Death and Howls Part Five: Rumors Haunt the Strange Hero!

Written in response to: Write a story where a rumor starts to spread. Your protagonist is either the topic or the source.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction


Wandering through the capital’s marketplace, Luna had requested a certain dish. Harsh whispers passed around me, the words the god of death catching my ears. How the hell did they find out? Welcome back to my damn childhood! Finding the sweet bread stand, the tip of a sword pressed into my back. Whipping my scythe from my back, a hot gust of wind blew my ivory blouse about. Glancing behind me with a sly grin, the dirt crunched as I turned to face his father. My heart sank into my stomach, his hair floating up. The abrupt silence made sense, the others running into their homes. Cocking my brow, his lips curled into a snarl. Spinning my scythe over my head, a swift swing had him jumping back. Black shadows darted around me, the rumors were sure to fly now. My lips parted to speak, his deep voice echoing first. 

“The prophecy stands before me. How much does he have to lose?” He mused darkly, raising his blade in the attack position. “Something throws me off about you. You reek of death but you are alive at the same time. It is almost as if one of our gods resides within you.” Drawing a long breath, he wasn’t incorrect. Flashing him a bright smile, my reaction pissed him off. Shrugging my shoulders, the corner of his lip quivered. Throw off his train of thoughts and break his concentration. Lottie was a big believer in this tactic. My mother wasn't wrong to think that.

“The shitty father comes out to play.” I retorted sarcastically, cocking my head to the left. “I don’t know what prophecy you are talking about. Something sure does stink around here. How does your boss feel about you doing this? There is no way you are the top dog in all of this. You don’t have the intelligence to pull off this big of a plan.” Flashing him another bright smile, the jacket of his ornate jet black suit floated up with every step towards me. Counting his steps, his movements were clumsy. Blocking his attack with ease, admiration burned in the locals’ eyes with every block. Sliding underneath him, my fingers curled around his ankles. Ripping him to the street, a blast of wind shot us into the air. How powerful was he?

“You are as worthy as that show you put on the other day but let’s see how you land!” He shouted with a malice in his big grin, a blast of air knocking me back towards the street. Aiming my boots towards the roof, the tiles shattered mid air. Another wave of air was heading my way, a wave of my scythe sending lightning in his direction. Landing gracefully on the street, his attacks were childish at best. Pieces of the street shot into the sky with his rough landing, smoke curling off of his body. Sprinting towards me, his footing was off. Spinning on my toes, it was time to end this guy. Lightning crackled around the curved blade of my scythe, horror rounding out his eyes as the sharp edge cut through his head with ease. Watching his body twitch one last time, a roar stole my attention. Narrowing my eyes in the distance, a cloaked figure was flying away on his dragon. Staring back down at the body, sludge hissed where his body was. Cursing under my breath, the bastard had sent a meat puppet. Horror rounded my eyes at him heading towards the castle, my boots pounding towards the castle. Pushing myself past my limits, relief washed over me at beating his father by a few seconds. Cutting my palm, a glittering inky pool had my attention for a minute. Working through the spell in my head, the cobblestone met my knees. Drawing a double circle, this spell had to work or his dragon would roast us alive. The tip of my finger moved a mile a minute, the symbols that Lottie had taught me glinted in the early morning light. Slamming my palms onto the top, the circles glowed to life. Dreading that this was going to knock me out, the spell had to be completed to protect the kingdom. 

“I call upon the death that dwells within me to combine with the light of my land to protect the kingdom of the elves and fairies!” I commanded boldly, feeling my energy drain from me. Watching a golden dome spread out across the kingdom, blood poured from my eyes and nose.  My vision doubled, his dragon zooming towards me. Helios bounced over to me to protect me in the small chance my spell didn’t work, his wing catching me before I hit the cobblestone. Huffing a cloud of smoke in my direction, his claw placed me onto the nearest bench. Leaning over the edge, hot blood burned its way up my throat. Watching it stain the cobblestone, Helios parted his snout to berate me. The color drained from my cheeks, a clammy sweat drenching my skin. Cupping my mouth, blood oozed in between my fingers. Each heave left a dull ache in my chest, blood splashing onto my boots. Cursing under my breath, I needed my medicine to stop the decaying inside of my body. Popping to my feet, the golden dome glowed bright and strong over my head as Helios helped me walk back to my cabin. Luna ripped open the door, her arms catching me. Helios shot into the sky, her panicked expression resulting in a wave of guilt threatening to drown me. Dragging me inside, her trembling hands laid me down on our bed. Sprinting over to my medicine bag, vials clinked against the others. Tying her hair back with a ribbon, her bump grazed against the blouse she borrowed from me. Mixing a few vials, low growls rumbled in her throat. Plopping down next to me, she poured the liquid down my throat. Pressing her forehead against mine, her tears mixed with mine. Don't break her heart like you tend to do, you idiot!

“Must you push yourself so hard.” She wept impatiently, my arms curling around her waist. “Please stop and let the others help.”  Clutching her close to my chest, the fever died down. Feeling her bump brush against my abs, pride glistened in my eyes. Exhaustion wore on my eyelids, a rough slumber stealing me away. 

Jerking awake, Luna’s head rested on my chest. A knock had me grumbling under my breath, Luna rolling onto our bed. Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, my boots hit the worn wooden floor. Stumbling over to the door, things were still a bit blurry. Fumbling with the door, a concerned Acer let himself in with Rose by his side. Noting my messed up appearance, a sly grin curled on his lips. The basket hanging off of his arms contained supplies for breakfast, a migraine throbbing to life. 

“If you are like this after using too much magic, I bet you are a hoot when you drink.” He joked lightly, Rose guiding me to the table. “Relax and try to keep yourself together. Thanks to you, our kingdom and the fairies have been protected for the first time in a while. How are you holding up?” Narrowing my eyes in his direction, a snarl twitched on my lips. No battle was scheduled for today, the day was supposed to be mine. 

“Shut up, will you!” I snapped hotly, laying my head on the table. “Every magic user has their limits. You should know that.” Chuckling to himself, he began to make breakfast in the kitchen. Glancing back at me with a knowing expression, his hand rested on his hip. A loud growl in my stomach had embarrassment coloring my cheeks, his goofy grin speaking his thoughts without words. Luna stirred awake, the bed groaning as she sat up. Cupping her bump, the size made it obvious that she was carrying twins. Waving hello, Rose bounced up to her side. Fretting over her, a soft smile lingered on my lips. Happy that she had friends, Salena leapt onto my shoulders. Feeling round my blouse’s pocket, my fingertip grazed an acorn. Presenting the gift to her, her paws accepted the gift eagerly. Wagging her tail, a plate hitting the table had her scurrying into my collar. A steaming pile of vegetables and a slice of bread had my brow cocking, his hand clamping down on my shoulder. 

“That is how we cure hangovers here. Eat up. We are hitting the market for our ladies. Cravings and such!” He sang gleefully, my chair groaning as he plopped down across from me with his cup of tea. “Before you start to protest the townspeople have something to tell you. They must love you if they haven’t driven you out yet." Sipping on his tea, his eyes took in Rose’s ivory leaf gown. Wincing as I laughed, my body seemed to be rebelling from yesterday’s expelling of magic. Sitting up with a groan, my fingers curled around a fork. Taking the first bite, any nausea faded away. Devouring it in seconds, any drowsiness was gone. Sipping on his tea, the food reeked of healing magic. Realizing how much he cared for me, a gracious thanks was in order. 

“Thank you for caring for me.” I spoke graciously with my real smile, a broken smile meeting mine. “You didn’t have to do any of th-” Raising his hand in the air, his tired smile grew into his natural smile. Shaking his head, he wasn’t going to hear it. Frustration brewed in my eyes, his words softening my expression. 

“As if I would let my little brother stay ill, you must be dafter than I thought.” He teased with a playful wink, embarrassment coloring my cheeks at the lack of food. “Looks like you enjoy my cooking. Shall we head into town? Feel free to eat, ladies. We will be right back!” Giggling with each other, Acer was dragging me out of my cabin. Helping me to my feet outside the cabin, he tossed my worn leather jacket over my shoulders. Following him back into town in an awkward silence, the townspeople approached us cautiously. Bowing in our direction, sincere apologies flew in my direction. Offering me gifts, a deep fluster had my cheeks burning a bright crimson. Grimacing through the migraine, my arms were filling up quickly. A shy girl placed a box at her feet, her tiny hands arranging the gifts into a neat pile. Her ivory cat ears pinned back, a greasy looking green ogre with a whip in his hand approached her. Hiding behind my legs, her five year old body trembled behind me. Tucking her fluffy ivory cat tail in between her legs, pure rage burned in my eyes at the endless spots of fresh blood lining her ragged dress. Cracking his whip, the tip was aimed for her ankle. Catching the whip around my arm, searing pain coursed through my arm. One yank had him inches from my face, my brow twitched at his sweat soaked face of rotten haughtiness. No one deserved this bullshit.  

“Give me back my slave!” He spat viciously, the crack of his whip had me looking up. Aiming it for my face, Acer cleared his throat. Pushing me out of the way, the inky rope curled around his blade. Yanking him close to his face, his fingers curled around his collar. A snarl curled on his lips, the sight of him losing his temper caused me to step back with the little girl. Acer didn’t seem like a guy to lose his cool like this, his hair floating up. 

“I thought we ended slavery!” He barked vehemently, the slave master holding firm. “Of course you don’t get it. Ogres like you seem to think you can pull that shit in my kingdom. You are banned from the cap-” The ogre’s fist met his cheek, the two sparring in an instant. Fishing around my pocket, a couple of gold coins clinked in my pocket. Stomping my feet on the street, a wall of shadows separated them. Acer shot me a deaf glare, my stern expression softening his scowl. If he saw me as your brother, then he will need to trust me.

“I offer you a couple of gold coins for this lovely lady.” I spoke calmly, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the coins. “Alas, it comes with a clause. You can never be in her life or in the kingdom again. Is it a deal?” Snatching the coins from my hand, a slave mark faded from her chest. Crouching down to her level, hunger had her eyes trembling. Fishing around the box, my fingers curled around a piece of bread. Presenting it to her, her ears pinned back. Her sage cat eyes darted around, her feet turning to run. Grabbing her wrists, fright rounded her eyes. Fantastic! How did Lottie make this so natural?

“I am not going to hurt you. I want to take care of you.” I promised with my natural smile, her hand slapping mine away. Dashing into the crowd, Acer protested as I pounded after her. Leaping over the people, her safety was on me. Acer caught up, his chest puffing up and down. Catching a fluffy white tail in the distance, his question threw me off. 

“Why didn’t you punish him?” He demanded in a huff, my calm gaze throwing him off. “I should arrest you for what you did.” Cocking my brow, my heart knew that he wouldn’t pull that stunt. Picking up speed, he became a spot in the distance. Skidding into an alleyway, the girl shivered behind a trash can. Her ivory hair seemed twisted into an impossible rat’s nest, my lips pressing into a thin line. Crouching down to her level, I knew better than to offer my hand. Resting my hands on my knees, Acer rounded the corner into the alleyway. Hoping he would understand me, my explanation would clear me of any charges. 

“My mother bought me many years ago. I had an abusive father who beat any second he got. What I am offering you is a chance at a nice life.” I assured her with a friendly smile, realization dawning on Acer’s face. “That guy back there is like my brother. You don’t have to clean or cook for me. The one thing I need you to do is be a kid. Can you manage that?” Stepping out from the shadows, half of the bread crunched in her palm. Shoving it into my mouth, a nervous smile did little to illuminate her slightly gaunt features. 

“I am Felina!” She shouted out desperately, her hands cupping my face. “Promise me you will protect me.” Swaying to the left, her weakened body collapsed into my arms. Placing her on my back, her arms draped around my neck. Plucking the bread from my mouth, Acer donned an apologetic smile. Bowing his head in shame, shock mixed with relief in his falling smile. 

“Sorry for losing my temper. For a second I thought you would put her to work. Is what you said true? Ever since I met Lottie, I wondered about your connection to her.” He inquired in a whisper in an attempt to not wake her up. Smiling softly to myself, Lottie would be proud of me. Making my way back, Acer asked me the question once again. Laughing lightly to myself, my friend deserved an answer. 

“If I didn’t tell you before, it is all true. Lottie is my hero for saving me from a life of Hell.” I answered simply, sympathetic sadness dimmed his eyes further. “Please don’t give me that look. I am simply doing what is right. Besides, I think it will be an honor to raise Felina. The world is bright and I am her guide. Glancing back at her slumbering form, the poor girl looked at peace for the first time in a long time. One of the citizen’s ran up with a loaded box, Acer accepting it with a gracious smile. Walking back to the castle in a lovely silence, he paused in front of my cabin. Bringing in the box for me, he lingered by my counter. 

“I could only hope to be a hero like you. Something tells me that you are an awesome guy.” He complimented me with a shoulder pat, his other hand putting the food away for me. “I am proud to call you a brother.” Calling for Rose, they left hand in hand. Carrying Felina to the bath, horror rounded my eyes at the number of scars lining her back the moment I removed her dress. Luna bounced in with our bathing supplies, her slender hands lowering her into the warm water she had prepared. 

“Our daughter needs us to take care of her.” She gushed with a proud smile, my heart fluttering at her beauty in the moment. “Are you going to help or not?” Lifting her chin with my finger, our lips met for a tender kiss. Time slowed, my heart falling for her all over again. Releasing her, we returned to the girl in the tub. Cleaning her up took a minute, Luna working through her hair at the same time. A good hour passed, Luna wrapping her in a fluffy towel. Dropping one of my blouses over her head, Luna twisted her hair into a braid. Laying her down on our bed, Luna and I plopped down in the nearest chairs to watch over her. May the flames of hope bless us!

June 14, 2024 18:27

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