Coming of Age LGBTQ+ Fiction

Warning: contains mature themes

Lynnea cooks for three today.

The smell of spices make her nose all stuffy, and she coughs phlegmatically, wiping off the layer of sweat on her face with a dishcloth.

She pours in the oil to heat, wiping her slippery hands on her hair, tied neatly into a tight, painful bun.

She would rather be solving the crossword in the newspaper out on the lawn, legs crossed comfortably, the grass still wet underneath her.

Or she could be sitting on the couch, leaning back and letting the cool air from outside fan her body, and watching television, where everyone seemed to get everything she had ever wanted.

Instead, she is forced to do the one thing she hates the most: cooking.

Lynnea must admit, however, that this gives her the perfect opportunity to do what she has always wanted.

She smiles to herself as she adds the vegetables, a loud satisfying sizzle followed by the whole kitchen getting engulfed in smoke.

Vigorously coughing as water runs from her reddened eyes, she knows that this torture is the only way to get what she wants.

Getting her neighbour Gina and her husband Cecil in the same room.

To reveal that she has known all along, and to ask them why they didn’t call her.

She imagined pushing down plates on the table, steaming hot food flying out and burning their skin to the bone.

Then eating it off them, bit by bit until they regretted not inviting her.

Taking each plate and breaking it on their heads, each piece embedded into their bodies.

Asking Gina to stop pulling at her top for Cecil to see, because she could see it too.

Confronting them about what they were doing behind her back, knowing exactly but wanting to hear it directly from them.

Then surprising them and herself by asking if she could join too.

She would say it all today.

They would stare at each other’s bodies until their food became cold and irrelevant, and they would touch each other until they had become satisfied.

They would feel each other’s hearts beat in time with the other, and they would finally be one.

Yes, she resolved that they would do it all this time.


“So Lynnea, what are your plans for today?” asks Gina, gravy dripping out of her mouth.

Overtaken by an urge to lick it off her face, Lynnea purses her lips painfully to control herself, and says, “Nothing much, just some crossword maybe, and some television.”

Cecil looks at Lynnea as she says this, and looks back at Gina, their eyes exchanging a secret judgement, almost as if they now feel better about what they were doing with each other.

Gina pulls at her top, and both Cecil and Lynnea lick their lips involuntarily, overtaken by a desire to run their hands over her, though they are ignorant of the other.

The emotions inside them threaten to burst from the cages of their bodies, and they yearn to feel each other.

But instead, they just eat in silence, the clang of forks the only thing heard, even though their hearts are beating louder.

Cecil and Gina glance at Lynnea constantly, trying to gauge whether she knows anything about them.

But she just swallows her food slowly, savouring the bitter taste in her mouth, the tang of jealousy mixed with the burnt vegetables.

She wonders why they haven’t thrown the plates in fury yet.

She’s almost anticipating it, knowing exactly what she will say when they do.

She will say that the taste of the food was what her mouth tasted of every time she saw them together.

She will say that they should eat it, that they should feel what she felt every day.

She will not mean a word of it, because she’s not jealous that they’re together.

She’s jealous because she’s not with them too.

But Gina and Cecil don’t seem like they are even slightly put off by the food.

They all know that the food is terrible, almost inedible.

Still, they push it down their throats, maybe to make up for what they were doing to each other without telling her.

“And your plans, Gina?” asks Lynnea, wanting to start talking so that she can bring in the most important topic to the conversation.

“I’ve got an appointment later with a special friend of mine if you know what I mean,” she says, winking through her laughter, her straight hair falling on her face.

Cecil almost looks doubtful, but one glance from Gina satisfies him, confirming that he indeed is the person being referred to.

Lynnea laughs weakly, almost crying.

She wants to tell them.

She wants to drop her fork on her plate, and stand up, rattling the glasses and staining the faded tablecloth.

She wants to say that she knows about what is going on between them, she knows it all.

She knows about the secretive glances and the touching and the moaning.

She knows about the kissing and the biting and the panting.

She saw them once.

She hadn’t alerted them of her presence then, she had just stood there and watched.

She had touched herself, made herself hot, just imagining herself being there.

She wants now to make her presence known.

But she still sits there, filling her mouth with the blackened food, inhaling the spices and feeling her nose become stuffy again.


Gina likes the food. She likes the smoky taste, the feel of it sliding down her throat, the lack of salt, the burn. She wishes she could cook like this at her house, but she knows that her husband would not approve of it.

Maybe she could come over here more often, just to eat Lynnea’s food.

She looks at Lynnea, suddenly wanting to wipe off the blackened food from her mouth with her tongue.

Gina’s fingers twitch, but she doesn’t act on her thoughts.

Lynnea is ignorant of this display of emotion.

She is still thinking about the right time to broach the subject.

She is thinking about the perfect string of words to wipe their smirks off in a second.

But she keeps silent.

She doesn’t want to ruin this time that they have together.

But she wants to ruin it, in the best way possible.


As they say their goodbyes, Lynnea and Cecil kissing Gina on each cheek, Gina notices how Lynnea’s kiss lingers, how her breath fans her ear, how her hands touch her longer than needed.

Cecil offers to walk her to her house across the street.

Gina smiles at Lynnea before leaving, a secret hidden in the curve of her lips.

Lynnea shuts the door and leans on it, waiting for her heart to stop pumping so hard, waiting for the knot in her stomach to stop furling and unfurling, waiting for her thighs to stop shaking in anticipation, waiting for the saliva to stop forming in her mouth.

She opens the curtains slightly, only to see Cecil and Gina’s lips on each other, their hands roaming carelessly, their bodies woven tightly together, their clothes being torn off in her backyard.

And just like the other day, Lynnea wipes off the drool forming on the corner of her lips, and just watches them, fascinated.

Almost as if she knows, Gina’s eyes open and look at Lynnea through the glass.

She lets Cecil kiss her neck and pushes her hair back, and just smiles that same smile.

Lynnea feels a shiver up her spine, a thrill at the fact that she is now in on her secret.


January 09, 2021 07:57

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Oh wow, the edited version is so much better Mania! :)


Writer Maniac
03:56 Jan 11, 2021

If you could upvote me a bit, I would really appreciate that. My comments keep getting downvoted for no reason :(


Oh no...I will!


Writer Maniac
14:42 Jan 11, 2021

Thank you so much!


Your welcome! Please do remind me later today...because I have SO MUCH work to do!


Writer Maniac
16:47 Jan 11, 2021

Actually in the time zone that I'm in, it's pretty much night here already so I'm gonna sleep in a few hours, I'll remind you before I go to bed though :)


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Writer Maniac
02:04 Jan 11, 2021

Thank you, I really appreciate that!


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Hey there!! I do think that these stories are a little short, and you can expand them so much more to add details. I suggest that instead of creating the quantity of stories, try to focus more on the quality of each story you put. Yes, there a bit of grammatical errors and sentence mistakes in this story, and a little bit in the others as well, but this is just my advice. I do think that your ideas come out fast! It's just to focus more on how good your story is, other than focusing on getting all 5 stories done. I hope you understand what ...


Writer Maniac
15:48 Jan 09, 2021

Thank you for being honest, I really appreciate it! Please point out the grammar mistakes, whichever ones you can find, because I did read it very thoroughly before posting it!


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Writer Maniac
16:37 Jan 09, 2021

I also don't think that the stories need any more developing as I found them to be the perfect length, I will, however, reread them and see if any more detail is required :)


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Writer Maniac
16:39 Jan 09, 2021

I reread them and didn't find any grammar or sentence mistakes, could you please point out some of them for me?


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Winter Blizzard
16:25 Jan 09, 2021

Hi! Great story, loved how you formatted it! Could you possibly give more background info of the story. I feel like it was a bit confusing, but i enjoyed the plot and idea of the story. But your words choice and imagery is excellent! Just try to make this story in practicar, longer and more detail. Overall great job!


Writer Maniac
16:36 Jan 09, 2021

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it! I wanted it to be as vague as possible, but basically Lynnea finds out that her husband is cheating on her with Gina, but she's also in love with Gina. That's all there is to it. I didn't want to make it too long, I felt like it was the perfect length. I'll reread it and see if I should change anything. Thanks once again!


Winter Blizzard
17:23 Jan 09, 2021

Ok that makes total sense! Yes i agree, now that i fully understand, you’re story is at perfect length. Maybe you should indicate something like, “Even though we’ve been married for this long—-“ something on those lines. It was really clear how lynnea loved Gina, but the connection between everyone was confusing. Loved how you didn’t make it cliche, where Lynnea gets mad, and so on. I’m reading your other stories, btw :)


Writer Maniac
17:25 Jan 09, 2021

Yeah I get it. Thanks for understanding. I appreciate it.


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Writer Maniac
17:25 Jan 09, 2021

Yeah I get it. Thanks for understanding. I appreciate it.


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Writer Maniac
12:20 Jan 10, 2021

By the way, I just edited it a bit. Tell me what you think about the edited version :)


Winter Blizzard
16:36 Jan 10, 2021

Yes it’s much better now! I like it! It’s more clear and less confusing, Great job!


Writer Maniac
16:48 Jan 10, 2021

Thank you so much, it means a lot!


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S. W.
21:35 Jan 18, 2021

I enjoyed how the story had a one sentence type of flow to it, as if we were following the main characters calculated thoughts. I could really tell that the character had been thinking this through for some time.... What would it look like to add in a little more backstory on the main character? Why is this unspoken relationship she's considering one of interest to her? Has she always wanted it this way? Did she always know that's something she wanted, or was it a surprise to her that she wanted to be part of the relationship? As a reader, k...


Writer Maniac
03:12 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I'll make sure incorporate more background in my new stories, thank you for the critique! I would appreciate some feedback on two stories I'm really proud of 'Game Over' and 'Not Worth It' :)


S. W.
04:01 Jan 19, 2021

I'll check them out.


Writer Maniac
04:04 Jan 19, 2021

Thanks :)


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Cookie Carla🍪
17:53 Jan 15, 2021

Wow!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽This was so amazing!!


Writer Maniac
17:55 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!


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Maraika!!! 😎
19:44 May 14, 2021

I really liked the story, Mania! It was intresting and intruiging and I liked it. Do you mind checking out my stories "🌹" and "The room I'm stuck in?" When you have time, of course. :)


Writer Maniac
02:40 May 15, 2021

Thank you! I'll check it out in a while, I'm a little busy now :)


Maraika!!! 😎
03:58 May 15, 2021

Okay take your time. :)


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Radhika Diksha
10:38 Jan 15, 2021

Young children, please go to bed. While adults do the adulting. I going, to be honest. If you want to know you can read my bio. Coming to the story. It reveals less but displays more. You know what I mean. *wink* The concept was nice and I never imagined a story like this from you. My personal opinion is the names. I found the names inappropriate for the storyline. I wish you could better your naming of characters from the next stories.


Writer Maniac
11:35 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much for the feedback, I appreciate it! What do you mean by 'you never expected a story like this from me'? What are you implying there? And what do you mean by the 'names were inappropriate for the storyline'? The names don't decide anything about the story, a person's name doesn't decide what's going to happen to them. As this is your opinion, I would appreciate if you could specify what kind of stories you expect from me and what kind of names would be appropriate and better.


Radhika Diksha
11:46 Jan 15, 2021

Why is everyone getting angry? All I was saying that. Your stories were so nice and naive. ANd it just surprised me. Coming to the part of the name. I wanted some catchy names. That's it. I felt that in a love triangle catchy names would add spice. That's all.


Writer Maniac
11:49 Jan 15, 2021

I'm not getting angry, I'm just confused about your vague comment. I understand your point of view now. Please don't put me in a box and consider me a child. I'm growing, and my thoughts are maturing. So it's natural for me to try out new types of themes in my stories. I found the names kind of represented their characters well. For me, Lynnea was like this kind of closed off character who has this deep dark secret, Gina was the hot neighbour from next door and Cecil was kind of passive in all of this. So I felt like it suited them well. Ple...


Radhika Diksha
11:52 Jan 15, 2021

Ya recently I am making vague comments. LOL. I will improve that. See in Romeo and Juliet. Both the names kept us so hooked. Twilight, the love triangle kept us so hooked. Here the names I would suggest would be something easier and regular kind. Hope I made a point.


Writer Maniac
11:54 Jan 15, 2021

All my names are of the 'regular' kind, but everyone in the world isn't named John or Sam. It is necessary to include unique names as well to keep others hooked.


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