Horror Adventure Fiction

Hands in pain and sweat, covered in faded black from hours of writing. Eyes spasming, dreary, and light-red, stomach-churning saying, “Please feed me.” Body sniff and trapped by the design of the chair. Face filled with sebum and drops of tears poured on the scrap sheets of paper. Storms beating against the house, the wind pushing and pursing for some kind of damage to be seen on the house. Showers scattered, heavy and cold from the base of the clouds. War in the skies between the moon and the storm clouds. The moon fighting to have a chance to do its duty, along with the stars shining upon the night. As for the clouds, careless and desperate to have a chance wanting the night to be stormy and thunderous. The frightful sounds of thunder shaking the house like a 5.0 earthquake. Lightning flashing here, there, everywhere, taking some pictures with and behind the dark, cumulonimbus clouds. Lots of fun for the night and plenty of signs and reactions from the body, but homework was consumed in the mind of MagMary. 

Books on one side and books on the other, MagMay had a mission, she had an accomplishment. MagMary’s goal was to complete the homework of Advanced Calculus with quality, effort, and papers of scrap work. Once the mission was complete, once her goal was achieved, MagMary can enjoy the moment of a cold shower, flowing through her body that had a “boy’s gym locker” ammonia. MagMary can enjoy the taste of Chicken-Pot Pie, creamy, crunchy, and heated “just right” as Goldielocks once said. As a treat to her success, a strawberry shortcake will soothe her sweet tooth, due to a diet of meat, fruits, and vegetables. To top it off, MagMary can have an enjoyable time, sleeping like a rock, since there’s a long weekend ahead of her. Until that time of relaxation, rest, and restoration, MagMary had a job to do.

Half after four in an early, long, morning, as usual, the night still having fun storming like hell. The moon and the clouds still arguing who’s gonna take charge in the skies. The stars, ignoring the commotion and trying to shine bright like diamonds in the sky. Whereas, MagMary’s mission was about to come to an end. 

“At last..a home-run!” MagMary exclaimed in joy, all tried and wearisome from the hard work she put in. 

Brain ready to shut down, body ready to wind down, MagMary organized her office table cluttered and piled with papers, notes, and heavy books from school and sighed with relief of completing her homework, which was complexed, difficult, and lengthy to complete. 

Taking a few moments in time to get herself together, MagMary’s “me-time” was disturbed by a screeching of a door. 

“For heaven’s s sake,” MagMary began, perturbed and disturbed, “Who, by the all spark, is coming to visit me at five in the morning?” MagMary asked herself, curious and confused. 

“Right...respect…” MagMary reminded herself, “Hopefully, it’s not Mr. More Homework by the door...the homework I’ve just completed nearly had me in the dumps.” MagMary said, hoping, that there are no piles of paper by the door, with a medium-sized sign that reads, “More Homework.” 

Fighting the tiredness, MagMary drags to the open door, wide as the eyes of Adam & Eve, after consuming the fruit of Good and Evil. 

“Interesting…” MagMary began, “Hello...is any there? Did someone need something?”

No response, except for the storm, the moon, clouds, and the stars, of course. 

“Okay, is this a joke?” MagMary said, wondering if she’s being played, messed with, tricked, or just stupid and gullible.

All of sudden, the smell of blood flowed right into MagMary’s nose. MagMary looked down on the welcome mat, written out, “I’m coming for you!” 

“What in the world?” MagMary began, starting to gain a high sense of frightfulness. 

Then, across from the house door was a woman standing in the middle of the field. Blackish-red with eyes of dark red, staring at MagMary, holding a head covered in blood. 

“Are you the Queen of Hearts?” MagMary asked, “If you are, you’re in the wrong reality.” MagMary yelled out to the Black-red woman. 

Suddenly, the bloody head replied, “I’m coming for you.”

“Yeah right…” MagMary responded, already knowing that this frantic was a joke and a waste of her time. “This ain’t Halloween, ma’am. Go find someone else to scare, please. It’s been a very long night and I would like to have some time for myself...so please...let me be.” 

“I’m coming for you!” The blackish-red and the head replied, ignoring MagMary’s request of leaving her alone. 

“I’m coming for you!” MagMary imitated, “Lady...did you hear a word that I’ve just said?” MagMary yelled out, frustrated, and was about to see red. “For the last time...can you please-”

The woman and the head disappeared, vanished out of thin air. MagMary didn’t have a visual of where the woman with the head on her hand went. 

“Well then...I’ve guessed they did listen,” MagMary said to herself.

With a smile, MagMary turned around to head for a quick hop in the shower, living a happily ever after being left alone. 

I’m coming for you!” The woman said, in front of MagMary’s face, not understanding the means of personal space. 

“Aaaaaaaaahhhh” MagMary screamed, high pitched nearly breaking every glass in the house, and ran to the bathroom. 

Fear trembling through MagMary’s face, MagMary’s body shaking as if the bathroom was stone cold. For a few minutes, MagMary was stationary, couldn’t move from the horrific jump-scare she received in return for her request to be left alone and not bothered.

“Was I rude?”, MarMary asked herself, feeling like she made a mistake. 

“I should have never came to the door.” MarMary realized, feeling humiliated. 

With confidence and encouragement, MagMary got up and reminded herself, “The Holy One of Israel is with me...who have I to fear?” 

Still dark at six in the morning, the storm still rumbling as if an actual war was raging in the night skies, MagMary showered, feeling good to be clean and fresh from all the funk, like a skunk sprayed her body down with stink spray. As MagMary came out of the tub, feeling refreshed, she came to the mirror, out of nowhere, saw a human body, with a sword pierced through the heart and chest, smelling rotten, and exclaimed, “I’m coming for you!”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh” MagMary screamed, grabbed her bathrobe, and ran for her life.

“Invasion of Privacy 101,” MagMary yelled out as she was running from death itself. MagMary ran to the kitchen where her dinner was prepared, and with MagMary’s own eyes visualized the most terrifying thing that she has ever seen in her life.

“Oh-My-GOD!” MagMary whispered, heart, pounding with fear, worry, and wanting to run from it all. 

The woman had horns of a bull, hair as long as Queen Medusa herself. Skin black as a stallion, with patterns of stripe red in between. The body was covered with fiery colors of orange and yellow. Teeth were wide as Cheshire Cat, sharp as the Great White shark. Fingers long as the nails of King Nebuchadnezzar, when he was on a rampage for several years. 

“Alright...you came for me. MagMary began, scared, “Congratulations...you’ve won...now what? Are you gonna kill me?”

“No…” The woman replied, with a deep, raspy voice, that gave MagMary the creeps.

“Well...what are you going to do to me?” MagMary asked, wondering.

The woman took MagMary’s soul and left. 

“The name’s Satana by the way…nice to met you", Satana said, with evilness in her voice, "I told you that I was coming for you...MagMary!"

"Hahahahahahahahahaha," Satana laughed, with pride and disappeared in the midst of the storm.

July 24, 2021 00:41

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09:30 Jul 29, 2021

I must say it was an interesting read. I just wish there was a little more description at the end.


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09:30 Jul 29, 2021

I must say it was an interesting read. I just wish there was a little more description at the end.


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09:30 Jul 29, 2021

I must say it was an interesting read. I just wish there was a little more description at the end.


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09:30 Jul 29, 2021

I must say it was an interesting read. I just wish there was a little more description at the end.


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09:30 Jul 29, 2021

I must say it was an interesting read. I just wish there was a little more description at the end.


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T.K. Ellory
14:15 Jul 27, 2021

Interesting story! One question, about the line "Who, by the all spark, is coming to visit me at five in the morning?” Are you a Transformers fan? "By the Allspark" is something the Transformers usually say 😁😂


Samarii Roach
16:56 Jul 28, 2021

Good afternoon Mr or Mrs. Ellory! I hope you're doing well! My apologies for responding to you so late. I was using that to be comical and use it as a reference/allusion. Also, I do like Transformers, honestly, I'm more of a Marvel Universe Fan. Have a good day!!


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