Follow Me
Caution: Contains passing of a pet.
His eyesight was poor, his gait was labored yet he followed me. Through the flowering meadow, over the babbling stream, along the dusty country road he followed me. There was a time, (was it only last week?) he would have explored along the way. Venturing off on his own quest to examine an interesting flutter near a sweet clover or search out a foreign smell capturing his attention or take a cooling splash in the water. But today if he lingered behind he was slow to catch up, hesitated like he didn't hear my summon let alone heed it. And he seemed overly relieved when we turned into our own lane, crossed the rumble-rumble bridge that always announced a visitor and sought the shade of the giant maple tree.
Today he was tired. Too tired to ramble over to the faucet to take a drink from an overflowing bowl of fresh water. Too tired to chew and swallow any of his favorite foods when offered. Too tired to fend off the rambunctious play of the new litter of kittens. Too tired to return my hugs. Too tired to do his duty.
As we watched the sun dip low in the west over the rolling fields of hay turning the sky to oranges, pinks and purples he must have thought, “Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will run and jump and chase with wild abandonment just like always.” But I knew. I knew those days were over for my champion. The sun was setting on a life well lived. I cried into his long golden coat.
Thirteen years and nine months ago my family volunteered to whelp a litter of eight adorable golden retriever pups for a neighbor. The owners knew my children, ages ten, eight and four, at the time would be exactly what these high energy babies needed to help them socialize and adapt to a loving household they were destined to be adopted into eventually. As a stay-at-home mom I had the availability the busy couple didn't have to devote round the clock attention to the newborns' proper growth and development.
After eight action filled weeks the fleshed out balls of fluff were returned to their kennel home. All but two found immediate forever homes. The owners decided to keep one for their own pet and offered us the other as a thank you for opening our home to the mayhem. They kept Gilligan and we welcomed back Champ.
Champ. Handsome, loyal, affectionate, intelligent, well-behaved, eager-to-please Champ became a constant source of joy not only for us in the household but for our extended families as well.
While Champ was still a lap-sized puppy we left him in the care of my mother, Mary, and step-dad, Walt, when we went on a two week vacation. Walt developed an unbreakable bond with the little fellow as Champ loved to ride on his power mobility chair with him where ever they went. Long after Champ was a full sized seventy-five-pounder he still eagerly climbed into Walt's lap whenever he visited our farm. That's tough love!
I cherish a series of pictures that encapsulates a poignant story of a boy and his dog. My six-year-old red-headed son has his arm around Champ's golden neck as they gaze out over our alfalfa field watching the neighbor mow with his full-sized farm tractor. The next picture shows Champ watching the somewhat older boy on a lawn tractor pulling a wagon cutting the same area. The last picture is the red-headed teenager with Champ by his side sitting atop a self-owned farm tractor mowing the same field.
Now I snap a picture of Champ with the sun setting behind him on that beloved piece of property. The son is recently married and sowing other fields.
My oldest daughter used to take Champ on 5 AM five mile runs. He was her companion and champion. He let no harm come to her. Ever since the youngest was born twelve years ago he seldom left her side, either. Now that she is the only one left at home they have been inseparable. Chasing sunbeams and dreams.
When we added cattle to our acreage Champ challenged them to stay in line. He also would round-up our chickens and kept the ducks all in a row. He got along with the goats, alpacas and horses. Even the addition of a show-worthy Stafford-shire Terrier phased him not. Champ accepted them all into the family. He was smitten with kittens, kittens and more kittens. Black ones, golden ones, brindle, calico, stripes or whatever flavor. They loved him as much as he loved them.
“But bunnies? For a 4-H project? But none for me? You don't know how you are breaking this canine heart, Dear Buddy!” I am sure Champ must have been chomping at the bit to get a bite of one of those when my other son decided that would be his summer assignment one year. Between Champ and the coyotes howling at night those poor floppy-eared hoppers were not happy and probably scared themselves to death. Needless to say the project flopped.
That son followed a girl to far away North Dakota about three years ago to make her his bride. Champ mourned that separation by sleeping in his vacant bed for months afterwards.
Only a couple of years ago we got word that Gilligan, 'Gillie' to the family, the brother of Champ, had sadly passed away. Knowing large-breed dogs seldom live beyond twelve years we knew it was a matter of time before we would suffer the same loss. That day came this week, the day before my fiftieth birthday. With extended family rallying around trying to comfort our grief, my husband, children and myself said our sorrowful goodbyes as we knew the sun was setting on this life well-lived.
Good-bye our true and faithful friend. It is okay if you can't get up anymore to wag your tail and nuzzle our noses with your exuberant greetings. You will always be our champion. You'll remain in all of our hearts and I'll continue to check behind me on my evening walks to see if you are still following me. Bet you'll be there in spirit.
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Touching, Mary ❤️
Glad you liked it.😊
Awe Mary! What a beautiful story, I imagine you were sobbing quite a bit through it. Punctuating with teardrops.💞 I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you. Yes, there were tears.
This was beautiful, Mary. I’m sorry for your loss. Your Champ sounds like he was a wonderful boy and though it hurts, it’s also beautiful that you and your family have so many precious memories with him. Hugs.
Thanks. Champ was my daughter's family pet but we all loved him.
I absolutely love the direction you took this prompt. Instead of the dark edge a story about being followed typically has, you gave us love and connection!
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
Aw. So sad when members of the family die. Even the furry ones. Dogs are so loyal and very clever.
My mum is in a home She told me about a friend of hers who has died and reminisced. The friend had a dog that used to bark and carry one when anyone walked down the drive. He eventually got used to my Mum when she visited. She would always stop and talk to him from the other side of the fence. She didn't visit this friend for five years and when she walked up the driveway, five years later, the dog didn't bark. He waited for her at the fence with his tail wagging. His family couldn't get over it. He always barked. But he remembered Mum before he even saw her. And she talked to him as she always had. Such intelligence. They are great companions and friends.
Yes, they are.
A beautiful, heart felt story!
Thank you.
Oh Mary! This was SO BEAUTIFUL. I am a professional dog sitter (among other things) and so my love of animals runs deep. ALSO... you really got me on a personal level with this one. My ex-partner's family dog was named Champ, and for the 14 years we dated that dog was like my dog. He passed a few years ago and it was pretty much the saddest day ever. Your story brought me right back to when Champ was happy and healthy. He was a medium-large sized golden lab mix, and every time I'd see him, he'd crawl on my lap as though he was a lap dog haha :) Thanks so much for writing and sharing this one. Beautiful work!!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
Glad it brought back pleasant memories for you. So many of us can relate to losing a beloved pet. Remembering the life brings back the joy.
A beautiful dog and a beautiful story, Mary. Well written and touching. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I've only had birds and turtles as pets because of severe allergy to animal dander, but reading this brought back memories of my first parakeet, Ceaser, who we all adored and cried over at his funeral. Poor dear couldn't fly (broken wing) but so friendly my little brothers would put him on the floor and they follow him around or he'd run after them.
My tears over your story was cathartic. Thank you for the touching story and the memories.
Sorry made you teary but glad you liked it.
Loved your story! Very touching.
Thank you.
Your narrative is both poignant and crafted, capturing the deep bond between a family and their beloved pet.
Thank you.
Brought tears to my eyes. Lost a good family dog once so I understand this.😢 Dogs are always such good Champs. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for liking it and commenting. So true!
Jeez, Mary. Thanks for bringing me to tears on a Tuesday afternoon! To make matters worse my Frenchie pup developed a mysterious limp about an hour ago. (She'll be okay. It's probably a compound fracture but fortunately she is the toughest dog ever and will probably be running wind sprints before sundown.)
Great story!
Sorry about the tears! Glad you liked it. Hope your pup recovers soon.
Thanks. She's fine. Already killed a gopher since I wrote this. She is 19 pounds and I am fairly certain that she can easily defeat the UFC Heavyweight Champion. 6th dog I have ever owned and definitely tougher than the other 5 combined. I think it would take a blast from an elephant gun to her midsection just to catch her attention, and then you should probably just run for dear life. She's a really sweet dog but definitely has rage issues when she gets messed with.
Sounds unforgettable.😁
Very touching. I can picture the story perfectly, the family, the dog, the setting. Nicely done. :)
Thank you. Yours is on my reading list but I have fallen far behind.🥴
That's ok, I've been a little behind on reading everyone's new stories as well! :)
Awww ! A touching one, Mary. I love your descriptions of the family and the doggo. Wonderful work !
Thank you. He was a Champ!🦮
Have said good bye to many pets. It's never easy. Each one missed in their oen way.
Thanks for telling it so beautifully.
Thank you. Always hard thing to do.
Very touching. I had one dog when I was a kid, Happy Face. We didn't name him but he lived up to his name. He died while I was away at college. I have never had another. I figured it was impossible to get a better dog. Thank you for sharing.
Lost several over the years. Most had long lives for dogs but always hard to lose them.