Adventure Historical Fiction Mystery

Narrators POV:

Ellie Khan is a six year old child who is obsessed with the dinosaur and caveman era, which you may call the Mesozoic era. Her mum asked her what she wanted for her birthday.

"A dinosaur play set!" She gets ridiculously excited about dinosaurs.

"Anything else dear," Her father asks.

"A caveman set?" She asks. Her mum and dad look at eachother. Erin and Sadiq Khan are worried that Ellie will never get over this topic. Last weekend when the family had a movie night, they asked Ellie what she wanted to watch.

"The Good Dinosaur!" She responds. So that's what they watched. Her parents were thinking of moving away from London but Ellie insisted they stay so she doesn't leave the dinosaurs and her friend Celia Ross a cave child.

Ellie POV:

"La lee a lee la. I'm skipping up the wall," I sing. I'm going to tell mummy and daddy good night. I sneak up to their door and I hear them whispering.

"I think we should see her to a counselor,"Mum says.

"She is six. She doesn't need to go to counseling for an imagination,"Dad says. I skip into their room.

"What's a cownselwer mummy?"

"Oh nothing dear. Let's get you to bed." Dad picks me up and carries me over his shoulder. Mum follows behind us. He puts me into bed and tucks me in. Mum kisses me on my cheek and dad kisses me on my forehead. They turn on my nightlight and off my light. An hour later my watch beeps. I get out of bed and put my brown hair in the best ponytail I can do. I take a look at my green eyes and freckles. The dinosaurs like to try and lick my freckles. I giggle at the memory of the long tongue on my face.

It is time to make sure mummy and daddy are sleeping. I peek inside their room and sure enough, I hear loud snores come from dad and quiet ones coming from mum. I tiptoe back to my room. I open my walk in closet, step into it, and close the doors. I get a bag and put some clothes and things I don't like or don't play with anymore. I grab the other bag of mum and dads get rid of clothes. I hear a beep and I open my closet.

I look around at the amazing sight of dinosaurs and cavemen walking about. I spot Celia. She waves. I'm teaching her modern things so she knows things I'm talking about.

"Ellie!"Celia yells. She is also six. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I am teaching her colors. When I get good at reading, I'm going to teach her how to read.

"I brought you some things,"I say proudly. I hand her the bag that is for her. Then I give her mom and dad the other bag.

"It is g-great time for you to bring me new cloth." She said. She has a hard time with words. I'm trying to teach her.

"Yeah. You ripped the dress I brot for you last time. I got you many different clothes this time."

"Let me show you some real fast."

"Ok. And it's something not some. You are getting better," I encouraged. I followed her down a path. She pointed to a river.

"We gots more water now," She said.

"Got." I corrected. "Wow. We should go swimming."

"Yes. Let's go swimming." We took off our clothes and jumped into the river.

"Hi Harry!"I say to a man that walks by.

"Good day Ellie," Harry says. I know lots of people here.

I check my watch that is resting on the shore. I look at the time which says 3:53 am.

"Oh no! I have to go." During the night at my house, it is daytime here. When it is night here, it is daytime at my house.

"Oh ok. I walk you to door." Celia says sadly. We walk back to my closet doors. I wave bye and close my closet doors. I open them again to be back in my room. I climb back into bed and go to sleep.

Erin Khan's POV:

I wake up and scratch my arm. I get up and head to the kitchen. I'm going to make bacon and eggs for the family. After I am done, I set the table and then head upstairs to wake Ellie.

"Honey. It's time to wake up." I sit on her bed. She wakes up and we head downstairs for breakfast. She rubs the sleep from her eyes as she sits down. My husband is at the table drinking his morning coffee. Ellie's hair is wet.

"Ellie. Why is your hair wet?" I ask.

"I went swimming last night with Celia. We even pet some dinosaurs and I helped her learn some more colors."

"That's it. We are moving out of this house and putting you into counseling." I say angrily.

"Nooooooo. We can't move! Mummy pleaseeee! Let me show you." She cries. She take my hand and pulls me. My husband follows.

"Hi. This is the mayor. Yes I will not be able to leave my mansion today. We are having some problems." He says. We finally make it up to Ellie's room.

"Step in the closet." She steps into the closet. Me and my husband follow suit. She closes the closet doors. A few seconds later she opens them again. We step out and- OH MY GOD! She wasn't lying. I hear my husband gasp. I look up at the sky. It is dark outside. There is a little fire a ways forward. A little girl runs up to us.

"Ellie? What are you doing here so late?" She asks.

"Celia. They were trying to get me to move away because they didn't believe me." Ellie says.

"Well come on over here."

We follow the little girl over to the cave. I notice a few things that are ours and the little girl is wearing Ellie's clothing. We were introduced to Celia's parents.

It's been two weeks. I will never doubt Ellie again. She finally took Celia through the portal. We are going to let her family live in our house and get Celia into school.

Ellie's POV:

Mummy and daddy believe me now. This is what I have wanted for a long time. Now we can all live happily ever after.

September 25, 2020 17:17

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