The Four Gremlins of Gremlinville

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


Fantasy Friendship

         Way, way down in the southern part of Gremlinland there are 4 gremlin boys discussing the fact that the sheriff has retired, and the mayor will be interviewing for a replacement.

         Noddy and his twin brother, Soddy, were playing in the tall grass behind the old post office with their friends, Esme, and the mayor’s son, Wassy. “Did you hear that the sheriff is retiring?” asks Soddy. “Has your father said anything?” questions Noddy. “Uh, huh,” answers Wassy as he continues with what he was doing. The others look at him, waiting for him to continue. “Well,” demands Esme. “What did he say?”  “I heard him and mom talking.” answers Wassy. “So, what did they say?” asks the others all at once. “The new sheriff will be here next week, and they have been invited to dinner at our place,” replies Wassy. “Who is they?” demands Esme. “Oh,” states Wassy, “he will come with his wife and son and daughter. Mom wants me to let their son hang around with us. I have to; mom says it’s the right thing to do. They are coming from a county that is far up north.  I haven’t even heard of the place.” “What county is this?” asks Soddy. “It’s called Pleasantville,” states Wassy. “I’ve never heard of it either,” choruses his friends. “Apparently it’s that place where the “different” gremlins live.” “How do you know?” Noddy asks.  “Dad told my mom, but he told her not to tell anyone. Some people may not want to have any of “those” gremlins coming here and be in an important position.  Mom showed me on the map where it is.  Next time I meet you guys I’ll bring out the atlas,” answers Wassy.

          “Do you know his name?” questions Noddy. “Oh yea,” replies Wassy. “It’s Gorgan, and his sister’s name is Dorgan.” “Where will they live?” asks Esme. “They will be moving into the house that the sheriff lived in,” answers Wassy. “Mom said they hope to be settled before school starts.” “Oh, we have to go,” announces Noddy and Soddy. “Our grandparents are coming for dinner and mom wants us to be spic and span.” “We’ll see you tomorrow then,” says Esme. “I’ll walk home with you, he tells Wassy.”

         At supper, Wassy’s mom reminded him that the new sheriff’s family will be coming in two days. She told him that his father will meet them on the outskirts of town and guide them to the sheriff’s house. She and Wassy will be at the house to greet them. He and his dad will help them settle in, while she goes home to prepare dinner. “Please remember not to make any plans to meet your friends,” she told Wassy. “You can introduce Gorgan to your friends in a few days.”

         The next day Wassy reminds his friends that he won’t be able to hang out with them for a whole day. “I have to help them settle in and then they are coming to our house for dinner,” he tells his friends. “But, the next day I will bring him with me when we meet behind the old post office. I’ll see you guys in a couple of days.”

         Mayor Geggles introduces Sheriff Fracks to his wife, Torma, and son, Wassy. Sheriff Fracks introduces his wife, Versha, and son and daughter, Gorgan and Dorgan. Wassy’s first impression was one of surprise. Since he knew they were from way up north, which had the stigma attached that gremlins from way up north were different. Gorgan and Dorgan looked just like any other gremlin he knows. I wonder why there were rumors that gremlins from way up north were different, since they look normal.  He thinks to himself. Gorgan was looking at Wassy like he heard that gremlins from way down south were different. With the look they gave each other, they each decided that the other looked normal. However, Dorgan looked like she felt that she was better than the Geggles. That doesn’t bother me, thinks Wassy, after all, she’s only a girl.

         During dinner Dorgan kept giving Wassy dirty looks while answering his mother very politely. Gorgan was also quite quiet during dinner but also answered questions very politely as well. After coffee and dessert the Fracks had to leave as it had been a long, tiring day. Mayor Geggles suggested that Wassy take Gorgan around town and maybe introduce him to some of his friends. After setting a time when Wassy would pick Gorgan up, thank yous were said all around and the parents wished each other a good night.  “That was a pleasant evening, don’t you think?” Mrs. Geggles asks her husband. “Those kids were very polite.” “I think they should settle in very nicely,” states Mayor Geggles. “Don’t you think, Wassy?” “Yea, I guess,” replies Wassy.

         The next day when Wassy calls for Gorgan, Dorgan had him wait outside. “Does your sister not like me?” he asks Gorgan. “Don’t worry about her,” replies Gorgan, “she’s just mad that she has to help mom unpack. Where are we going?” “Some friends and I meet behind the old post office. The grass there is tall so not too many people can see us there. It’s not against the law or anything," points out Wassy.

         “Hi everyone, this is Gorgan,” announces Wassy. “Gorgan, this is Noddy, his twin brother, Soddy and Esme.” “Hi,” said Gorgan, “I brought cookies. They are called oatmeal cookies, my mom makes them. Try one.” “What’s oatmeal?” Soddy asks Noddy. “I don’t know. No thanks, we had a big breakfast,” says Noddy. “So did I,” announces Esme. Seeing the hurt look on Gorgan’s face, Wassy said he’ll try one. The others look at him like he must be out of his mind.         “So, what are we going to do?” asked Gorgan. “We usually just sit around and talk about anything. Sometimes we wander around to see what’s going on,” answers Esme. “Other times we just lay back and look at the clouds to see who can notice different shapes, and when it gets hot later we will just stay in the tall grass, where it’s cooler,” mentions Soddy. “You can come to my house later for something cool to drink,” adds Gorgan. “No, thanks, we’ll be fine,” states Noddy. “Are you ready for school?” Wassy asked. “Not yet,” they announced. “We still have to go shopping next week.” “Do you get new clothes for school?” Esme asked Gorgan. “We will be going to the city next week for our shopping. My parents make a day of it.” “There are some very nice stores here,” announces Wassy. “My mom wants us to look just right,” states Gorgan. “She doesn’t want people to think we’re from some hick town.” 

         “Does anyone know what the time is?” asks Gorgan. “I forgot my watch, and mom wants me home by noon.” Esme looks up at the sky and said it’s about 11:40. “Wow, how did you do that?” asked Gorgan. “I read a lot about telling time with the sun and since we are out here all the time, I have learned to watch the sun,” answers Esme. “I have to go now,” states Gorgan. “Wassy, could you walk me home, I’m not sure of my way yet.” “Sure,” answers Wassy. As they leave Gorgan suggests that maybe tomorrow they could come to his house and play with his Lego, his dad bought him the 1000 piece set. “We planned to go swimming all day,” adds Noddy. “Our moms pack us a lunch and we stay out till supper time. Wassy can tell you all about it on your way home.”

         “Swimming sounds like fun, but I will have to ask my mom,” states Gorgan. “Can you wait while I run in and ask her?” “Sure, no problem,” answers Wassy.  While he was waiting, Dorgan came out. “What are you doing here?” she demanded. “I’m waiting for Gorgan, oh, here he comes now. What did your mom say?” “She said yes,” replies Gorgan. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” “Right, see you,” calls Wassy as he leaves. On his way back to his friends, Wassy mumbles to himself: I don’t know why Dorgan doesn’t like me; it could be that she didn’t want to move here. Oh well. She will feel better once she goes to school and makes some friends

         When he gets back, he tells his friends that Gorgan will be going swimming with them tomorrow. “Really,” comments Soddy, “I hope he doesn’t bring us oatmeal cookies. Anyway, what is oatmeal?” “I’m not sure, but I’ll ask my mom tonight,” answers Esme. “Wassy ate one, how did it taste Wassy?” “Actually, it was good,” he replies. “Oh, look at that cloud, it looks like a horse,” announces Noddy. The friends enjoy the rest of the day lazing about in the tall grass, gazing at the clouds.

         The next day when Wassy stops at Gorgan’s, he finds him ready to go. “We will meet the guys at the same spot as yesterday then walk together to the swimming hole,” announces Wassy. “My mom wants to know where this place is, she is concerned,” mentions Gorgan. After Wassy explains to Gorgan’s mom they go on their way.

         By the time they arrive at the swimming hole, they are all tired, so everyone plops down on the bank for a short rest. Shortly Noddy starts nudging Soddy, who in turn nudges Esme, who meant to nudge Wassy, but he ended up nudging Gorgan. Wassy sees the look on Gorgan’s face and laughs. He tells Gorgan the nudging is a way they tell each other they are ready to jump in. As the friends are splashing around, Esme notices that Gorgan is swimming farther away than they usually go. He calls him back, but Gorgan can’t hear him. They all yell, and he finally hears them. When he comes back, they tell him that they never go too far. They need to stay close to each other. Gorgan looks offended. “I have been taking swimming lessons all my life, and won a few swim meets,” He tells them. “That’s good to know, but you still need to stay close. If any of our parents heard about this, they wouldn’t allow us to come here unchaperoned,” Noddy told him.

         After a few weeks while Gorgan was still trying to make friends with the others; the others were complaining to Wassy, asking why Gorgan was acting like that. Wassy admits that he doesn’t know, but maybe that was how they did things way up north. He suggested that they be patient. Soon school will be starting and maybe Gorgan will make other friends. The others told Wassy that they certainly hope so. It was not only that Wassy was getting questions from his friends; even Gorgan had asked him why his friends didn’t seem to like him. Wassy told Gorgan the same thing, be patient.

         Sure enough, after school had been in session for about a month, Wassy saw Gorgan hanging out with two other gremlin boys. Wassy mentions what he saw to the others who seemed relieved. Wassy does state that it doesn’t mean Gorgan cannot hang out with them from time to time. For now it will just be the four gremlins of Gremlinville.

April 09, 2021 03:03

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