Drama Crime Thriller

It has been months in the planning. We are finally standing in front of the bank and it is 1 AM. It took lot of convincing to be here tonight to attempt such an act…

I was in New York but now I am living in New Mexico. In Albuquerque to be precise. It has been only a few months in this state. I rarely stay longer than a year in any given city. I don’t have a permanent address, no family, and no close friends. I spent quite some time in the penitentiary for theft, loot, robbery and illegal activities. 

I met Jimmy at the Bank of Albuquerque. He was working there as a main head support for the bank’s security team. When large amount of cash flow in and out needs to be handled, Jimmy was the man.

For months, I have been visiting this bank. The goal was to check the type of security involved to ‘’withdraw’’ a large sum from the vault without triggering the alarm and the staff. I knew it was not something I can pull off on my own. It was a job to be done outside operating hours.

Before even attempting to discuss such matter with an internal employee of that bank, I needed to be sure that the chances of bringing in a person like Jimmy for this job was going to be successful and that the reward would be extremely high for the risk I was going to take.

The bank itself was more like a local town bank. It was not a bank that had multiple branches across the country. I would guess security level would not be top notch for that reason.

I have lot of ‘’peers’’ in the field that I am in. With money, I would always find a way to get information about someone or something. I was curious on what kind of person was Jimmy. Would he embark on this mission with me or would he rat me out to the cops? I made a few phone calls. I was able to find someone that could get Jimmy’s credit report. That can tell me a lot about an individual. Also, I was able to get his most recent bank statements. His credit report showed no late payments, no collection agencies after him, however, his balance to limit ratio was high. Meaning that he almost maxed his credit cards and line of credits. Thereafter, I checked his bank statements. More liabilities than assets. Jimmy would be someone that needs some cash to pay off his debts and not to live paycheck to paycheck.

On this beautiful Friday afternoon, I decided, to wait for the bank to close, then approach Jimmy in a subtle way. I don’t want to see him go on a panic mode in public. 

‘’Good afternoon Sir. How are you doing?’’ As I see him leaving the front door of the bank.

‘’Hi…do I know you?’’ Asked Jimmy.

‘’I am Russell. I am here because I have a proposition for you. A lucrative one. Do you mind if we talk about it in a private place?’’

‘’ Look Sir, I have no time to make new friends or get involved in a business scheme.’’

‘’Jimmy, how long will it take to pay off all your debts? At the rate of your income, you might not able to retire till you reach hundred. I suggest you follow my car. We will drive about ten minutes from here. We can grab dinner and talk about it. I am inviting you.’’

‘’Okay…I will give you an hour of my time, while we eat, to explain what exactly you want to offer and how good this could be for me.’’

He was looking at me very puzzled and suspicious.

‘’Deal Sir! You will not regret this business venture.’’

‘’…and how do you know about my financial woes?’’

‘’I can explain myself to you during the dinner.’’

We arrived at the Pete’s Smoke Meat. The place was almost to capacity but enough to have a good secretive conversation. We decided to have a good meal and get a few drinks. Chill, rest, eat, and discuss. Hoping that he agrees to my proposition.

‘’Look Jimmy, now you know what I expect from you. So you are telling me that on Fridays, around 3 PM, an armored truck visits the bank to deposit a large amount of cash. You think that the maximum this bank carries in paper bills is five million dollars. I need your help, so I am willing to offer you half of what we can pull off from the vault. Also, you need to know, you will have to leave this town, this state probably, after our heist. I will have made a new social security number, driver’s license, passport and birth certificate. And yes, a new name! So, what do you say?’’

After a few minutes of reflection, while Jimmy was eating his smoke meat and having is Coors, he opens his mouth. ‘’Russell, I am in. If we help out each other, then we can probably pull this off. I want start a new life. Reset everything. A fresh start.’’

After talking about the preliminaries, for the exact details of the date and time, type of vehicle needed, we decided to finish our discussion in my car for more privacy. After another hour of chat in my car, and taking notes, we were set!

The date was set late Friday night. Technically, on Saturday, past midnight. When the bank is not only closed but closed for the weekend.

Finally, the day, arrived. We meet up with all our equipment, tools, materials, and one escape car with a fake plate. A SUV. Jimmy is ready and got here on time. It is 1 AM. Mission must start now.

After two hours, the job is done. No alarms were triggered. No one seemed suspicious of us but then again, at this time, the area is a ghost town. We took out all the cash available from the vault. Not sure about the total. We will count that later. No time for that. Jimmy took care of all the cameras and any device that could recorded us entering the place. He knew the bank inside out. Maybe even too well.

We get on in our escape vehicle. After a good twenty minutes we were driving on the interstate 25 North. As Jimmy is driving, I was checking of one the bags filled with hundred-dollar bills. Suddenly I get a text message. From one of my contacts who got Jimmy’s financial information. The text reads:

Careful. I found his picture in the cop’s database and he is working undercover. Sorry. Took time to dig this up. Is name, Walter Wolf. This will cost you 5K. 

Oh boy…what the hell??? When something is too good be true, then it is… 

I am trying to keep my composure and I am looking at ‘’Jimmy’’. He looks back at me with a smile. How long will this charade go on and what will be the outcome? I got my revolver with me and I am suspecting that he must have one too on him. Let’s ride on this highway for a while till I can find a deserted spot to get rid of him…

November 20, 2020 16:59

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Cody Wright
15:37 Nov 26, 2020

That was a fun ride. Good job!


Rajesh Patel
18:05 Nov 26, 2020

Thank you Cody! I am trying to submit one story a week in my busy work schedule. I wish I had more time for writing.


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