Beautiful- The Legend of the North Star

Written in response to: Write about someone giving or receiving a gift.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Inspirational


                  whisper the stars

"You are beautiful."

                 "But how can you say that?"

I whisper back.

                 "Because, child, it is the truth,"

the stars sing into my ears.

                "Surely--  surely you are more beautiful than I?"

I ask, my words carried on the wind to the heavens.

                "Nay, we are but lights in the sky,

                lights that disappear,"

they laugh, their voices soaring through the night.

                "But you are so beautiful, so bright, so- so..."

I am at loss for words,

unable to express their beauty.

               "We only come out at night,

                and sometimes we are not there,"

the stars tell me, as if they know

something that I don't.

               "I know that, but people still love you."

I tell them, crestfallen, for I know

something they do not.





Words that hurt, words that sting,

Swirling in the air around me.





                 "Child, why do you keep thinking of those words?"

the stars ask, concerned.

                "How did you know I was thinking of them?"

I reply, startled.

                "We know your heart, love, we know your heart,"

they say, voices blending into one. 

                "Don't listen to people who can't show kindness,"

the stars tell me, their voices smooth and soothing.

               "You are a beautiful light, brighter than any other,"

they whisper comfortingly.

               "N-no I'm not.

               I'm not beautiful.

               I'm not a light,"

I cry, my voice cracking and trembling. 

              "You do not believe us?

               Then we will  show you."

Suddenly the sky is bright,

The stars shine like candles,

And I am swept off my feet.

              "Where are you taking me?"

I cry, scared and shaking.

              "We are making you the

              brightest star in the world,

              the one that everyone

              will see no matter what,"

the stars sing with voices like angels.

             "But how?

              How will I be the brightest star?

              I'm not good enough,"

I tell them, my mind full of doubt. 

             "Yes you are, child.

              You were born for this.

              This is your destiny,"

they sing to me, as they place me among them. 

I can see the whole world,

All the planets and other stars. 

I look down to see that I am glowing.

            "What's happened to me?

             Why am I here?

             Why am I like this?"

I ask, my voice filled with fear.

The stars laugh, a tinkling, bell-like sound.

            "You, child, are the North Star.

            People will look to you for an eternity.

            And do you know why?"

I shake my head.

           "It is because you are beautiful."

November 23, 2021 00:56

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Anne Zubrick
15:00 Dec 12, 2022

I love it so good I wish my daughter was little so l could read each night to her. the world gets such negative picture that we do not believe in our beaty. This is wonderful. I hope this get published.


02:15 Dec 13, 2022

Aww, thank you so much. You just made my day! I wrote it because I felt that the world we live in just creates such an unachievable "beauty" that is just so unrealistic, when in reality, we are are all beautiful. Thank you for your kind words, and God bless you a thousand times! <3


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Aiden Otaktay
19:21 Apr 28, 2022

You managed to convey a lot, very compelling. The star's and the child's conversation is superb. Such a beautiful poem, loved it!


20:07 Apr 28, 2022

:) Thank you so much for reading it and for giving me feedback! I'm glad you liked it!


Aiden Otaktay
20:09 Apr 28, 2022

My pleasure, Missa. Beautiful name btw


20:12 Apr 28, 2022

😊 thank you, it's just one of my many nicknames, along with Mis, Miss Mis Missa, Rissa, SaSa, Salsa, Rice, and the newly appointed one, Ritz.


Aiden Otaktay
20:16 Apr 28, 2022

You've got so many cool nicknames! Man, that's my dream (don't worry I've got many other strange dreams haha)


20:23 Apr 28, 2022

Thank you! I came up with all of them except Miss Mis Missa, Mis, Rissa, and SaSa. Which is pretty much just three. I'm pretty sure I have more, but i can't remember them. And I'm a pro at nicknames, if I do say so myself, so I could give you some! (and I'm worrying- not about your dreams, but about mine. i've had plenty of strange dreams, perhaps stranger than yours!)


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Dhwani Jain
12:46 Apr 20, 2022



13:09 Apr 20, 2022

=D (how else are you supposed to respond to "awwww!!!!"?)


Dhwani Jain
13:18 Apr 20, 2022

With an AWWWWWWWWWW? Idk...;)


13:21 Apr 20, 2022

hmmm, maybe.... or ig i did ok, since you responded :)


Dhwani Jain
13:56 Apr 20, 2022

Yeah you did!


14:23 Apr 20, 2022

:) my blog is all messed up now TvT I changed the theme bc I didn't like how the other theme was full page, and now I don't know what to do 😭😭😭


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Dhwani Jain
16:31 Jan 19, 2022

New story with YOUR character!


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Unknown User
13:52 Jan 18, 2022

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Silias Welson
16:02 Jan 14, 2022

Hey Missa. :)


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Lilliane Wei
23:45 Jan 03, 2022

Hey missa! This was such a beautiful story that really brought a smile to my face. I love the way you formatted the story in a poem like script and the elegance of your writing style is unmistakable! I especially admire the line “‘You, child, are the North Star. People will lookto you for eternity.’” It’s so poetic and beautifully done! Can’t wait to read more of what you have to write :D -liv


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User_2443 0967
14:59 Dec 09, 2021

girl i listened to your voice recording!! YOU ARE SO GOOD LIKE WHAT


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Cooper Armstrong
15:43 Dec 06, 2021

👓📖👍 Amazing poem, you never cease to amaze me Missa.


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Unknown User
04:01 Dec 01, 2021

<removed by user>


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