Fantasy Adventure Romance

Walking through the pristine cobblestone streets, brick homes created a background to the myriad of carts selling whatever you needed. Luna and Acer shot into the bustling morning crowd, someone bumping into me. Fuming about where the hell they were running off too, his manners still required work. Spinning on my heels, my arms caught a pregnant fairy. Seconds from ripping her a new one, her appearance gave me pause. Her dusty pink waves floated up, her bangs hiding her eyes. Helping her to her feet, her fingers gripped my simple ivory blouse. Glancing up with rose pink eyes, silent tears stained her cheeks. Fussing with her snow white dress made of leaves, her translucent wings fluttered. Parting her lips to speak several times, a couple of blonde haired elves had her hiding behind me. Flitting my eyes between the three of them, nothing making sense. Ocean blue eyes glistened with hatred, their pristine ivory suits pissing me off. Time for a bit of revenge, a playful grin brightening my features. Noticing a pot of medicinal mud, a sly grin curled on my lips. Kicking it into the air, a blast of air had pottery clattering around us. Mud stained their suits, my hand dragging her deep into the crowd. Dragging her into an empty alleyway, my patience was wearing thin. Let me clarify, the lack of patience didn't lie with her. Blocking the entrance with a shadow, the fairy quivered in front of me. Softening my expression, her palms rubbed her bump. Who would leave such a lovely lady on her own?

“You must have a name and all that jazz.” I pushed with my real smile, my heart breaking for her. “My village used to torture me the same way. That was until Lottie bought me. Let me help you find who you are looking for.” Not too long ago I was in her shoes, the whole town hating me. Averting her gaze to the cobblestone, my presence was still too frightening. Parting my lips to speak, a meek noise flooded from her lips. Her words had shock written all over my face, a mixture of emotions flashing in my eyes. 

“I am Rose Quartz, Acer’s lover. We had a one night affair and I went back home. Only to be kicked out. The fairies hate the elves and I can’t begin to think why.” She introduced herself while sitting on top of an empty crate, her bare feet tapping incessantly. “This is the result and I don’t know how to tell him.” Towering her greatly, her petite five foot frame made her cute in her own way. However, a newfound fury raged in my eyes at Acer’s behavior. Clearing my throat, I kicked off my worn boots. My new friend had some explaining to do and he had better open his damn mouth.

“Put those on before you cut up your feet. We are going to find Acer.” I hissed with a bitter half-smirk, her tiny feet sliding into my boots. “Words will have to be had.” Rescinding my shadow, her hand grabbed my sleeve. Ignoring the odd looks, their clear bias against her had me chewing on my lips. Scanning the crowd for Acer, Luna waved us over to a stand serving some sort of sandwich. Marching up to him, I guided Rose in front of me. Face the results of your actions, you goddamn fool.

“You have some explaining to do. Beginning with the fact you didn’t chase after her!” I roared thunderously, Acer and Rose tearing up at my outburst. “Forgive for stepping out of line but why do you guys hate the fairies! All I saw walking up to you was disgusting looks of hatred in her direction. Not to mention, they kicked her out. Figure your fucking shit out!” Tears of rage cascaded from my eyes, Luna rubbing my arm. Throwing my hands in the air, I needed to get out of here. Leaving Luna behind with them, Acer called for me to stop. What the hell did he want!

“I don’t agree with the politics of my kingdom! I hate them but every time I try to talk my mother out of the treaty we have with them, she shuts me down!” He shouted through a wall of tears, his words giving pause. “My father killed a host of fairies for no reason. It was pointless. A bridge is what I want to build with them. I fell in love with Rose during my station time with the fairies and I ran away like a coward.” Marching up to him, my hands grabbed his shoulders. Staring into my eyes with a mixture of fear and admiration, someone had to go to king school. 

“Then you need to get to the throne to change it all.” I pointed out with a hearty laugh, raising my brow. “How do you ascend to the throne?” Chewing on his lips, his boot dug at the cobblestone. His gaze flitted to her bump, real terror rounding his eyes at his mother approaching. Cursing under his breath, he ran his hand through his hair repeatedly. Wiping his clammy palms on this casual blouse, a breeze blew his hair back. Shrinking back in fear, Melda was seeing red in her ornate emerald gown. Stepping in between them, she began to berate him endlessly. Bickering back and forth, every breath was growing shorter. Feeling my heart rate pick up, Luna pleaded for me to let them work it out. Putting my hands in the air, enough was enough.  

“Shut up!” I barked over the chaos with tears streaming down my cheeks. “I miss my mother and I would give anything to talk to her right now. Lottie did what she could and I have to believe that this land gave her the grace that she had. Yet, here you are arguing when he has good news. Speak up, Acer.” Presenting Rose with a big smile, Melda’s face lit up with joy. Apologizing profusely, her hands rubbed the bump. Finally, this is how his family should be. Yet, a dark shadow hung over them.

“Why didn’t you start with this? You will be king in no time.” She chirped cheerfully cupping her face. “Once that child comes into the world, the crown is yours.” Acer chuckled nervously to himself, shouting in the distance shutting down any chance for him to protest. Plucking my scythe from its case, the two elves from before appeared over us. Sparks danced aimlessly with the violent clash of our weapons, Melda gasping in surprise at my protectiveness. People were really asking for it today, weren't they!

“How about you end all of this? I have no problem laying down my life for my friend and his family.” I warned icily, both elves leaping through the air. Spinning their blades in their palm, the crowd parted to give them space. Eager eyes watched me lower my scythe, my eyes falling on Melda for the next order. A flurry of jet black rose petals gave us pause, a male fairy with a golden crown made of twisted branches flipped through the air. His wild onyx waves bouncing as he landed, his rose pink eyes glistening with malice as he took his spot next to me. Fluttering his translucent wings one last time, he dusted off his suit made of onyx petals. Putting up his palm, a blast of energy knocked the attackers into the feces cart. Turning towards me, he bowed in respect before turning to the queen. Too stunned to speak, she brought her fingers to her face. Snapping her fingers, the market faded to the garden of the castle. Motioning for us to sit at the long oval table a couple of feet away from us, none of us complained. Once again Melda was seeing red, her fingers drumming on the table as they served tea. What was the damn history between them?

“What brought you here, Obsidian?” She inquired with a huff of disbelief, Luna holding my hand under the table. “Killing my husband wasn’t enough.” Acer chose to engage in a staring contest with the clear glass top. Cursing under my breath, all of this was a petty fight. Seconds from opening my mouth, Luna shook her head. 

“I came to make a new deal. I realize my mistake of kicking my daughter out. If we can put our pasts behind us, then I suppose we can get along again like the old times.” He offered sincerely, Rose perking up a bit. “You have to prove your loyalty to my people.” Scoffing in disbelief, Melda wasn’t hearing it. Leaning onto her hands, a blunt no escaped her lips. Didn’t the fate of their children matter more than the past?

“Hell no. You took something very dear from m-” She began to retaliate, his finger going into the air. Seconds from cussing him out, a fit of hearty laughter burst from his lips. Shaking his head, his hand fished around his pocket. Sliding over an unmarked envelope, she snatched it off the table. Turning towards Acer and I, his stern expression had chills running up my spine. Wondering what his game was, this whole interaction threw me off.

“If you wish to have better relations with me, then I need you to get rid of a monster for me.” He mused with a twinkle in his eyes. The chair groaned as he leaned forward, curiosity illuminating in my eyes. Melda slammed her palms on the table with the crumbled letter, her hand hovering inches from his face. Emphasizing the offer for a handshake, a deal could be reached between them.

“If my husband wants to play ball, then we are going to have to crush him together.” She commented with an angry but apologetic smile, the king’s finger’s curling around hers. “Boys, get your dragons ready for a mission. We have allies to impress.” Crunching through the dirt to leave, confusion twisted my features. Chasing after Melda, my pleas fell on deaf ears. Tears shimmered before they hit the grass, an impatient huh greeting me. Following her into the first corridor, her hand pinned me to the wall. Knowing that her world had crumbled, my heart went out for her.

“Not a word to my son but his father is the bad guy.” She wept discreetly, glancing around with a bright smile while waving. “He left me for an evil witch. How pathetic am I?” Dropping her arm to her side, tears danced down the skirt of her dress. Turning to leave, surprise rounded my eyes at the abrupt bear hug I was smothering her in. Sobbing into my shoulder uncontrollably, this family wasn’t so perfect after all. Resting my chin on her shoulder, words of encouragement needed to be heard. 

“I am so sorry.” I comforted her genuinely, her emotions soaking my shirt. “Leave it all to us and we will bring him down.” Thanking me brokenly, her heels clicked down the halls. Why must I engross myself into another drama? Acer bounced up to me with my boots and a big toothy grin. Choosing to keep her secret for the time being, my hand rested on his shoulders. 

“A bride and an heir!” I joked lightly, flashing him a pensive smile. “Would you look at that?” Cheering up a bit, Luna and Rose were chatting like old friends. Waving at us, we needed to get to our dragons. Spinning on my heels to pack my bag, his hand snatched my wrist. Wanting to yell at him, his busted expression haunted me to the point of not correcting him.

“Did my father really join the other side?” He asked with a trembling lip, silent tears splashing onto the top of my hand. Taking my silence as an answer, his fist smashed into a nearby wall. Grumbling under his breath, pure emotional agony dimmed his eyes. Dragging his fist from the wall, blood dripped from his fingers. 

“Meet me by the dragons in about twenty minutes.” He ordered briskly, hiding his strife with a false bright smile. Tossing me my boots, his boots echoed in the other direction. Sprinting towards my cabin, supplies needed to be gathered. Pausing in front of my cabin, Luna called for me with Rose on her heels. Huffing to a stop in front of me, her fingers playing with the skirt of her simple navy dress with bell sleeves. Cupping my cheek, her lips pressed against mine hungrily. My heart skipped a beat, my strong hands spinning her underneath me. Releasing me from her spell, a dazed expression lingered on my face. Spinning her back to her feet, every cell in me wanted to stay but I had to protect the royal family. Whisking her into the cabin, a tender blush painted her cheeks at me lifting up the skirt of her dress to kiss her bump. Resting my head against it, the twins’ movements had me blushing myself. Getting out from underneath her skirt, Rose wandered in with a gracious smile on her face. Packing up a bag of medical supplies and food, Luna hugged me from behind. How was I so lucky to have her in my life? Adjusting my boots, a mission had to be completed. Brushing my lips on the top of her head on the way out, the stable hands had Helios ready to go. Snuggling into his scales, our bond was like no other. Blowing out a smoke heart, he had yet to hear the good news. 

“Luna is having twins, Helios. Let’s be careful when we are flying with her from this moment on.” I announced with a spin, another heart floating into the sky. “Are you excited, my good boy?” Licking my face, he picked me up with his claws. Hoping that he never left my side like Mina did to Lottie, his ears pinned back.

“A set of twins, you say?” He rumbled gleefully, his wagging tail creating a dust storm. “Luna will make the greatest mother. Does Lottie know yet?” Guilt ate at me, his sharp eyes picking up on my expression. Tapping the top of my head with his claw, wise words were coming my way. His advice always hit the right spot, my arms curling around his claws. 

“Correct me if I am wrong but don’t we think we should tell Miss Lottie about the fantastic news.” He suggested with a hearty chuckle, his claw placing me on his back. “Do they get to slide down me like the kids in the village get when they visit me? That old dragon is fortunate to have those lovely days.” Scratching behind his ears, my scaly friend wasn’t wrong. Acer wandered up to me with a gauze poking out of his armor, our friendship mattering to me. Climbing onto his dragon, a quiet rage stole his usual playfulness away. Dropping his helmet over his head, a sulking glance passed my way. 

“At least we get to become fathers together.” I commented with my real smile in hopes to cheer him up, a quick yep pouring from his lips. “You can always talk to me. I think of you as a best friend.” A welcome life returned to his eyes, a quiet thank you escaping his lips. 

“Our friendship holds a high priority in my heart.” He returned warmly, adjusting his helmet. “I think my mother loves you too. She told me that she thinks of you as a son. I can’t wait to have our kids grow up together, brother.” Smiling softly to myself, he tossed me my leather jacket. Accepting it with a crooked grin, the ground trembled the moment we shot into the blue sky. Evening out in the clouds, his fist bumped mine. Happy to have what we had, life could be fun here. Please grant me more pleasant memories and a success in unifying the two kingdoms.

May 17, 2024 16:54

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