Adventure Fantasy Kids

Guess again.😜

Decisions.DECISIONS. decisions.

Possibilities. POSSIBILITIES. possibilities.

Endless. Abruptly ending.

Running around in circles.

Heading in a straight and forward direction.

No more back sliding.

The down pour made it near to impossible to see anything. Up ahead. Behind. Peripherally. Anyway. Kinda preferred, that day at least, to not be an early Halloween casualty and get struck by lightning. The thunder was booming. I had to be somewhere. Anywhere but out here.

At the moment.

Finding shelter from the rain is a street smart kind of thing.

One needs to first learn the ins and outs of street living to appreciate the tenacity with which it takes to survive.

So close to Halloween avoiding the nearest abandoned house was not an option…….Too creepy. Too coincidental. If I should die that is.

I at the very least,

Wanted to go down swinging.

Through the sideways rain I saw an underpass and decided to make camp for the near future. Sopping wet did not feel as uncomfortable as seeing what was floating by toward the storm drain fast and furiously.


Decision made.

Camp for the night.

With me and all my new “friends.”

Call me pig headed if you wish.

As it seems,

I have been here before.

It begs the question.

What am I doing,



Just then I felt a rush of water befall me, and I looked up to see a sopping wet friend, with a wise and friendly, bit dopey face staring at me—face to face.

As if asking me, “Hey, you got any grub.” It was instant. Our attraction to one another. In that moment I thought, all will be ok. Little did I know this night was going to be life changing.

So I reached into my soggy pocket, and pulled out what I had (I think at one time they were crackers) and offered it to him. He gobbled it with aplomb. Right out of my hand. He then studied my face intently for a bit and came to sit down right next to me.

We decided, without words, to ride this out together.

Side by side.

With us both looking disheveled and soaked. It was difficult to really see one another. Get a read, if you will. Not that it made an ounce of difference. He, we had already shared an intimate moment of eye locking, grub sharing, concrete ground side-by-side sitting, we were assuredly bonded.

What the future held was anybody’s guess, except for the two of us. In that thunderous moment in time. Trust permeated the dark and shallowed underpass with no fear of the storm. Only serious regard. Only respect.

I was however, curious.

About my new friend.

Where did he come from?

Does he belong to another.

Is he lost,

Like me?

Was he lost?

And found?

A loud and thunderous boom answered my questions instantly.

I did not think twice, did not over think, nor ruminate.

Time to move on.

Moving on.

I put my hand on the back of my new friend’s head and we rode it out together.

The next thing I knew I awakened to a paw in my face.

Hey, it’s time to move on.

Ok. But where. My new friend walked with the assurance of a confident toddler. Checking back to see if I was there, but still knowing where we were going. Thank goodness. Because once the storm had passed, things to me became a little fuzzy again.

Life has a way of circling back to the so called normal of what was. With confidence my new friend did not bother with these kinds of trivial thoughts.

Been there.

Done that.

He was my new strong and steady guide, strong and steady force to keep moving forward.

It will be ok.

We were now a team.

And hey.

Since I have been a pigheaded person who chooses to go down swinging. I had a confident feeling my new friend was on board with this. After all we shared the soggy crackers and all.

Over thinking at this stage of life would not work. Never work. It was not so much my new friend’s confidence but that as we walked on, he kept checking back on me.


I got to this point in time basically, wholly even, instinctually trusting my gut, when empty or full. The choice to share life during the storm with my new friend was a

No brainer.

Enough over thinking, people pleasing and particular placation.

My new friend would not allow it on our new journey out of the storm. It did not even matter where we were going. It simply felt right.

We walked on for a time.

We made our way to the nearest lot of open land.

Plunked it down.

He looked at me again as if to say,

”Whatcha got.”

Hey. I got us here.

I dug back into my pocket and pulled out, not even quite sure, but he once again gobbled it up and glanced at me with the thanks of a bestie.

Hey. At least he likes my cooking😜.

So we spent the time drying ourselves out.

Warming up.

Getting to know one another.

Was this all to good to be true? A dream? Unreal? Not real?

Otherworldly. I believe.

How we found one another, that is. In the stormiest of nights, and times. Trying to figure out which way to go. His steady hand, paw and gait was undeniable.

Clearly. This was not a guy to mess with.

It had little, if anything to do with wishful thinking. After all, he had seen the worst of me, known the worst. Seen the evidence and rationality, my reality—all by taking and gobbling many of the burned, many of them up for me.

With me too. Even at times during the thunderous moments I had felt I was losing my crackers🤨 During the stormiest times.

This guy was teaching me things in one long and stormy time, walked with me. Solidified in me thoughts that I knew I already knew, but was afraid to trust in.

Too much deferment can do that. Living in the muddied waters becomes commonplace. Until one day, you come face to face with a bad a** who takes no for an answer, changes everything you once knew, or thought you knew.

And turns it around.🙂

October 13, 2023 16:32

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