Adventure Kids

"Mom! The wind is really picking up," called Jason as he brought in the last bag of groceries that they just picked up from the store.

"It will be fine, honey. Don't worry, you will still be able to watch your game shows tonight. The wind will probably die down soon," replied hos mother. A moment later, the power flickered off and on again.

"Just in case though, let's go get the barbecue and charcoal out from the garage and get some flashlights and the tents. Its possible that we may end up losing power tonight."

Jason, feeling scared about missing his game shows like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune hit him in the gut like someone punched him there.

"I cccan't miss it," Jason said starting to sob. "Can you compromise that the power will stay on?"

"I can't make any promises, but I think we can make this an adventure. Let's get the tents up and ready for tonight. We can camp out and try something different for tonight," Jason's mother said. "I will call your father and let him know so he can be available after work. Maybe he can pick up some potato salad." A moment later, she pulled out her phone and called. Suddenly, she said, "Hi Bob, it's me. With the wind picking up tonight, we are thinking that maybe the power will go out soon. We are going to camp out in the backyard tonight for the adventure. Would you be able to pick up some potato salad tonight?"

"That sounds great. How is Jason doing with the idea of a power outage? I know he will be upset about missing his shows, but he will survive. The power just went out here."

"Jason will be fine honey. Thanks for the update." Suddenly, the power went out at home. "We just lost power here. I think I will start making hamburgers for dinner when you get home. I will find a way to keep Jason occupied. Be safe."

"Will do Brittany. I will be heading to the store quickly. Bye."

Jason started getting frustrated because the power went out and nothing was working. "Why did the power go out," he demanded. His mother replied, "You know, our electric equipment just needed to take a nap for a bit. Have you started working on the pilgrims in history yet?" She asked.

"Yes, I have," said John excitedly. "They had to cook outside and often didn't have much else going on as they made their journey."

"That's right," replied Brittany. "This experience will be similar to what they experienced. This is a living history lesson."

"Really? But school is out for Labor Day weekend! I can't study over a three day weekend."

"Well, this isn't really studying. It's more like you are experiencing what they experienced. It will help you to understand what life was like for them. It will be fun."

"If you really think so. I guess I can try it for the weekend," Jason said, realizing that theres nothing he can do.

An hour later, the tents were set up, the barbecue was lit and heating up. The flashlights were out and ready to go. Brittany was getting some hamburger patties ready to go on the grill and slicing up the fixings. Bob arrived at home with the potato salad and some cupcakes for dessert.

"Hey bud," Bob called to Jason. "How are the flashlights working?"

Jason replied, "They are working just fine. They are all in good working order, Dad."

"Great job! You are learning how to live like the pioneers did all those years ago."

"Yeah, I guess I am. Dinner is smelling good."

"Dinner time!" Called Brittany as she set up a plate of burgers on the patio table. "Let's eat!"

"I'm hungry," said Jason excitedly. The family ate together in silence, enjoying the freshly made meal.

A little while later, Bob asked, "Are you ready for a surprise, Jason?"

"Absolutely, Dad. What is it?"

Reaching into the bag from the store, Bob pulled out the cupcakes and said, "They probably didn't have cupcakes in the Pioneer days, but I figured we can have a treat, especially since we are seeing what the pioneers lived like."

They enjoyed the cupcakes and a little while later, Jason yawned indicating that he was tired. Bob looked over and said, "by golly, I think its bedtime. Let's get ready for bed."

Within a few minutes all three of them were ready for bed. Once Jason crawled into his tent, his dad came over and tucked him in. "Do you have everything you need? Flashlights, pillows, sleeping bag?"

"Yes, Dad. I have everything right here in the pouch. Good night Dad." Jason said as he hugged his father tightly.

"Goodnight son. Have some good dreams."

As he zipped up his son's tent, Brittany came over and said, "You know, I think he enjoys the family time we have here."

"I think you are correct. Plus it was fun to do this. We should do spontaneous things like this more often."

"I agree. It's fun to change up routine from time to time. Now let's get to our tent."

"I'm right behind you."

After they crawled into the tent, Bob zipped them up and crawled into their sleeping bags while Brittany put their flashlights in the pouch. They fell asleep in minutes. A short time later, the backyard lights came on, and the hum of the electrcity was a plain way to learn that the power was back on. Bob woke up with a start at 6 AM. Brittany was already up preparing the coffee and a breakfast of eggs, bacon and sausage over the stove. In almost no time at all, the smell of the breakfast woke up Jason. The three of them ate well and got ready for their big day of relaxing at home. Jason learned to appreciate what the pioneers endured on a daily basis. The rest of the weekend went by quickly.

September 10, 2020 04:54

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Lee Jay
00:13 Sep 18, 2020

This sounds like such a fun family camp-out. What a great story! I enjoyed the connection you made with "pioneer days." Our world is so technologically dependent without even realising. I caught one little typo: 2nd paragraph "hos mother," (his mother?) "By golly I think its bedtime," needs an apostrophe on its. Little things :) I'd love to get your feedback on my story if you're so inclined. I bet you'll fine a typo too! Haha


05:39 Sep 18, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. Sadly typos happen but we can try to improve our writing abilities


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