
He was a young boy sent on a missionary work somewhere in West Africa. On getting to the village where he was supposed to start his mission work as a missionary, he met a man who told him with an angry tone, "Do you not know missionaries are killed here? How could you not ask questions? You are too young to die. "The one who sent me said, I am with you even in the ends of the earth and will never leave me or forsake me," He responded."

He happily started his mission work, walking through bushes and forest visiting homes and people at farm. He managed to have his cellphone charged one day with a solar panel as there was no electricity and put a call through to a friend who asked where he was. After explaining the nature of the mission ground, his friends mocked hell out of him. Same day, an aunt called to know where he was, on describing the place. The aunt called him a bush man. But, he was never depressed by their words, he was so determined to make a difference and bring a lasting change in that part of Africa.

An arrangement was made for a small hall where his convert can gather for fellowships and he was there cleaning and dusting the chairs and floor when a huge big snake came out from where only God knows to attack him. He smiled at the serpent and rushed for a bottle of anointing oil which he pour on the snake with a roar of Holy Ghost fire from his spirit. The serpent took to its heels never to turn back. He continued with his cleaning as he awaits the arrival of his converts.

One another occasion right in the fellowship center this time he was not alone. One of his converts was with him arranging the center for a Wednesday fellowship, when they noticed a huge Python sitting at the altar area of the fellowship. The young preacher knowing what to do stood still while his convert was running around the venue looking for weapons to kill the serpent. Coming back with a big stick meant for killing the snake, he was shocked to see the young missionary talking to the serpent in a loud angry voice standing akimbo, “If I ever see you in this arena again, that will be the extinction of you and your kind in this city.” The Python uncoiled and moved away in a speed as that of the speed of light. They continued their fellowship as they celibate victory over the powers stopping the church in that part of West Africa. Little did he know the battle just began!

Another day in the night hours while the missionary was about sleeping, he felt like checking out the compound one more time as i felt someone just walked into the compound that has a big fence around it. As he opened his door hold an oil lantern in the other hand as there was no electricity in the city, there was standing with head up, mouth wide open and eyes red blooded ready to strike, a big cobra as black as the devil himself. The young missionary never bulged in fear. A voice came out of him, in a language not English and not his native language. It was the Heavenly Language. "Baaataasha katakata Baaataasha", He tongued as he ran after the Cobra bare hands ready to tear the serpent apart if caught. The Cobra sensing a higher power took to its heels again as the young missionary chased, speaking a language only heaven recognize. This happened repeatedly for several nights.

The entire village began to speak against this young missionary as it seems his prayers and doggedness is raking havoc in their kingdom. Often times, he was openly attacked on the account his trying to change their custom and take away traditions passed to them by their fathers. On one occasion while he was dressing up to leave for an outreach, their lies a green snake this time wrapped on his door post with eyes shining in rage. It appears the language the missionary speaks as a weapon to fight these mystical snake comes out automatically as he don’t have to think before he finds himself raining fire and brimstones on any creature or being that attacks him.  Of goes the heavenly language again, this time in Capital letters, “ZAAAPAKATA KUUTA KUTAA KUUTA KUTAA.” The mystical snake coiled around and vanished from the door post.  

Another night while he was praying he saw a big snake but this one has four legs yet was a snake. With his eyes closed communing with God, speaking in heavily in the heavenly tongues, he commanded for its death. Getting to the fellowship center that morning for early morning meeting their lies the Leviathan he saw while praying lying dead. The mysterious serpent is killed not with guns and knife but with the knees. A young boy empowered by divinity attempted death engaged the serpent in a fight and recused a city for His God.

The creature that kills missionaries in that part of Africa has been killed. Now the church is matching on and the gates of hell never to prevail. The city where missionaries die mysteriously now a save place. Electricity brought to the city. The people living in darkness have seen a great light. The Serpent is dead.

It was said, the other missionary’s sent to that part of West Africa with no electricity and a good source of water supply died as a result of attack from mysterious being no one could tell. But the survivor could now tell as he is alive to tell of it. It was a Leviathan killing men sent on a mission to rescue this heathen city. The leviathan happens to be ancestral gods of this city and has kept them in the dark for ages ready to fight and kill anyone who attempts to bring light to that part of West Africa. But it is written, “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimonies.”


May 10, 2020 16:12

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