Fantasy Horror Suspense

The Journey

Henry fumbled clumsily with cloak pin, his fingers feeling weak and numb as he tried to push the point through the thick layers of wool. He sighed in exasperation as, once again, he failed to move the pin all the way through. His ghostly white and long fingers shaking. He hadn't fed in a week, and it was showing. Since he had received the King's letter, he had no time to secure a victim. 

"Father, please let me do it," Matilda said with a frustrated sigh.

He had felt her eyes on him as he struggled.

"Alright." He said curtly.

Matilda walked over, her breath curling into cold smoke in the winter air. She moved stiffly as the cold froze her leather riding armor stiff. Her jaw-length brown hair was frosted with snow. She began to fasten his pin, pushing it through the fabric quickly. Henry smelled a familiar smell of blood on her, more potent than usual. He brushed it off; she had probably been hunting.

"You should have taken an extra day to feed. I don't think you're going to make the whole trip like this." She pushed the pin roughly into the side of the circlet.

"We are already leaving late. I will take care of myself on the way."

Matilda frowned at him with a ferocity that contrasted with her petite facial features. She was upset that he wouldn't let her accompany him. She felt it was her daughterly duty to protect him and had the added pride of being Captain of the Edgecliff guard.

"I had a feeling you would be stubborn."

Matilda produced a flask from her belt under her own cloak. She didn't even need to uncork it for Henry to smell what it was. The sickly fermented and metallic smell of blood. His mouth watered, and he ground his teeth in anticipation. She handed it to him quickly, knowing how he got when he needed to feed this urgently. Henry uncorked the flask and hungrily drank the warm contents. The thick, satisfying liquid spilled down his throat. He was vaguely aware of small bits of it trickling down his lips and into his beard. The euphoria of feeding preoccupied all his senses. He only returned when the last trickles of blood fell out of the flask. He was breathing hard, and his heartbeat pounded.

"Thank you, Mattie." He gasped. "Whose blood?"

"Don't ask. It's enough to get you through a day." She said as she stood on her tiptoes to brush snow out of his white curly hair.

"I still don't understand why you didn't send Arthur or Aaron. They can both swear fealty on your behalf. If the King takes issue, we can say you are sick." Matilda said.

"The young King is temperamental, easily offended. He will see me sending the boys as an insult. I have been absent from court for ten years because of my condition, and people are spreading rumors."

Henry wiped the blood from his lips and beard and mounted his horse. He could already feel his body recovering, his hands firmly gripping the reins. He said goodbye to Matilda and began riding through the crisp and cold night. The forest feeling deathly still as snow continued to fall and settle.

By nightfall of the next day, he was feeling the pull of hunger once again. He heard rustling in the woods behind him and took a quick look. He saw nothing and assumed it was a squirrel.

A figure sprung from the bush along the highway. Henry jumped on the figure quickly, like a wolf tackling its prey. He was surprised when the figure suddenly pushed him off with incredible strength, sending him sprawling in the snow. He was able to move fast enough to tackle her. The figure was a young girl, well dressed in noble clothing. On her cloak was a broach of a pomegranate, the badge of Anne of Westhaven. He heard a strangled cry across the road and saw another figure fleeing. Henry abandoned his current prey and instead ran with incredible speed toward the other figure, catching him quickly. He was vaguely aware of the girl fleeing into the woods as Henry lifted the man by the neck and bit into him, relieved as he felt the familiar warm gush. The man whimpered before quickly losing consciousness. Henry took an hour to drain the man dry. Wrapped up in the euphoric glow, he was only vaguely aware of Matilda and her guard resting a few meters away. When Henry finally finished, he was shaking with excitement, warmblood smeared across his face. Eventually, his senses began to return. The girl in yellow had disappeared.

He sat in the snow, shocked and worried about what he just encountered. He had never experienced someone with the same condition before. He had no memory of his own infection. Even more disturbing, the girl was a lady-in-waiting for Anne of Westhaven. His sister.

Arrival at Westhaven

Henry decided against a formal arrival at Westhaven. He needed to find out why this young woman who attacked him had Anne's badge. He entered the grounds via the servants' entrance, his worn travel clothing looking perfectly normal for a servant. 

Henry wandered the grounds for a few hours before he caught a familiar sight lurking in the storeroom passageway, a long green doeskin wool gown with thin yellow trim. The last time he saw that gown was at his mother's wedding portrait. Ducking into a storeroom for dried goods, he leaned against the wall. He could see a wisp of red hair under a white wimple or veil if he tilted his head.

"Are you sure? He bit into William and drank every drop of his blood?" A woman's voice said hushed.

"That's what Claire said." A shockingly tiny and young voice replied.

The woman let out a frustrated growl. Something about it triggered Henry's bloodlust, like a wolf howling at the moon, calling other wolves to do the same. He swallowed.

"My brother is infected as well." The woman hissed.

As he suspected. Anne of Westhaven.

"Fetch Claire," Anne said curtly.

Henry saw the swish of a yellow wool dress. After a minute, the wretched young woman appeared. Anne didn't say a word before lifting the young lady into the air, throwing him into the storeroom across from where Henry was hiding. The girl hit the stone floor with a crunch. Terrified cries came from the girls as blood spattered across the stone floor, leaking from the girl's head. Henry gasped as the familiar metallic smell triggered his hunger. He had to leave. Anne walked over and picked up the lifeless body, throwing her corpse at the girls.

"This is what happens to those who fail me." She hissed. "Also remember the tale of young and beautiful Rose, who I sent to kill my dear brother ten years ago and failed."

One of the girls whimpered. Anne withdrew down the hallway, the girls running after her.

Henry ducked back out into the castle grounds rushing to get away from the tempting smell. His head spinning from bloodlust.

Fealty to the King

Henry realized he had been rushing through the grounds without paying attention to where he was going, blinded by his efforts to suppress his hunger.

"Ah yes! The lord Edgecliff himself!" Exclaimed a fit young man dressed in a red and yellow doublet decorated with gold cord. Henry's heart stopped.

"Your majesty!" Henry managed to gasp as he bowed extravagantly. "My apologies. I haven't been to this estate in some years, and I got lost."

"Oh, Edgecliff, your age is finally beginning to show. I thought I would never see the day. Father used to go on about how you seemed to be immortal with all your… nightly stamina during Lord Northhill's spring feast. All the same, you haven't aged a day since I last saw you. " The King winked.

Henry forced a laugh. He was off-put by the King's reference to his wilder times.

"Come to the hall! I am glad you arrived. We shall finally have something to do. This feast so far has been incredibly boring. Underwhelming for my birthday." The King babbled on.

Henry worried about Matilda and her guard. He wanted to warn them of Anne, but it would be dangerous to slip away from the King when he was in this mood.

The King came to a set of large oak doors carved with intricate oak leaf patterns. He gave the doors a push and happily dragged Henry into the great hall. The open-hearth glowed, sending warm and dancing light on two acrobats that were in the middle of their performance as the King strode in.

"Merry court! The party can begin! Lord Edgecliff has finally arrived! I believe it is time for him to swear fealty to me!" The King bellowed to the crowd of well-dressed courtiers.

"Huzzah!" Roared the crowd.

As though it was scripted, servants brought forth the King's sword. The acrobats retreated to the halls. The King stood in front of the hearth, the light dancing on his face. Henry knelt in front of him and placed his hands on the hilt of the sword. The King put his hands over Henry's.

"I, Henry Bell, Lord Edgecliff so truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testify and declare in my conscience before God and the world that our Sovereign King Wilfred the II is lawful and rightful King of this realm. I will bear faith and true allegiance to his majesty, his heirs and successors, and he or them will defend to the utmost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever."

The King smiled down on him.

"Lord Edgecliff, I was beginning to wonder your intentions after you failed to attend my coronation." The King's face darkened. 'I hope you will be more attentive to these important events."

A hush fell over the hall.

"I apologize, your majesty. My wife has been ill."

Anger flashed across the King's face. Henry knew his excuse was thin.

"I am the ruler of this realm. Chosen by God! When I ask you to attend my events, you SHALL attend because it is your duty to GOD!" His voice boomed across the hall.

"The Lady Anne has been kind enough to guide me through my reign. However, I am disappointed by the rudeness of my father's closest friend and consort! Lady Anne thinks you need to be taught a lesson, and I agree." The King sneered.

The King's hand tightened around Henry's. It was uncomfortable but not painful. He thought the King might have a shockingly weak grip until he felt a pop and heard a crunch. The King had broken his fingers. The hall gasped as the crunch seemed to echo. Henry inspected his crooked fingers casually. He no longer felt pain the same way as most did. A minor dull ache started to form as the swelling set in. He looked up at the King, whose mask of anger had turned into confusion, bordering on shock. Henry's casual reaction was not what he expected.

"You've made your point, your majesty. I do indeed apologize for missing your coronation. "

Henry rose. The King still had his hands over Henry's as the bones began to heal and pop back into place. He was sure the King could feel the movement. The King pulled his hands back in shock, letting out a strangled cry.

"What magic is this?" The King hissed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, your majesty. " Henry replied calmly.

"You have some sort of magic power to heal yourself!" The King cried.

The King looked around at the stunned court. The court had not understood that Henry's hands were healing in mere seconds. The King backed away so quickly he fell over.

"Anne! Anne!" He screeched in fear.

Anne appeared at the top of the stone steps leading to the Lord and Lady's bed-chamber. Her ladies grouped behind her.

"Anne, protect me! He has the same powers!" The King scrambled toward Anne.

"Now you see why Lord Edgecliff is your enemy, my young King!" She said, smiling.

A fight between bloodlines

Anne's anger was like fuel to a fire, and Henry automatically felt himself respond. The muscles in his body tingled like a predator ready to pounce. He moved toward her aggressively, his eyes fixed on her. Anne locked eyes with him and began moving forward as well. Brother and sister got within 10 feet of each other before leaping with animal-like agility. The crowd of courtiers, the screams, and the commands being shouted melted away, and it was only the two of them.

Anne reached up and clamped her hands on Henry's throat with lighting speed. With a fraction of a second, he was able to catch her hands and stop her from closing around his neck further. He swiftly pulled on the index finger of one hand and the thumb of another, breaking them and releasing her grip. Anne hissed at him angrily, a pair of sharp fangs now plainly visible. She lunged at his neck with her teeth, and he pulled back just in time to feel her mouth graze his throat. Anne's infected personal guard began springing into the crowd, attacking indiscriminately. Driven mad by the bloodlust coming off the two older vampires.

Anne called to the young girls who were huddled together on the steps leading to the Bedchamber. "Ladies, you haven't eaten in a while. I'm curious to see what feeding on another of our kind will do!"

Anne leaped off the stone stairs directly at him and the ladies jumping down onto the stone floor after her. Henry let out a grunt of surprise as Anne hit him in the chest and took him to the floor. As he hit the ground, he managed to roll into the movement and pin Anne beneath him, only to have one of the ladies gleefully bite into his neck.

He felt a rush of immediate euphoria followed by a perverse kind of happy terror. He was lucky; the young woman in a blue gown had tiny teeth and only succeeded in opening a small trickle of blood. He fought the urge to give in and instead swept her aside, sending her tumbling into the hearth. She quickly caught fire, her silk gown catching like dry leaves. An unearthly scream filled the hall as she burned. He could vaguely hear courtiers fleeing.

Anne's eyes filled with glee, watching her own lady burn. Henry also felt the rush of excitement as his lust for violence kicked in.

"Yes! Oh, for so many years, I have wanted such bloodshed!" Anne cried, watching excitedly.

A young girl in a yellow gown, similar to Claire, leaped forward to attack him. Henry knocked her aside quickly. She managed to stay on her feet, but she hesitated to attack him again, and the other two ladies began backing away in fear. Despite being infected, they lacked the confidence and experience to test him.

"You fools! You outnumber him three to one!" Anne yelled furiously.

The girl in yellow, who couldn't have been older than 12, pipped up. "Then you kill him!"

Another young girl, maybe 16, gripped her companion's arm. "We didn't want to be like this! You made us!"

"Fine! You little wretches will feel my wrath later!"

Henry saw an opportunity to turn the tables. 

"You have no reason to trust me. I will offer you a better life at Edgecliff. I understand your condition and that you should not be used as weapons against a Lady's enemies." He proposed.

Anne lunged at him and jumped on his back, biting into his neck. He struggled to get his arms around her waist to dislodge her. Henry saw no other action but throwing himself to the floor and crushing her ribs. He heard her wheeze painfully through her injury, but she held on. The wound Anne made was more of a gash, and blood spilled down his tunic. She hungrily lapped it up. He felt his strength failing as he clawed helplessly at her face.

In yellow, the young woman appeared through his hazy vision with a long pike and raised it above her head. Henry braced himself. Instead, Anne cried out and released him. He rolled onto his stomach and saw Anne skewered into the ground by the pike. She screamed and writhed, trying to dislodge the pike from her ribs. Henry scrambled to his feet but was nearly knocked over by the young woman in yellow running over to lap up the blood trickling from his neck. He picked her up by the waist as she snarled.

"That's enough of that." He muttered.

He was weakened a little but not completely. The young girl struggled a little in his grasp, but he could tell it was just because of the uncontrollable hunger. He looked over at the other girls, one in green and one also in yellow.

"If you like my offer, come with me." He said.

The girls rushed forward wordlessly and grabbed onto his blood-soaked cloak.

Anne shrieked angrily, still unable to dislodge herself. "You ungrateful wretches! I gave you eternal life! Eternal youth!"

"Eternal slavery," whispered the one in green.

"I have the King! I hold all the power, Henry! Try to run! I will end you, and Edgecliff will be mine."

Henry walked out with the girls into the snow-covered courtyard and quickly found a horse and cart to put them in. He was able to give them horse blankets for cloaks, and they left Westhaven behind.

May 15, 2021 02:51

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Vox Inanis
21:44 Jun 16, 2021

Yours is one of the best stories I've read on here and I'd really like to get your permission to include it in a Youtube video I'm trying to put together. If you're okay with me narrating it, or would like to discuss it further, please let me know! I'd give you full credit, and leave a link to the story in the description of the video.


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Vox Inanis
04:01 May 19, 2021

The story was amazing! This could be turned into a full fledged book series easily and I think you should honestly consider it. The story, and the potential for more is there and exciting! I hope to see more of this story, and thank you so much for sharing this.


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