The Impossible Rescue

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story where the power goes out on a spaceship or submarine.... view prompt

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Adventure Mystery Science Fiction

 Henry was getting ready he was shaking he was nervous he realized once the blast off counter was at three any problem was going to be needed taken care by him and his crewmates Josh and Liam. They put on their astronaut suits and said goodbye to their loved ones and everybody else, it was time, the time that was the most important, one mistake could lead to a catastrophe. The timer started his heart pounded, 3 2 1 BLASTOFF his body got pushed onto the seat he felt like something was pushing him then they were in space. They were slowly drifting to mars, days after days, soon those days turned into weeks and those weeks turned into months. Every day they exercised they worked on their own personal projects and they hang out together. But then things started to go bad the power goes out then after that engine 1 goes down engine 2 goes down then 3 but 4 is still alive. they panicked they didn’t know what happened yet they suggested that somebody had to go outside and check out what went wrong and of course Henry went he was the most trained astronaut after all. He went outside with his astronaut suit and he was shocked all engines 1 2 3 except for 4 were down, he thought to himself if engine 4 broke down then they would be stunk in the middle of nowhere and not only that but something has caused a power out so now they were stuck in the middle where of course they could have used engine 4 but it was to little rocket fuel to move the ship. Henry went back in the ship he told the news to Josh and Liam they panicked but calmed down pretty quick, Henry thought of ways he could restore power so they can communicate back to the people on earth. But he failed but he had another idea and that was to survive and try to fix the spaceship so that's what they did they collected all the food that was non-perishable and they collected the food that could not last long for a long time then they had to figure a way to get power back on. They thought of ways that they could restore power but some of them were dangerous like fixing the spaceship from outside. They made a deal that if they had no other ideas that they would take turns going outside and figuring what was broken. But then Liam remembered something there were emergency lights that they could turn on and they had emergency flashlights stored in the storage room and sure enough, there were flashlights and there was a switch for the emergency lights. But Henry told him not to turn them on because if anything wrong happened and they needed to see then they wouldn’t have the emergency lights because they only last a certain amount of time. so they didn’t use it. Days passed and they still didn’t have any other ideas so Henry decided it was time he went out to fix the space ship。 He took a deep breath and got in his astronaut suit and went outside he checked everyplace that could have been broken he cleaned everything that was dirty but still no luck. At this time they were hopeless they had no idea of what to do and they were basically waiting to die since they didn’t have an unlimited resource of food or water. days passed again, but something bad was about to happen they were heading towards giants asteroids they were stoked they panicked they prayed they wouldn’t die, and guess what the giant got hit by another asteroid that made it into a smaller ones. Since the people that engineered the space ship knew that they would get hit by asteroids so they made it so that if small asteroids hit them it would be okay. But even though they were small asteroids now there were a ton of them so they had no chance of surviving but, henry didn’t want that he denied the fact that he was about to die he went to the control room and tried to start up the space ship with the last little rocket power they had left Josh switched on the emergency power and they changed the directions they were drifting and they did it they dodged the asteroids and they were drifting towards earth they celebrated with some of the food they had but the celebration didn’t last long because they knew sooner or later they would die of dehydration or starvation or even worse by another asteroid. Days passed again they were waiting for something to happen something that could help them or something that could kill them. But they saw nothing except a dark gloomy space with shining stars and some asteroids but then one of the asteroids was coming towards them. They prayed that it wouldn’t hit them they stopped watching it and waited for there fate they wait and waited but nothing happened but then they heard a knock and they looked out the window and it was rescuers they cried with happiness the ships connected they went in the rescuer's ship and they got introduced to John the Leader and two other people named Edgar and Amy. They ate food and drank some water then took their stuff into the there ship and since the other ship had enough power they took the space ship with no power with them. They powered up the rockets and went back to earth. Everybody was so happy to see they were alive they cheered with happiness even though their mission failed to go to mars but the Mission of rescuing them was a success. Days later they took apart the ship that had a power out and they found the problem some debris had broken one of the power lines and caused a power out. Months later they prepared another trip to mars this time they were prepared they were loaded with emergency supplies and supplies that they would use on the way like water and food They went on the ship they put on their seatbelt got ready and the count down started the last few seconds Henry was once again nervous the last few numbers 3 2 1 BLASTOFF, and the rocket went off to succeed another mission

September 11, 2020 23:58

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1 comment

Karin Venables
04:15 Sep 17, 2020

This was a good basic story, but you need some help with structure. This needs to be broken into paragraphs and you need to do some work on your sentences. The life of an astronaut is always one malfunction from death and you did a good job describing their anxiety when they knew they couldn't fix their ship. You might try having you characters talk to each other, dialogue goes a long way toward giving your story more emotional impact. Keep writing, the more you do it the easier it will get.


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