truly desired.


As the days stretched into weeks, I meticulously charted a course for Caledon, lining up woman after woman who fit his exacting specifications. I knew the very essence of my children, and thus knew which would share his desires and dreams, and which had the tenacity to withstand his mercurial nature. Yet each candidate was met with a swift dismissal, deemed not attractive enough or too strong-willed for his liking.

Every time his soul cried out with its yearning, I would respond with a reassuring "and so it shall be," never ceasing to lead him towards his heart's desire until he learned to trust in my divine power. But his stubbornness prevailed, and he clung to the illusion of control.

So I orchestrated a new path for him, through a business venture involving another of my children residing in Southampton, England. William Spranger needed reliable resources of steel for the repairment of Tudor House and Garden. So I exhorted his spirit towards a steel company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It may have seemed improbable to order steel from a faraway place, but with my godly assistance, nothing is beyond possibility. To set my design in motion, I arranged for Nathan to be involved with another business deal at the same time, leading Caledon to travel to England to strike a deal with William. I smiled with satisfaction as Caledon agreed to travel across the sea, never suspecting the hand that guided him.

And in England, I carefully arranged for him to cross paths with Mary Hatt, a gentle soul who embodied all that he sought in a partner. They quickly fell in love, and I basked in the glow of their happiness.

But in the depths of the night, as he lay in bed, his soul sent forth a prayer of doubt and mistrust. He feared that I could not bring their families together with my divine power. “I beseech You, Almighty God, to send me an American woman who embodies all the beautiful qualities of Mary,” he pleaded.

On a breeze's breath, I murmured to his soul, "Caledon, my child. You're sure?" His spirit answered, unyielding: "Yes." So, I wielded my power, closed one path, and opened another, resolved to guide him to the love he truly desired.


By my divine might, I spun a brilliant scheme to steer Caledon towards my child, Elizabeth. Despite her roots in Connecticut, she landed a governess job with the Charles clan in London. Through shrewd calculation, I orchestrated a soirée in Southampton for the Charles couple, with Elizabeth as nanny for their little ones. 

My design was for Elizabeth to cross paths with Caledon at the White Star Line Tea Room on Canute Road, yet fate had other plans. For when they arrived, Caledon's eyes were immediately drawn to another beauty seated with her mother at a nearby table. Though I knew this woman was not suited for him, with her strong-willed ways and fiery spirit, he seemed unable to tear his gaze away.

But I am not one to be deterred by such trivialities. So I orchestrated several happenstances, ensuring that Caledon and Elizabeth would stumble upon each other. They shared a moment gazing at a painting on the wall, and I caused their drinks to be switched by the clumsy server. I even coaxed Charles's children into uproar, granting Elizabeth the stage to reveal her American lilt in scolding. 

Yet, despite my endeavours, Caledon remained captivated by the other woman. It wasn't until he caught wind of the mother and daughter's stateside inflections that his heart raced. Against my wishes and meticulous planning, Caledon approached their table, entranced by the melody of their names - Ruth and Rose DeWitt Bukater. In that instant, he falsely recognized Rose as the one I had sent - a prayer answered.

Silently, his soul sent a prayer to me. "Thank you, Father. May our union culminate in a joyful marriage," he beseeched. And though my plan had gone awry, I couldn't help but smile at the tenacity of my mortal charges. For in their actions, I saw the beauty of free will, the gift that I had bestowed upon them.

On a breeze's breath, I murmured to his soul, "Caledon, my child. You're sure?" His spirit answered, unyielding: "Yes." So, I wielded my power, closed one path, and opened another, resolved to guide him to the love he truly desired.


As the days passed, Ruth's admiration for Caledon grew stronger and stronger. She spoke with such conviction that he would make the perfect husband for her daughter, Rose. But I could hear the truth in his soul. Ruth was not enchanted by Caledon's virtues, but rather his vast wealth as heir to the Pittsburgh steel fortune.

And Rose, well, she was a difficult one. I had crafted her with a strong will and little patience for arrogance, which unfortunately was Caledon's Achilles heel. Yet he pleaded with me to open her heart, time and time again. So, I created countless opportunities for them to bond. I nudged Caledon to reveal his love for paintings, which softened Rose's heart slightly. Still, his arrogance persistently surfaced, repelling her further.

I contemplated paving a new path for Caledon, but every night he prayed to me, "Lord, please open Rose's heart to accept me as her husband." His soul was resolute in his desire, and so I heeded his call. On a breeze's breath, I murmured to his soul, "Caledon, my child. You're sure?" His spirit answered, unyielding: "Yes."

And so, I set them on a grand journey, one in which a tragic event would occur. Though it would test their love, I knew it would bring them closer together in ways they could never imagine. With my divine power, I orchestrated the event in such a way that they would survive, their love reaching an unbreakable state.

For in love, there is no greater force than the power of the heart. And with my guiding hand, Caledon and Rose's love would endure the trials of fate, bound together forevermore.


April tenth, I set in motion a grand scheme, destined to alter history's path. Caledon, Ruth, and Rose's hearts gravitated toward the RMS Titanic, despite their initial intention to board the RMS New York. So, with my divine guidance, Caledon secured Parlor Suite tickets on B-Deck, the very apex of opulence and extravagance aboard the ship.

Unbeknownst to many of the passengers, I had already made an agreement with their souls. Five days after the ship's departure, they would be called to my side and spend the rest of eternity with me in heaven. For they would complete their missions on earth, and I would grant their ultimate prayers. Each of my children had their own heart's desire, their own purpose for living. And once they had achieved their peak of joy, they were ready to return to me.

Among them were Edward J. Smith, who hungered for the world's highest esteem as a captain, and John Jacob Astor who pined to be part of history's greatest human invention. Thomas Andrews and Bruce Ismay shared this desire, to be immortalised by millions of people for all time. Jack Phillips swore to save hundreds of lives, and Wallace Hartley ached to soothe hearts through his music. As for Jack Dawson, he searched for true love. The transition to their heavenly home in a few days would bring boundless satisfaction beyond human understanding.

The tragedy would not cause all of my children to make the transition. For some, it was my divine way of strengthening their hearts and bonds with each other. For Caledon, Ruth, and Rose, the tragedy would serve as a path towards forming a stronger union as a family. 

As they ambled on the passageway heading to the ship, I could see that my plan for Caledon and Rose was unfolding just as I had envisioned. Their harrowing survival in the tragedy would serve as a catalyst for their love to grow stronger than ever before. And with their hearts intertwined, they would be blessed with five children, each one a testament to their unbreakable bond.

Oh, how perfect my plan was! For in their love, I saw the beauty of humanity, the power of the heart to endure even the most trying of circumstances. 


Alas, Caledon clung to his stubborn nature, eager to control all within his realm. Endlessly, he begged me to unlock Rose's heart and bend it to his will. But he couldn't refrain from meddling in every moment between them. It began with his snide remarks about Rose's artistic preferences, mocking Monet and Picasso in a sardonic way. Matters worsened when he attempted to court Rose before she was ready for such advances.

During lunch, I granted him an opportunity to display the tender facet of his soul, the one which might enthral Rose's heart. Yet faced with her self-reliant spirit, he faltered, presuming to order her food and brazenly wresting a cigarette from her grasp.

To me, Rose raised her prayers. "Dearest Lord," she pleaded, "Please make Caledon comprehend my heart. I'm striving to accept him." With these words, she withdrew to the deck, her soul's lamentations reaching out in hope that he would hasten to her side, to offer solace and reveal the depth of his regard. Though I whispered to Caledon, urging him to lavish her with tenderness, his resolve crumbled before the onslaught of his all-too-human outrage. He chastised her, driving her heart ever further from his reach.

Rose's plea rang clear and resolute. "Hold me in your caring arms, Lord," she beseeched, poised to cast herself into the sea's dark depths. Yet it was not her hour. Thus, I guided my child Jack Dawson to her salvation. Concurrently, I laid before Caledon another avenue to display his virtuous nature to Rose, but he succumbed to baser instincts, offering Jack insult with a paltry sum of twenty dollars.

I forged path upon path for Caledon and Rose to find unity, but Caledon stubbornly clung to his own instincts. His faith in himself eclipsed his faith in me, and so they clashed in bitter strife.

Meanwhile, my boundless love heard the cries of both Rose and Jack. Rose sought only one who would truly know her heart, while Jack yearned to discover his soul's true companion. I orchestrated their meeting, though my original design intended another woman for Jack. Yet as their souls entwined, yearning for one another, I relented, allowing their love to bloom, despite the knowledge that soon I would summon Jack to my side.

For Caledon, another path emerged. There could be no union of love between him and Rose after his heartless words, branding her as "a whore to a gutter rat." He had inflicted profound pain on her heart, and even his gift of a blue-diamond necklace couldn't heal the wounds. Yet I would still answer his prayers for a wife, and so I ordained that he would survive the impending disaster and, upon reaching the shores of New York City, encounter a woman who would be his perfect match.

It is not uncommon for me to weave intricate paths for my children, but sometimes their desires conflict with each other. In the case of Rose and Ruth, both of whom I wanted to survive the tragedy, Rose's plea to carry on with her life as an actress meant that I had to create separate paths for each of them. I knew that if they were to encounter each other again, it would be difficult for Rose to achieve her dreams. 


Months had passed since I orchestrated the fateful collision between ship and iceberg, and Caledon had fallen neatly into the path I had laid before him. With my divine hand guiding his every move, he wed a compassionate being, Ursula Beckley, a match truly made in heaven. And for many years, I showered Caledon with blessings, for he was finally learning that by following my path, his every desire would be fulfilled. For a span of sixteen years, he knew a contentment few mortals could ever hope to claim. With Ursula by his side and five children to bless his days, he had everything he could ever ask for.

But the following year, Caledon came to me with yet another prayer, seeking to expand his steel company, an inheritance from his father. I whispered to his soul, urging him to diversify into iron ore mining and downstream processing. I showed him the way, but Caledon's stubbornness and his reluctance to listen to my voice led him to take control using his own limited wisdom. His company fell into ruin, succumbing to bankruptcy in that same year.

I tried to guide him once more, to show him a path to recovery and survival, but his flesh was weak, and his faith in my design wavered. In the end, he chose to take his own life, causing a mournful stir among the angels and saints in the heavens. It always pains me when my children fail to trust in my plans and surrender to their own doubts and fears. If only they could understand that if they just surrendered to my will, their prayers would be answered in due time, and everything would turn out perfectly in the end.


Years drifted by on mortal soil, but within this realm of boundless life, where beasts and souls intermix with angels, time flowed without weight. In a grassy field, surrounded by a waterfall clear as crystal and flowers of every colour imaginable, I watched as my beloved children - Jack Dawson, Caledon Hockley, and John Calvert - sat and chatted amicably. Butterflies and birds of every size and hue flitted about, adding to the already vibrant scene. 

And then, in a blaze of vibrant light, Rose Dawson descended from the arching sky, guided by a throng of radiant angels. "Welcome, Rose," John greeted her warmly. "Hey, darling," she replied, turning to the other two men. "Hi, gentlemen! You're here too, Cal?" she said in surprise, eyeing Caledon. 

"Yes, I've just been accepted here after years in purgatory," Caledon answered. 

The four of them reunited, their love for each other overpowering any past grudges or resentments. In this eternal home, there was no room for hatred or malice - only love, forgiveness, and kindness. 

Moments later, all my children - humans and animals alike - as well as the angels, bowed down and sang praises to me. I offered them a gentle smile, my heart overflowing with love for all of them. 

From the depths of Caledon's soul, I heard his prayer: "Please let my mistakes be a lesson to all humankind," he whispered. 

And so, I granted his prayer. I moved the heart of one of my children - a teacher in a far-off land called Sabah - to disclose this long-concealed story, that all who read it might learn from Caledon's mistakes. 

Listen well, my dear, for I shall tell you a truth. Everything you seek can be yours with but a simple request. The path to your heart's desire is laid out before you, the moment you utter that plea. But heed my words, for as long as you cling to the frailty of your own wit, you shall remain blind to the road that leads you there. Instead, surrender to the vastness of my infinite intelligence and let it guide you towards your destiny.

May 08, 2023 09:21

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Mary Bendickson
19:00 May 08, 2023

Ian, this is a well-spun tale. I liked your repeated phrases of how God talked to his people or changed the course depending on their pleas, etc. All tied up with a timeless Christian message at the end. Even called upon a famous event in history to pull the fates together. I am struggling this week for direction because I believe it is God not fates leading our way. You captured that nicely with this piece.


Ian James
00:13 May 09, 2023

Struggling for inspiration on the week's prompts, just like you. As a Christian, I'm aware of my beliefs, but I need to tread carefully so my stories don't come off as preachy. Even this one, I'm not sure it'll sit well with non-Christians or even some of my fellow believers. Making God the narrator may be considered blasphemous. I've got a few concepts in mind, but the plot and characters are still taking shape. Let's see what the next few days bring.


Mary Bendickson
00:36 May 09, 2023

This one is good. You really don't need to do more than that per week. I'll be lucky to get one out. Niggling at something but not clear yet.


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David Sweet
23:58 May 14, 2023

Thanks for sharing. Our free will certainly can be our worst enemy.


Ian James
07:07 May 15, 2023

Thank you so much for your comment! I totally remember reading your story, Southbound, and absolutely loved it! Your feedback means the world to me...


David Sweet
13:23 May 15, 2023

Thank you so very much. I appreciate your sentiments and your readership. Keep writing. The love of telling the story is the most important aspect of all of this.


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