Fiction Funny Happy

Auuuuaaahh! Ouch! OOOOOUCH!!! 


Tony screams. 

Is that right, Billy? No kidding, it's hot! 

It's like 200 degrees out here, man. Billy shouted 

Phew, I'm sweating like a fat pig! Tony yells. 

Whoo-wee, Let's get our butts out of here now before the sun set our Butts on fire! Billy responses. 

You got that right, says tony. They ran like they never ran before in their live. 

The more they ran the hotter they got. Sweat dripping everywhere like it's water. 

About time they got home, it was 3-foot of flood of sweat. The sun shining on the sweat made it no better.  

Auuuuuaaahh! It burns- It burns- It-burns- IT BURNS!!!!  

The flood of swat felt like a boil hot water cooking us into fresh hot potatoes.  

We screamed for our lives as the sun made the flood of sweat hotter and hotter until we can't stand. 

We were in our room on the bed in a blink of an eye. The door had our body print as we smash threw the door into our room.  

Inside the house was smoking so bad, we look like clouds of dust. 

We were coughing so hard and loud; our brains fell out laughing at us. 

Who is that laughing?! Billy askes. You know it's ours brains! Tony Shouted. 

Auuuuuahh! Billy Screams, running into tony in a flash of an eye. 

They both was completely knocked out in a smoky house. 

The steam of their bodies was so hot they can only breath out hot steam. 

Their Butts was steamy hot red soaking on the floor 

Later, the fire alarm starts screaming at them with a big loud annoying noise. 

Out of nowhere, Billy ran into walls, causing the walls to have big holes in them and ran into the window.  

He fell out of the window screaming and waving wildly. 

NOOOOOOO! Billy dramatically screams, falling flat down as a pancake in dog poop. 

As everyone can see, crazy Billy is blind as bat. Tony said, laughing his butt off so much, he ran into the bedroom door. 

Oh! Oh! MY NOSE! Man, that’s going to burn. Grrrrrrr! Tony growls waving his hand at the fog of the smoke, rushing to put something cold on his nose. 

He quickly just got something out of the refrigerator, pouring it wildly on his nose, so his nose can stop burning quick fast in a hurry, but mistakenly got it into his eyes. 

Oh no! My eyes! MY EYES! Tony yells to the top of his lungs, knocking over a table, running into chairs, running outside with waving his right wildly, and coming towards Billy.  

Tony pimp slaps Billy down in more dog poop, rubbing his eyes with his shirt. Eventually, Billy got back up. 

That was hot sauce? Tony said, looking at his nose. 

No wonder my eyes burned me alive. 

Other people were looking at them strange as they walked by.  

Sir, I did not pee on myself, I swear! Tony said, but the guy kept walking shaking his head 

All this swat making people think I pee on myself, says tony. 

Billy saw a cute woman and said, hi cutie, how you doing? With a big smile on his face like he was madly in love by her cuteness. 

She looked at him strange and scrunch up her nose saying, you stink, man. Whoo-wee!  

I did not do-do on myself, I swear. I just fell in dog shit. 

It stunk so bad she could not breath and flew in her car coughing for fresh air. She almost barfed! She drove her car quick fast in a hurry to get far away from them. 

A caregiver walks up to them saying if you adults don’t know how to go to the bathroom on your own, it’s okay. 

People laughing at them as they walked by, it embarrassing. 

Hey! Stop laughing at us! We don’t need no caregiver; we are 20 years old. Tony yells. 

Everyone laughs their brains out including the care giver. 

They were so embarrassed their face turn solid pink as a pig. But for some reason Tony smells worser than Billy and Billy fell in dog shit 

That’s it! THAT IS IT! Tony shouted, grabbing a big stick, being insane.  

He swung the that stick so hard it almost slapped their heads off. 

 One guy that’s bigger than Tony laughs at him, saying you idiot, punk. The guy told Tony it’s nothing he can do to him.  

Tony got a wimp and light his butt up light a Christmas tree.  

His butt was popping like fire crackers and so puffy red when Tony got done that he couldn’t sit down for weeks. 

Everyone left them alone! No one wants to be bothered and they more so far away from them that Tony and Billy heads spin. 

Oh no, the police! RUN! Billy shouted. NOOOO! Tony screams. 

I’m not afraid of no po-po! He’s a nerd chicken just look at him.  

Freeze! Hands on your head now, says the police. 

Yes sir, officer. I did not mean no harm officer, say Tony.  

Tony and Billy put their hands on their head with a big frown. 

A lot of police got behind them to arrest them and put hand coves on them. 

Then the two police officers took out their belt and spank the hell of out of them.  

The spanked them outside, making them scream and groan all the way inside the police car and drove off. 

Tony farts up a storm, making the police cover his nose. 

GET OUT OF MY CAR! The police shouted, throwing the key to them to unlock themselves free from the hand coves. 

They got out of the police car and unlock themselves free. 

This is not funny anymore and it’s annoying, dude. Billy said. 

Jess, why do you still stink so bad man? Billy asked, using his shirt to cover his nose. 

Dude, I need some fresh, but you got a RAW STINKING BOOTY! 

Instead of talking about me, let just spend time with each other and I put some clone on. They both agreed. 

They both spend time with other seeing the moon reflecting off a lake then something strange happens. Auuuaaahh! You been a real skunk the whole time, Tony! Phew, this explains why you smell so bad. I did not mean to scare you. Oh no, Tony about to blow! 

November 16, 2020 13:48

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