Submitted into Contest #249 in response to: Write a story that begins with someone dancing in a bar.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

 (The story contains descriptions of torture and violence)

The dimly lit bar exuded an aura of faded elegance, the soft glow of neon lights casting a surreal ambiance over the audience, who sat in hushed anticipation. As the spotlight flickered to life, illuminating the makeshift stage at one end of the room, the murmurs of conversation died down, replaced by an air of eager expectation. As the curtains slowly parted, revealing the expanse of the stage, a solitary figure stood poised at its center: the ballerina.

With a grace that seemed to transcend the earthly realm, the ballerina came to life as the first notes of the music filled the air. Her movements were a symphony of fluidity and precision, each step a testament to years of tireless dedication and unwavering discipline. Like a delicate flower swaying in the breeze, she floated across the stage, her every motion a masterpiece.

Her arms moved languidly, weaving a tale of love and longing with each sweep and arc. She beckoned the audience into her world with each movement, inviting them to share her emotions. Poised and elegant, the ballerina commanded the stage with a commanding and serene presence. Her posture was flawless, her form a study in perfect alignment. She seemed to defy gravity, soaring effortlessly through the air with divine grace.

Her footwork was a marvel to behold, each step executed with exquisite precision and grace. From the delicate steps to the lightning-fast turns, her movements were a testament to the strength and agility of the human body. The audience watched in awe as she leaped and twirled across the stage, her every movement a testament to the power of the human spirit.

But beyond the technical prowess, the ballerina's ability to convey emotion captivated the audience. With each extension of her leg and each arch of her back, she imbued her performance with a depth of feeling that resonated with all who watched. From the depths of despair to the heights of ecstasy, her dance spoke to the universal human experience, transcending language and culture.

The ballerina executed a series of mesmerizing turns that left the audience breathless. Spinning gracefully across the stage, she seemed to defy the laws of physics, her movements a blur of motion and light.

But as the music swelled to its crescendo and the time for her final bow arrived, a sudden sense of unease settled over the bar. With a flourish, the ballerina prepared to take her bow, her movements graceful and poised. But then, disaster struck in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity.

Inexplicably, she stumbled, her perfect balance faltering as she fell to the ground in a heap. Gasps of shock echoed through the bar as the audience watched in horror. But it was what happened next that genuinely chilled them to the bone.

As the ballerina lay on the stage, everything around her seemed to shift and blur, as if reality was unraveling. The once vibrant colors of the stage faded to a dull, lifeless gray, and a sickening sense of dread hung heavy in the air.

And then, from her wrists and ankles, blood began to flow, staining the stage crimson red. It pooled around her, a macabre tableau of horror and despair. With a sudden jerk, the ballerina rose to her feet, her movements jerky and unnatural. It was as if she were a marionette manipulated by unseen hands, her body moving in grotesque contortions that defied all logic and reason.

The audience watched in stunned silence as the once graceful ballerina twisted and convulsed, her limbs bending at impossible angles. And then, with a horrifying realization, they understood what was happening. She was no longer in control of her own body.

With each agonizing movement, it became clear that she was under control by some evil force, a dark presence that lurked unseen in the shadows. As she danced her final, nightmarish dance, the audience could only watch her twisted performance in helpless horror.

They knew they were witnessing something more sinister than a dance. They saw the manifestation of pure, unadulterated evil, a force beyond comprehension that had seized control of the ballerina's soul.

As the ballerina rose from the stage floor, her once graceful movements became grotesque spasms of pain and fear. With each jerky motion, her bones fractured and splintered, and the sickening sound of snapping echoed through the bar like a macabre symphony.

Her limbs twisted at unnatural angles, each movement a torment of agony that etched lines of suffering onto her pale, sweat-drenched face. Her eyes, wide with terror, pleaded for release. Still, her mouth was closed by wire that had inexplicably wrapped around her lips, sealing them shut with cruel finality.

Blood dripped from the small holes punctured by the wire, staining her pristine costume with crimson droplets. With each convulsion, her skin ripped, revealing raw, red flesh beneath. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the sickening stench of decay, a suffocating fog that enveloped the stage in a shroud of horror.

The audience watched in horrified fascination as the ballerina's body contorted and twisted, her movements growing more frantic and erratic with each passing moment. It was as if she looked torn apart from the inside out, her very essence consumed by the dark forces that held her in their grasp.

The once pristine costume began to tear and shred with each jerky movement. Fabric rents apart like paper, exposing swaths of pale, sweat-sickened skin beneath. The delicate tutu, once a symbol of elegance and grace, now hung in tatters around her hips, the shredded remnants barely clinging to her broken form.

With each agonizing twist and contortion, more of her flesh lay bare to the horrified audience. The delicate lace and satin that had once adorned her body now lay in tatters on the stage floor, a grotesque parody of the beauty that had once been.

And as the last shreds of fabric fell away, the ballerina stood naked and exposed before the stunned onlookers. Her body, once a vision of perfection, was now marred by bruises and welts, the result of the unspeakable torture she had endured.

The audience, pinned to their chairs by a mixture of terror and morbid fascination, could only watch in horror as the ballerina's broken form was laid bare before them. There was nowhere to look and hide from the gruesome spectacle unfolding on stage. Everyone was dressed like ballerinas and knew they would dance on that stage. They wanted to run but couldn’t move, as an invisible force controlled them.

As the ballerina's tortured dance finally came to an end, the audience was left to grapple with the horrifying images that had seared into their minds, a grim testament to the depths of depravity that lurked within the shadows of the human soul.

And then, with a final, gut-wrenching spasm, she collapsed to the ground in a heap of broken bones and shredded flesh. Her once beautiful form stood reduced to nothing more than a grotesque pile of meat and bone, a haunting reminder of the horrors that lurked beneath the surface of reality.

A palpable tension hung in the air, suffocating the bar in an oppressive silence. The audience, gripped by horror and fascination, could not tear their eyes away from the grotesque spectacle unfolding before them. Everything disappeared into darkness, leaving only screams. The darkness seemed to last forever.

Suddenly, as the final notes of the haunting melody faded into the darkness, the stage erupted into blinding light, illuminating a scene of unspeakable horror.

Standing at the center of the stage was another woman clad in a tattered ballerina costume. Yet, any semblance of grace or beauty was shattered by the sight of the twisted iron-spiked wire that bound her limbs, cutting into her flesh with every movement.

Where her eyes should have been, there were only bloody craters oozing with the sickening evidence of unspeakable violence. Her mouth, too, was sealed shut with glue, denying her even the semblance of a voice to cry out in pain.

With a start, the woman began to dance, her movements jerky and erratic as she struggled against the cruel restraints that bound her. Blood spilled onto the stage with each tortured step, staining the pristine floorboards with a sickening crimson hue.

As the grotesque spectacle unfolded on stage, ten figures sat in silence, their faces hidden behind intricate designs of porcelain and feathers, giving them an air of anonymity and intrigue. Dressed uniformly in black suits and dresses, the men and women held glasses filled with a dark, crimson liquid, which remained a mystery to those around them. With each sickening snap of bone, they raised their glasses in a silent toast, the red liquid sloshing gently within.

Their reactions were chillingly composed, their expressions hidden behind the masks as they watched the ballerina's torment unfold with a sense of detached amusement. To them, the grotesque display was not a source of horror but a form of entertainment, a dreadful performance to be savored and enjoyed.

And so, as the final, horrific act played out on stage and the ballerina's lifeless form lay crumpled on the ground, the figures rose from their seats in unison, their masks giving nothing away as they started to laugh.

May 04, 2024 12:41

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20:04 May 17, 2024

I really liked this one. Hope you make more like this.


Darvico Ulmeli
20:15 May 17, 2024

Thank you. I'll do my best.


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David Sweet
04:10 May 12, 2024

The only part I found confusing: are there two separate audiences? One dressed like ballerinas, watching and knowing what their fates will be? And another dressed in formal wear and masks drinking what we presume is blood of the victims? At first, I thought the ONLY audience were the other ballerinas until the end. Gruesome! I could easily see this playing out like a movie in my head with your detailed descriptions.


Darvico Ulmeli
05:19 May 12, 2024

Yes, there is two audience. The first are captive audience dressed as ballerinas and the second audience are killers. You get it right.


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Melissa Coleman
21:00 May 08, 2024

I couldn't stop reading, even though I wanted to stop. It was captivating!


Darvico Ulmeli
22:52 May 08, 2024

Than the story achieved the plan. Thank you.


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04:09 May 07, 2024

Danse Macabre! Where did you dream up that one? So rivetingly grotesque you have to read on to see if the graceful ballerina can be saved. I prefer happy endings. That aside, it has been well described and written. Interesting story to this prompt.


Darvico Ulmeli
05:47 May 07, 2024

Thank you.


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Alexis Araneta
09:10 May 06, 2024

You and your well-written dark stories. The descriptions make this come alive. Lovely one !


Darvico Ulmeli
09:19 May 06, 2024

Thanks, Alexis.


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Mary Bendickson
04:36 May 05, 2024

I don't like it at all but I appreciate your talent. Wonderful horror!🥺


Darvico Ulmeli
05:11 May 05, 2024

I understand. Thanks for reading.


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Fern Everton
03:25 May 05, 2024

This is probably going to sound like an incredibly odd and macabre compliment, but you write torture beautifully. I can see every erratic motion of the ballerina as her delicate costume is doused in blood that shines from the stage lights, hear each sharp snap of her bones as she’s slowly broken down like an old doll, and almost feel the sheer, unbridled terror of being pushed and pulled by an unseen force to carry out a torturous final performance while the audience that could have saved her watches in stunned silence. It’s not often I get ...


Darvico Ulmeli
05:15 May 05, 2024

I put in the story all the anger I had so that poison go out from my system. This is actually my "soft" story. Glad you like it.


Fern Everton
14:48 May 05, 2024

I’d say the best stories are the ones that act as an outlet for the writer. It’s great that you were able to use this story as that!! Adds a whole new level of emotion to a piece!


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Viga Boland
15:25 May 04, 2024

If you want a horror story, who you gonna call? Darvico, of course. Chills to the bone and the brain! I’m not into horror but have to say, you do it very well. Won’t get the images of bleeding, dancing ballerinas out of my head for a while 😉


Darvico Ulmeli
15:30 May 04, 2024

That was the idea. I don't write horror stories often (even though I like them), but the story just popped up when I saw the dancing prompt in the bar. I'm glad you like it.


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