A Light in the Dark Part Thirty-Seven: The Hunt for the Ruby Heart

Written in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "Is nobody going to say it?".... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction


A knock on the deli’s door had me looking up from the evening’s food preparation for the next day, Derrick mentioning that he would finish up. Washing my hands, an eager Mike knocked on the door with a groggy Lily in tow. Mouthing an apology behind him, his fingers plucked a piece of dust off of his suit. Calling for Derrick to lock up, his hand caught my keys. Thankful that he moved into the empty apartment down the street, he shot me a thumbs up. Tossing my apron onto a nearby table, Lily clung to my waist. Cupping her cheeks, my tender kiss had her blushing like it was the first kiss. Taking the elastic out of my hair, my wild curls bounced out around my shoulder. I needed a trim and soon, her palms rubbing my simple black dress shirt. Someone was feeling flirty

“Dad is watching the kids with Death so we can destroy something called the glass heart.” She informed me, her touch growing more sensual. Leaning down to her ear, a low grow had her shivering with pleasure. Mike cleared his throat, Derrick coming out with a cooler of food. Releasing me, a bit of jealousy burned in my eyes. Knowing that they would never get together calmed me down to my usual mood. Chatting for a second, she dropped it over her shoulders. 

“What a lovely guy.” She commented to herself, adjusting her scythe’s case. “Are we ready to go?” Inky ribbons swirled around us, the deli fading away to an abandoned stone mansion. Rotten souls gathered by the window, gray tongues licking the window. Grimacing as she placed the cooler in a hollow tree trunk, something seemed off about her today. Adjusting her leather rockabilly dress, her thighs rubbed together. Things were about to get fun later, a devilish grin dancing across my lips. Summoning my new weapon, the long sleek ruby blade felt light in my palm. Ruby ribbons swirled around me, the training with Lucifer having paid off. He really had been the best father-in-law, my heart happy that Lily was more comfortable calling him dad after their last trip. I suppose the weekly father and daughter dinners were aiding in their relationship, all of me happy to see her with a real family. A rush of energy had me snapping back to reality, my earring dancing away at the jet black ribbons swirling around her. Whistling sharply, Boomer and Victoria joined her side. 

“We need to take care of the rotters and then we can move on to the task at hand.” She ordered calmly, both of them nodding. “Come in after I get them away from the window, ‘kay.”  Sprinting in with Victoria and Boomer, blood and guts covered the window. Maggots wiggled on the window, Mike and I fighting the urge to throw up our dinner. A ball shot out, the signal to come in had us crashing into the mansion. Muddy goo covered the walls, a shadow darting behind us. Fighting the fear swelling in my chest, Mike raised my blade to the ready. 

“Show her how strong you are.” He advised with his trademark smile, his own blade at the ready. “It might give you some brownie points if you catch my drift.” A heat filled the mansion, shrill shrieks rattling the walls. A deadly silence came over the damn place, a blood soaked and gut covered Lily stomped into view. Shaking off the guts, her angry face looked so damn adorable. Victoria floated to her side, a spiritual map in her hand. The shadowy figure popped up over her head, a flick of my wrist sent my blade into the center of its head. Decaying to ash, my ribbons yanked it back into my palm. Ash piled on top of her head, a silent thank you leaving her lips. Winking in my direction, Mike was right. 

“Speaking of that, how is it going with your lady?” I inquired playfully, his eyes averting to the scratched up wooden floor while they planned away. Something was sitting on the tip of my tongue, my brow cocking at him scratching at the top of his hands. Spill it already!

“Diamond is having a child. Please don’t tell Lily yet. I don’t want to stress her out more.”  He admitted sheepishly, his eyes refusing to meet mine. “More like twins. What if I can’t be a good father like you?” Rubbing his shoulder, he needed to know that I didn’t know what I was doing half of the time. Parting my lips to speak, Lily bounced up to us with a gentle smile. Picking up on a dark energy, the Dark One’s shadowy form snatching up Lily. Knocking her out, a blast of energy knocked us out of the house. A shadowy dome hummed to life, Victoria pacing back and forth with Boomer clawing at her boots. Staring numbly at the dome, Lily needed our help. Poking it, a jolt of electricity shocked me. Turning back towards the others, their heads shook. Toby sent me a mental message to press my palm to the surface, His translucent hand appeared over mine, his spirit taking the electricity. Closing my eyes, the main base was shadow magic. A taste of blood magic swirled in the pattern, the only way was to hit it with God’s blood. Stepping back, Toby stood by my side. Fishing around my boot, a vial of God’s blood brushed against the tip of my fingers. Dripping a good amount on my blade, I tossed it to Mike. 

“Rub it into your blade. After that, hack away.” I spat impatiently, feeling the stress and anxiety cause my heart to beat out of my chest. “Please. Lily means everything to me.” Rubbing it into our blades, an understanding expression met my cracking composure. Swinging until a crack groaned to life, a couple of more swings shattered it. Skidding in before it repaired itself, panic twisted my features at Victoria and Toby popping back up on the other side with Boomer. Something told me that he didn’t want them in there. Apologizing while pounding into the mansion, about a hundred of his minions blocking our way. A loud fuck burst from my lips, my ruby ribbons swirling faster. Mike begged for me to slow down but his pleas would fall on deaf ears. Slicing my way through them, his hand ripped me into the nearest room. Ordering me to climb into a deep closet, the Dark One’s voice rang bold in the room. Hearing more of his minions line up, a low growl rumbled in his throat. 

“Get the two idiots before they break my heart!” He barked shrilly, glass shattering with what had to be a fit of rage. “I said get the fuck going!” Mumbling the words yes sir, his presence was the sole one. A cold breeze nipped at my face, the back of the closet opening up. Not one word needed to be said, Mike closing the floor behind us. Torches flickered to life, the silver flames dancing away. Running down the stairs, three matching ruby glass hearts glistened in front of us. A roll of parchment paper floated down in front of us, the two lines befuddling me. 

“Those with a heart of gold can seek the real one. Those with a heart of coal will suffer the wrath of hatred.” I read out loud in disbelief, scratching at my head. “Way to be helpful.” Sinking a bit deeper into my spiral of despair, Mike gripped my shoulder for the millionth time today. 

“Forgive me for asking but could you close your eyes.” He requested with an anxious chuckle, his hand dropping awkwardly to his side. “Your heart is purer than mine. Trust me, you don’t want to know what I did.” A strained huh lingered on my tongue, curiosity stirring in my mind. Shaking off as much of my bad energy, my eyes closed as his minions began to kick at the door. Mike shouted for me to keep it up while clomping up to the door, his grunts making it hard to concentrate. Three balls of energy floated around in my head, the light one settling over the last heart. Plucking it from its case, the energy in the mansion shifted. The glass heart floated into my chest, my desperate pleas not stopping it. The darkness returned, a wave of euphoric warmth crashing over me. Basking in the moment, Mike called for me to hurry up. Ruby lilies bloomed along the wall, an iridescent powder drifting aimlessly into the air. Mike’s concerned gaze brightened to one of childlike wonder. When was he going to grow up?

“I knew you were the one!” He exclaimed with a boost in his energy, his face falling. A slow clap had him collapsing into a heap, the Dark One coming out with bruised and chained up Lily. The collar had my temper flaring, the lilies releasing another cloud. Killing half of them with a wave of his hand, Lily begged with pressed palms to be careful. Yanking her up to his face, his fingers gripped her chin. Grinning maniacally, his lips smashed roughly into hers. My fist clenched over and over again, my blade spinning faster in my palm. Releasing her, fresh blood coated her lips. Sobbing uncontrollably, deep cuts lined her chest and arms. Hating myself for not protecting her, his next words sent a chill up my spine. 

“Look at Lucifer’s little pet struggling to maintain his temper. Perhaps there is darkness in you.” He mused darkly, tapping his chin. “If you want her, you will have to play my game. I call upon you to strike me once. If you do that, I walk away. Deal?” Grinning cockily, his arms curled around Lily’s waist. Grabbing her face, his fingers began to create another layer of bruises on her cheek. Noting her lack of power, that must be her lack of ability to fight back. Calming my mind, ruby lilies took over the walls. Fear glistened in his eyes for the first time, a single bead of sweat dripping off of his chin. 

“Is anyone going to say it?” I retorted sarcastically, ignoring the inky waterfall cascading from my nostrils. “You are nothing but a pathetic loser who simmers in the boiling pot of hatred. One day it will boil over and you will be nothing but steam. By the way, deal.” Dropping the chain attached to her collar, Lily scurried up to Mike. Shaking him with tears in her eyes, my attention turned back to him. Charging at each other, his blade met mine in a flurry of sparks. Coming at me with gritted teeth, an idea came to mind. Mike stirring awake had Lily weeping with joy, his healing spells becoming the background noise. His left fist met my stomach, my body flipping through the air. Smashing into the wall, blood dribbled down my chin as I slid down the wall. A stiff ouch poured from my lips, my white magic attempting to heal me. Using the wall to get back onto my feet. Blocking his next attack with ease, his pattern was obvious. Two strikes from the left and a strike from the right. Sliding underneath him, my fingers curled around his ankle. Yanking him to the cool rock floor, shock rounded his eyes. Slamming him into the floor, my blade spun in my palm. Stabbing him in the leg, my strike ended our deal. Shadows whisked him away, the mansion decaying back to its original self. Resting on my haunches, a busted up Lily leapt into my arms. Kissing my lips passionately, her hand pinned me to the floor. Flashing me a sly grin, Mike plucked her off of me. Mumbling a sleeping spell, her head dropped forward. A rough slumber stole her away, a bitter fuck tumbling from my lips. The lilies decayed to a golden powder, the dust piling up in his palm. 

“Remarkable! This is more powerful than God’s blood. You might be the secret weapon. Can you move?” He inquired with a curious grin, his hand hovering in front of mine. “Allow me to take you home and you can have the fun evening you planned.” Curling my fingers around his, disbelief lingered in my eyes at the sudden transition into the kitchen of my home. Lily stirred awake, her thighs rubbed together. Jumping into my arms, any stress melted away with her feverish kisses. 

“The spells I used kind of make her a bit frisky.” He explained calmly, his hand resting on his hip. “The effects should wear off by morning. Ta, ta.”  Disappearing in a flurry of feathers, the house was empty for the first time in a long time. Snuggling into my chest, her palms slid up my shirt. Picking up what she was putting down, our nightly activities lasted a couple of hours. Snoring away on my bare chest, teenage me would have died to be in this position. Playing with her hair, the fact that Lucifer had the kids tonight gave her freedom to sleep. Closing my eyes, a sweet slumber whisked me away. 

The frogs croaked away at our favorite pond, a battered up Lily skipped rocks across the pond. Glancing back at me, her beauty had my breath hitching. Her wet hair clung to her cheeks, water dripping off of her simple violet bra set. Tracing her finger along her bra, scarlet painted my cheeks. Having taken a pill to dull the pain, her memory of tonight wasn’t going to last. 

“I love you, Matty.” She giggled adorably, playing with her wet hair. “Can we have a family when we get out of high school?” Crawling over to me, I knew better than to take advantage of her. Peeling off my band t-shirt, her lips puffed out in a pout the moment I dropped it over the eighteen year old version of her. Recognizing that I was eighteen in this memory, her fingers danced along my chest. Grazing her lips along my skin, it was hard to resist. Tapping my chin, the suggestion of ice cream had her popping to her feet. Now to get her to my apartment to rest up. Hopping onto my back, her wet cheeks pressed against my back. Stepping into my apartment, I wondered who lived next door to me. Hopping off my back, she spun over to my speakers.  Turning on a slow dance song, her hand was extended out towards me. Accepting it with a goofy grin, her arms draped over my neck. Yanking her close to my hips, we danced the night away. 

Stirring awake, the bright morning sun blinded me. A note rested on my pillow, messy writing had me popping to my feet. A loud fuck burst from my lips, the paper fluttering to the floor as everyone skidded into the room. Violent sobs wracked my body, the words running through my head. How dare she run off to assassinate the Dark One on her own! Lucifer skidded in, his trembling hands holding a similar note. 

“We all need to go now and end this!” He commanded with flames in his eyes, his eyes falling on Diamond. “Watch the kids and guard them with your life. The whole team has to go out. Meet me in a couple of hours at the front of the house.” Death came in with a similar note, a broken expression haunting her features. Mumbling why to herself, her eyes met ours. Leaving me alone to get ready, I screamed into my pillow. Had she not learned a damn thing! Images of me raising my kids on my own haunted my mind, the sobs growing harder. Slapping my cheeks, I had to have faith in Lily. Surely there was a reason for her to run off on her own. Maybe it was another one of her episodes. No, that had to be it. Throwing on the nearest black t-shirt and jeans, Lucifer met me in the hall. Too heartbroken to speak, he buried me into a fatherly hug. Soaking his shoulders with my emotions, every bad feeling I had been repressing came to the surface. Mumbling the words I can’t live without her into his shoulder, his hand rubbed my back. Holding me by my shoulders, the saddest smile dimmed his features. 

“He has another thing coming if he harms my little Lily. We have grown too much for me to let it go.” He wept discreetly, chewing on his nails. “I should have raised her like the man I wanted to be. Why the fuck didn’t I do that?” Broken to see that he was as affected, the others met us in the hall with their supplies with wet eyes. The flames of hope had to remain strong, our Lily was coming home with us.                                   

July 19, 2024 15:43

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