Everywhere You Look and Everywhere You Turn

Submitted into Contest #103 in response to: Write a story about someone who starts noticing the same object or phrase wherever they go.... view prompt


Horror Suspense Thriller

Everywhere you look, it’ll be there. Everywhere you turn, it’ll be there. It seems like you can never get a minute alone. Terrifying, not as in peeing in your pants terrifying, but blood curdling scream terrifying. All of this happened on a rainy and thundering night. In Florida, we’d always get a lot of thunderstorms and rain. I was in my bedroom, writing a horror story for my creative writing class. I’d thought that the horror story I was writing was making my heart jump out of my chest, but this actually happened to me. I was waiting for my package to arrive with my doll in it. The doorbell rang. Walking down to answer it, no one was there.

“Hello?” I shouted. “Anyone there?”

Looking down, there was this scary ass looking doll. All I saw was a doll with both of her hands, reaching out for a hug. It was creepy and what made it creepier was her face. Her face was all ruined. Her eyes looked like yellow cat eyes, she had her hair all in fuzzy curls, and she had a sea monster dress on. On the box, it said that her name was Ella. More like Cruella. She’s hideous! Nonetheless, I brung Ella inside of the house. My sister, Bethany, looked at Ella and myself as if I was crazy.

“Simone, what in the living hell is that?”

I shrugged. “Cruella? My doll?”

Cruella eyed me, saying with that evil grin, “Hi Simone…” and I screamed like I saw a murder scene. Dropping the box, I ran upstairs.

 “Wait, you forgot your doll!” shouted Bethany. “Simone!”

“Throw it away! I don’t want that thing!” I shouted back. “And I mean it, Beth!”

I heard the door open. Good, she threw it out. The sound of the trash can makes me really think that I was safe and wasn’t scarred for life. But when I woke up in the morning, there was Cruella on my chair. I didn’t notice it until the chair spun on its own. Slowly turning, I was shaking in my hightops. 

“Hello Simone,” said Cruella, her hands held together and turning around. “Why don’t you love me? I thought I was adorable.”

“Looking like that you don’t. N-Now go away.” I picked up a pillow. Giggling sweetly, Cruella came closer to me. I turned to her, shaking with a pillow in my hand. “I mean it, Cruella. Step away.”

She tilted her head like she was a confused dog. “Why don’t you love me, Simone? I’m your young daughter!”

I got out of bed on the other side, flipping out of the bed, so I don’t get in contact with that crazy and creepy doll. She eyed my every move after I got out of bed. I’d felt her looking at me when I was going to school every day. On a bright sunny day, I was in my creative writing class, with my mind circling and breathing heavily every second. I couldn’t write my horror story, because I was horrified myself. I put my hand on my face with my eyes bloodshot and open. I didn’t get any sleep, because Cruella was in my face all night. No words came to me and not another word was written on another page. It would’ve been easier to write my horror story if there was a thunderstorm and it was night. Mr. Bixler came over to me. He was my creative writing teacher. 

“What’s wrong, Simone?” he asked. “You had nothing written down, since....” he paused. “That huge thunderstorm on Thursday. What’s wrong?”

“I write better horror when the thunderstorms come, not when the sun is out and constantly smiling in my face,” I replied. “Plus, I don’t know if I should write a horror story anymore. I just lost my spirit.”

“Come here, I want to show you this doll I’ve got.”

Doll? The Ella doll? Uh-oh. I hope it’s not that. Walking behind him, I dreaded every step. Every step I took was slower than the last, because I had to brace myself for what horrifying surprise, coming next. He took out a box from under his desk and placed it on the desk.

“Everyone, meet Ella,” he introduced. I started to hallucinate when I saw that there was another version of that thing. This time, she looked a little nicer and shakespeare. She wasn’t terrifying at all. 

“Mr. Bixler, what’s the point of her?” I asked. “She’s not scary.”

Shakespeare Ella eyed me, just like the other one did the first time she saw me. I half smiled, terrifyingly. Feeling that blood curdling scream emotion, I wasn’t as comfortable in the room as I was before. 

“I love killing people. It’s my life,” said that Shakespeare doll. “This skull is Romeo’s head after he died, but you’re next. After treating my sister like dirt.”

I screamed and it was so blood curdling. Running out of the room, I ran to the guidance counselor’s room. Mr. Bixler excused it, since he’d noticed that I wasn’t my regular calm, working hard under pressure, and collected self. I talked to Mrs. Loski, who was the guidance counselor. 

“Simone, Simone, you’re just experiencing deja vu and hallucinations,” was all she said. “Listen, in a few days, it’ll pass. Just try and focus on yourself.”

Focus on myself? As if that’ll be simple. Cruella is still at home, stalking me and so are her alternative sisters of hers. The wind was blowing when I walked out of the school building to walk home by myself. Bethany had to stay because she has swimming practice. I didn’t want to. A storm was coming and I turned into a nervous wreck. I passed those stores with the dolls in them. Looking at them made me want to scream and run. I was already shaking, breathing hard, getting goosebumps on my shoulders. The feeling felt terrifying. I was basically in a forest during a cloudy day when it’s about to rain and all I saw were these stores with the same creepy dolls, staring at me. I ran home in my room. Trying not to look at Cruella, it was difficult. She said, “I see you meet my sisters in the stores, huh? You can take care of us, Simone. We’ll be your new family.”

“Hell no!” I shouted, without even looking at her creepy ass doll face. “I’ve made a mistake buying you in the first place.”

“Mistake? Me? I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you and you never loved me.”

She stared at the ground and suddenly jumped at me. With a knife! I was quick though. Whipped my head around and I threw her out of my bedroom window, then threw the huge knife on her stomach. It cut through pretty deep and she bled really fast, but at least, nobody was dealing with her ever again. The thunder struck her. More the better. Goodbye Cruella. Hope I never see you again. I’d thought that you’d thought this story was going to end, but it doesn’t. OH NOOOOOOO! THERE’S MORE THAN THAT. HAHAHAHA. Ahem, anyways, there’s more. Remember I said in the beginning and I quote, “Everywhere you look, it’ll be there. Everywhere you turn, it’ll be there.”? Well, not to brag, but I was right. I went to bed that night, soundly after I committed a murder. Then I heard these little creepy children, yelling, “Get Simone! Get Simone!”, in angry voices. It was her sisters. They were out to get me. Still trying, to this day.

July 17, 2021 21:59

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