American Asian American

I sat up and stared aimlessly at the empty space sadly ,the quiet house reminded me of the once filled Happy home . But just like that it all disappeared leaving me alone in the sad castle.

They say "Happiness is spending everyday with the people you love".It was just like yesterday I could still hear mom's voice calling me for breakfast,Dad talking happily to his client on phone although his tone was serious but he had smile spread on his lip,Guess they were both talking about money. My brother Dieyi telling mum about his upcoming basketball game that week.

It all disappeared within a twinkle of an eye, dad been sent to jail for selling drugs, mum still laying unconscious in coma , She slumped from shock , the shocking news of dad been jailed was too much for her health condition.

 My brother suddenly left a month ago with his few of his belongings leaving me alone here confused and lost. I could remember the day before his sudden disappearance without a trace, was the day ,Doctor Zi called the both of us about how our mother's health was detorating and could be dangerous, if she didn't get surgery on time.

The whole world suddenly became dark and cloudy,as we were both confused and no one and nowhere to go. That night my brother was on call with an unknown person, before I could even hear what they were talking about,he ended the call. He realized a deep sigh and tired shoulder dropped,I know he is also fustrated with the whole events,this cruel world filled with heartless people,those cruel relatives who would turn up on our doorstep and request for money and help from our parent,all turned us down now that we are in need.Guess that what people are,right .

That night Dieyi called me to his room and told me" that a friend is doing part-time job and he said he would introduce him to his boss,so I can earn money for mum's surgery. Don't worry little sis everything will be back to normal,I assure you",he finished saying and patted my head. 

Since that night have not see his trace or heard from him.Things have become unbearable and my strength are failing each day ,my confused self prays and hope things would be better and go back to how it used to be. The havoc mind.

Recalling the good old days,I never imagined things could turn out this way. I miss that nice woman with the nicest smile in the world,my mum's best spot is kitchen. My dad has always been a workaholic,who works day and night just to provide us with all we want. Little did we know dad was doing dirty deal selling drugs below for You Mafia gang ,the most notorious and evil gang in Asia. But why would Dad do something like that, I have always being proud of him. Before he was arrested mum already had suspicion on Dad's late night work , strange calls and messages,when confronted about it he would denied it and say he knows nothing about it. The whole mess and confused situation was started after his arrest,I don't know how to forgive him.

Two weeks ago, I received call from hospital that someone paid for my mum's surgery,that was the happiest thing that have happened to me in months now. I could not express my joy and gratitude enough,"Everything is finally going back to normal",I cried out in joy. " If only brother could be here now with us",I thought sadly as I alarted from the taxi and rushed to the hospital. 

After Doctor Zi discussed with me about my mum's surgery that will be done the next day, I matched happily to the receptionist to ask about the savior but to my amazment,she said the man don't wish to disclose his identity,he just did for charity and don't expect anything else.

This made me so happy and on top of the world,but there was still some shade of sadness.

" How would have been if my brother Dieyi was here,I tried calling him but no avail he wasn't even picking up. Where could he be and how is he doing" this were thought that race through my mind as sat down on my bed staring aimlessly at the window. The day dark sky is covered with dark mist,my heart is covered by it right now and I can't think straight,a mind in havoc.

Many times I just wish this is just a dream,I continue to stare at the dark night with a puzzled mind, praying silently for my brother to come. I finally laid back on bed and tossed up and down on my bed, before finally falling to sleep.

The next morning,a delivery guy showed up at my door with lot of home appliance and electronics.

"Wrong place",I said not interested as I try to close back my door.

" Good morning,are you Miss Yu Lan,am asked to send this to you from JK agency" he stated

"Sound more and more confused is JK agency not the ones that sponsoring Ariel Kpop idiols,then why are they sending things to my door",just before I could be brainstorming for possible answer.

A call came in ," Are you Miss Yu, Dieyi's younger sister" the voice asked.

"Yes,do you know my brother, please where is he",I questioned non-stop.

" I am Dieyi's manager, of course he is doing fine,but presently he signed contract with our company to train as an idiol and in return we settle his finacial needs, like we payed your mom's surgery .There rules that our trainees abide to and that is not leaving the Star house without a proper leave. So he won't be able see you for now. You can talk to him on phone,am going to send you his new contact,so you could talk to him",he finished saying and ended the call.

I don't know what to say or do,all I know is my heart is racing with joy. " Things are finally going back to normal and Happiness",I screamed for joy,am the most happiest person on Earth to here the joyful news,I am so so happy and proud of him. I can't wait to hear from me, looking forward in great anticipation to his call.Now I have a brother who is going to be an idiol.

June 04, 2021 23:46

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