Romance Gay Happy

The sun was barely up, peeking through the bakery’s window, shinning light directly into Lilac’s eyes. She blinked rapidly, not having time to stop focusing on the recipe in front of her. The bakery smelt like sugar, flour, and strawberries, making anyone who walked by want to enter the store to purchase the delicate dessert Lilac was working on. Lilac’s forehead was covered in some dough, from the earlier endeavor of baking the tarts that were passed down through her family.

She was rushing, the festival was opening in 15 minutes, and she had to be there to set up her stand for judging. She had been trying to win the blue ribbon for 3 years, ever since her mother died and passed the bakery onto her. 

In short, Lilac was not as great of a baker as her deceased mother. That did not mean that she didn’t want to try. 

She was filling each mini tart with the strawberry paste she made about three hours ago. Guiding her hand lightly to fill the empty shell with the delicious strawberry filling. She made 300 tarts, which took a lot of work. These were the last few of the tarts, and she was more than excited.

As she filled each tart with the filling, she placed them into a box. She could fit 50 tarts in each box, which meant she had 6 boxes filled to the brim with tarts. She exhaled as she put the last tart in the last. She squealed with excitement, untying her apron and throwing it to the side. She picked the box up carefully and walked to her tiny purple car. Placing the last box in the trunk, she shut the door and went to the drivers side of the car. 

Starting the car, she carefully drove the 5 minutes to the festival, listening to Disney classics on her way. She was filled with excitement, unable to keep the smile off of her freckled face. Each year, she had gotten a higher placement in the festival’s rankings. The first year she tried, she got 43rd. The second year, she got 19th. Now, she was hopeful to make it to the top spot.

She would win 10,000 dollars, and also, recognition in her business. Her tiny business which would take off. She promised her mother it would, she would not let her mother down. Especially not when she made her mothers strawberry tarts. 

The festival was already gaining a crowd, possibly from the people that were entering the competition. She quickly found a parking spot and got out of the car. She reached into her trunk and grabbed a box, she would get the rest later. She started speed walking to the sign in booth, but she was stopped when she ran into somebody, her tarts falling to the ground. She froze, panic settling into the once hopeful spot.

“Oh Darn, I’m sorry.” A voice, said, then bent down and picked up the box, opening it. Some of the tarts broke, but some looked fresh. Still, she lost tarts. 

She was on the verge of tears when she looked up at the person responsible of this atrocious act. There, stood a tall brown haired, blue eyed girl with a sheepish smile.

“Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to do that. If you want, I can help you set up? Or I can pay you, whatever you prefer?” The girl said. Lilac’s heart skipped slightly, her mouth running dry. She was going to reprimand the girl, but all she could do was nod.

“Here, let’s get you checked in, what’s your bakery name?” The girl asked. Lilac swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Flower Pastries.” Lilac said quietly. The girls eyes lit up.

“I remember you! You placed like, 19th last year, right?” The girl spoke excitedly. Lilac smiled and nodded, surprised anyone knew her.

“Your raspberry cupcakes were amazing, I’m surprised you'd didn’t win!” The girl chuckled, “I’m Katelyn, I run Jubilee Bakery.” 

Holy shit. Jubilee Bakery placed 1st last year. Lilac’s eyes widened and she didn’t know what to say. She expected Jubilee Bakery to be run by some hard core Baker with 100 years of experience, not Katelyn. 

“Whoa.” Lilac managed to say, and Katelyn rubbed the back of her neck.

“I already checked in, come on, I’ll help you set up.” Katelyn smiled, walking past the Lilac, still carrying the box of tarts. Lilac quickly followed Katelyn, checking into the festival and getting a table.

Katelyn was there for the whole time, helping Lilac carry the boxes to the table without another disaster. Lilac was thankful for Katelyn’s help, but she noticed every now and then she would look at Katelyn and Katelyn would be watching her. She would look away quickly, but Lilac knew she was watching her.

“Thank’s for the help.” Lilac said once they were finished setting up the table. Katelyn smiled softly, taking on of the tarts that was broken and handing half of it to Lilac.

“Cheers.” Katelyn said, then popped the small tart into her mouth. Her eyes sparkled, “These are amazing. I can’t wait to see where you place!” 

Lilac smiled, eating the other half and nodding, “You too, Good luck.” Lilac said softly. Katelyn waved and walked away. Lilac watched her go to her booth, which was full with cookies. Just cookies?

Lilac raised her eyebrows slightly but shrugged, standing behind her booth. Katelyn’s smile was stuck in her head through the whole festival. Each person that came to her table and tried a tart was impressed. Then again, only a couple of people wanted to see her booth. Not like she was surprised.

At 12, the judges made their way to her booth, looking at her tarts. There were three judges, and they all took a tart and tried one. They made no noises as they wrote on their clipboard. Lilac tried peaking to see what her score was, but they quickly moved on before she could see. She sighed, sitting on a stool and waiting.

She watched as the judges made their way to Katelyn’s booth. They each tried a cookie, and reacted the same way towards Katelyn as they did to Lilac. Katelyn seemed much calmer though. She smiled brightly at the judges as they walked off.

Katelyn looked over at Lilac, giving her a thumbs up. Lilac smiled, chuckling sightly to herself. Katelyn then left her booth, walking over to Lilac.

“They are super strict this year. It’s weird.” Katelyn stated, still walking towards Lilac. Lilac shrugged.

“I hope I did well.” Lilac said out loud. Katelyn laughed out loud, surprising Lilac.

“I’m sure you did, Every person that went to your booth were still raving about it when they came to mine.” Katelyn said simply.

Lilac’s heart raced slightly as she smiled, her cheeks growing warmer each second. Katelyn beamed.

“Hey, the results wont be available until like, 2 pm. Wanna go get some cotton candy and play some games?” Katelyn suggested.

Lilac quickly nodded, wanting to do anything but waiting at the booth. Katelyn smiled, walking away towards the games, and Lilac quickly followed.

Lilac did not think to bring money for games, so she couldn’t really play. Katelyn played a few games, winning a stuffed animal to which she gave Lilac. It was a purple and pink elephant, about the size of Katelyn’s head, to which they both laughed at. 

Time seemed to pass quickly as Lilac and Katelyn spent the time together. Lilac noticed that she was now watching Katelyn. The way she walked and the way she held herself high. She admired her, simply. 

“Results for the 14th annual bakery competition will be announced shortly, bakers please return to your booth for your ribbons.” An announcement said, which startled Lilac.

Katelyn smiled brightly, “Come on, let’s head back to our booths.” Katelyn said as she started walking away. Lilac followed, not wanting to leave Katelyn.

Lilac went to her booth when Katelyn passed it, and Katelyn went to hers. Lilac couldn’t help but still watch as the judges passed. She watched as Katelyn got a red ribbon. Second place. Lilac wanted to clap for Katelyn, but she didn’t. 

Katelyn didn’t seem upset, in fact, she was happy. Second place did get 5,000 dollars, still. Lilac didn’t even notice as the judges placed a blue ribbon on her table. She was too focused on watching Katelyn. 

“Congratulations to the winners, please come to the front to claim your prizes.” A person said. Lilac snapped out of her trance, looking at her table. Her heart stopped as she saw the blue ribbon. First Place.

She had won.

“Congrats!” Katelyn said brightly as she stood across from Lilac. Lilac looked up at Katelyn, flushing. 

“I can’t wait to see what you do next year.” Katelyn spoke, waving as she went to walk away. Lilac panicked, standing up.

“Wait!” She called, to which Katelyn turned around, looking at Lilac, “Do you… do you want to trade phone numbers?” Lilac asked softly. Katelyn smiled, walking back over and grabbing a napkin. She wrote a series of numbers on the napkin.

“Call me, okay?” Katelyn asked. Lilac nodded eagerly. Katelyn chuckled, taking a tart. She took her index finger and dipped it in the tart. She looked at her finger, then quickly used her finger to touch Lilac’s nose, leaving the filling on Lilac’s nose.

Lilac blushed furiously as Katelyn laughed, walking away and waving. Lilac almost forgot to walk up to the front to claim her prize. She won.

Happily, she packed up her booth, thinking about Katelyn and her blue ribbon at the same time. What a wonderful festival.

December 06, 2020 20:44

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