Adventure Romance Drama

The day was bright and beautiful as I entered the beautiful golden gates. Huge mansion came into my view which was surrounded with beautiful trees. I heard laughing and giggling, so I followed the voice.

I saw a beautiful girl and a handsome man dancing with each other.

She has green eyes and platinum blonde hair. She was wearing a white gown. The man on the other hand has brown eyes and ginger hair. He was wearing a white suit.

They both were dancing barefoot with each other. Their laugh and soft music playing the background filled the air.

They both were looking at each other with so much love and adoration towards each other that my heart melted.

Suddenly everything changed. The bright and beautiful day changed into dark and rainy. The couple in front of me vanished and but the music kept playing.

I heard crying and a shiver ran down through my spine. It was so loud and hurtful cry I have ever heard.

I followed my gaze from where the scream came. I saw a open window on the third story. Then a lady walked up to the window, I saw that she was the same girl who was dancing with the man.

She looked different now, her hair was messy, her dress had blood stains on it. She had a big knife in her hand, my breath caught in my throat.

She cut her left wrist with the knife and threw it out of the window. Blood started gushing out from her wrist, she made the cut go deep. Then she claimed on the window and I knew what she was going to do.

I tried to stop her, scream or run but it seemed like I was like a statue who couldn’t do anything.

She looked up in the sky before she jumped from the window. I heard a  scream... “No...!”

“Amber! Amber! Get up honey, it’s just a dream!” I heard and my eyes snapped open. I was panting hard and my wrist was hurting bad. I saw my wrist and rubbed my fingers on it.

I have a birth mark on my left wrist, it is a long and dark brown mark which goes horizontally on my wrist.

“Are you alright, Amber?”

I saw my mom looking at me with worried face. Her black hair were tied up in a bun and her hazel eyes were glistening with tears.

I sighed sadly and nodded my head at her. I feel terrible for putting her in this situation. I have had these type of dreams from the day I turned 18, last month.

Me and my mom have been living in California since I was born. She is a single mother, I am a senior student in Valley High-school and going to graduate in few months.

My mom owns a bakery and that is our only source of income. I help her everyday in the bakery and also do a part time job in a library across the road. My grandfather gave my mom the land on which she have built the bakery and above it we have our house on the first floor.

“You had the same dream?” She asked me and took my hand in hers.

“Yes mom. Why are you crying?” I asked she with a frown.

“I see you struggling in your sleep everyday. You scream Amber, you are hurting every night. It hurts me to see my baby hurting.” She said and busted out crying.

“Mom, I am okay.” I whispered and hugged her.

We both are very close to each other and only family. My dad left my mouth when she was pregnant with me. They both were too young to become parents and I guess she just dint wanted responsibilities. My dad was 18 and my mom was 17 when she had me.

My mom has not been with any man since then, she says she loved my dad too much that she cannot and don’t want to be with any other man. She says, she has me and don’t need anything or anyone more.

When my dad left my mom on her own, she came to Los Angeles, California from San Francisco, California to her parents. My grandmother died in a car accident and my grandfather died when I saw small because of heart attack.

Since then my mom and me have only been for each other.

“Okay, get up now. You are going on a trip today, you need to get ready fast.” Mom said and she left the room kissing my forehead.

Our school was taking us for camping somewhere in Ontario, California for this weekend.

I got ready and took my packed back with me. My mom rode us to my school in time.

“Take care of yourself. Call me anytime you need and call me twice a day compulsory. Eat on time and eat properly. Sleep on time and no alcohol or anything like that. Be with the group, don’t go alone anywhere. And –.” She said without taking a breath.

“Mom. Okay, calm down I got it.” I said with a smile and she smiled at me too. She gave me a nod and we hugged each other. We got out of the car and I saw buses in the parking.

“Take care mom. I love you.” I said and kissed her cheek.

“Love you too, honey.” She said and we  bid out byes.

As I got near the bus, I saw my friends Jimmy and Emily walking towards me.

“Hey guys. All ready.” I said with a smile.

“Yes.” Emily whispered with a yawn and I realized she was looking like a walking zombie.

“Hell ya!” Jimmy said punching in the air.

“What happened to you?” I asked Emily with a frown.

“My brother, happened.” She said with a dead voice and Jimmy started laughing. I guess he know what was the real reason. Emily has a older brother who.

“What about him?” I asked again.

“He put five alarms in my bedroom with the time, 3am. I slept at 1am in tge morning because I was watching a movie and he fucking set the alarm clock of 3am in the morning.” She shouted and gathered some unwanted attention too.

As soon as she finished there was silence for a minute then me and Jimmy busted out laughing.

Emily is beautiful with wavy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Right now her hair was in pony tail and she had bags under her eyes.

Out teachers announced to take seats in the bus and took the attendance. We headed off to our destination, we were going to arrive in about 40-45 minutes.

After a hour or so we arrived in some forest area in Ontario. After arranging the tents and settling around. After everyone had lunch, few students went for swimming in the river and few of them sat under the tree chatting and laughing.

Jimmy was swimming with few of his friends from football, Emily decided to take a nap as she stayed up all night. I decided to take a small walk around the beautiful nature.

It was almost noon but it was not a sunny day nor cold. The only noise was of my humming and leaves retelling whenever a breeze came.

Suddenly, I heard a soft music so I decided to follow it. My heartbeat increased as soon as I was able to hear the music correctly, because I was not the first time I was hearing it.

It was the same music that I heard every night in my dreams. I pinched myself to make sure I was not dreaming.

I turned around but couldn’t remember the way back. After fishing my phone in my pocket, I saw that their was no network.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to follow the music instead. Within minutes a gate came in my view. The music could be heard nearby, now.

The gates were covered in dust and leaves. I slowly pushed them open and stepped inside. Suddenly the weather changed and rain started to pour with the lightning hitting in the clouds.

Slowly I saw a three story mansion in front of me. It was huge and amazing, dirt and leaves covered the paint on it.

Within few minutes, I was in front if the door. The music still playing and was coming from inside. Before I could push open the door, it opened itself making a creaking noise.

My heart was beating in my chest, brutally. I gulped audibly before stepping inside. I don’t know why the hell I was going inside, but it just seemed safe.

I sighed as I was hardly able to see anything clearly. It was dark inside, no light and because their was raining outside their was not even sunlight.

I saw the outline of a huge hall, sofa set and table in the middle. Long staircase directed up, on the first floor I presumed.

Something caught my eyes, photo frame. It was on the side table, near a huge window. I took it in my hand and wiped the dirt from it.

My breathing came to an halt and my heart stopped beating for a second. The picture was of a couple.

The thing is that it’s not any couple. They were the same people, whom I see almost every night in my dreams. The one who I see dancing in the backyard and the one who jumped out if the window, with her bleeding wrist.

The lighting and heavy rain could be heard from inside very clearly. Suddenly the lights were on in the mansion. I saw that they were not lights but candles all over the mansion that were lit up.

My breathing became harsh and my birthmark on my wrist started to hurt, a lot. It was burning and a whimper left my mouth.

“Oh my god ... !”

I heard a voice and turned my eyes to the person. Their was a old women around her eighties, standing near the bottom of the staircase with a stick to support her standing position.

She had short platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, wrinkles on her face showing her old age. She was wearing a green gown which looked vintage. She had a warn smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

“Who are you?” I asked her with a frown as I held the picture in my hands tight.

“I know I look old, but look closer Josephine. I am Elizabeth, your sister.” She said as she walked and came in front of me.

“What? No!.” I said with a frown. What is she saying? My sister, who is a old women? And she called me with other name, I guess she is confused.

“I think you are confused, i am not your sister. Sorry, but I think you are mistaken me for someone else. I don’t know how I got here, it’s just so wired. This place and theses both, my dream. Oh my god!” I said with a frustration sigh.

I don’t know what was going on. Who was this lady?

“Oh my!” She said as her smile replaced a frown.

“You don’t remember anything.” She said with a upset sigh.

“What? Look I am sorry, I think I should leave.” I said and kept the frame on the table. And started to walk to wards the door. As soon as I opened the door, it closed with a bang.

I screamed and turned around to look at the old women. Her hand was directed towards door, like it was her who closed it.

“What did you do!” I shouted as my breathing became uneven.

“Its your home Josephine, your and Edwards dream. Its you Josephine.” She said with a stern face.

“I am not Josephine. I am Amber. I don’t live here, its not my home!” I screamed at her as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

She took a deep breath and walked towards me. She took my left hand and gazed over my birthmark.

“How did the girl died in your dream, Amber?” She asked me looking in my eyes. I gulped audibly before answering.

“She cut open her wrist before she jumped from a window.” I said without stuttering, she smiled sadly at me and I frowned at her.

“Its the birthmark you were born with Amber before your old self Josephine killed herself years ago.” She explained with a soft voice.

I breathing became hard and my heart started beating fast. I looked at my birthmark and saw it looked like a large an deep cut. I remembered the girl Josephine killing herself in my dreams.

“Its not possible.” I whispered and looked at the women. My tears were flowing by now. I released my hand from here grasp and took the frame in my hand.

I looked at the frame with most concentration. Josephine’s eyes matched with me, rather than our eyes we were completely different in appearance. I looked at the man Edward in the picture.

Suddenly I felt dizzy,

“Josephine, I will love you forever my love.” he said with a smile. I giggled before smiling back at him.

“Oh Edward, I will love you forever too. Always.” I whispered and he kissed me softly showing his love and care for me in a kiss. I sighed with satisfaction and wrapped my arms around him.

A lighting noise made my eyes open. I looked at the old women and a sob threatened to escape.

I realized that even if how much senseless it sounds, the old lady was speaking some truth in it.

“Who am I? Amber Or Josephine?”

July 21, 2021 05:09

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Dush Isbsuuh
06:18 Jul 21, 2021

Woah!!! 😱 Amazing


06:21 Jul 21, 2021

Thanks 😊


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06:16 Jul 21, 2021

Wow...Interesting concept!🔥


Dush Isbsuuh
06:19 Jul 21, 2021



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06:20 Jul 21, 2021

Thank you 😊


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