Weirdest Day Ever!

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt


Funny Fiction

I had entirely too much fun writing this story. I hope it is as fun for you reading it as it was for me writing it!!!


That particular morning when I woke up, I thought it would be a typical day.

Boy, was I wrong.

Not only did I have a flashback to Casey Kasem's top ten, but that day also played out like it was MY top ten.

I got up and turned the radio on to be blasted way back in the past. I mean on a scale of one to ten, Casey Kasem was my all-time favorite countdown guru... Lol. He was the best, so saying this is my number 10, just you wait.

I got in the car to take the kids to school who of which didn't want to go. They had gotten exactly what they had wanted for Christmas, so they just wanted to stay home. That being said, this was of epic proportions. I got a call and from work and store-wide maintenance had to be done, so no one needs to come in. Yep, you guessed it. Number 9 on the top ten list is most definitely staying home on your kid's new PlayStations... 

No way it could get any better. Well, they could take me off of the car warranty list. That would be monumental.

So the day crept by, which we all know is close to impossible when enthralled into PS games and the phone rang. I didn't want to, but I answered anyway. Yep, you guessed it. Number 8 on my list was I got a call from Geico. I have been paying way too much on my car insurance so I did save hundreds by using Geico. The check will be in the mail tomorrow.

So as I am deciding whether to call my mom and let her know that I did save money by spending just 15 minutes with Geico, they even have home and auto insurance and bundle insurance. Kind of like Progressive. I was pondering what I should do for the rest of the day. Yep, you guessed it. Number 7 on my top ten list is, I played PlayStation only a few hours and had already totally won Fortnite. I had never played it before. Way to go Noobs!!!

When it boils down to spending the rest of the day with kids or a significant other, I have to always choose the kids. I mean im a single mom. Nothing says responsible like taking care of your little ones when you're a single mom. Yep, number 6 on my top ten list, got asked out by the one person I just have held out for for years!!! WOOHOO!

So im getting ready for my date. I don't know what to wear. I really don't. I haven't been on a real date in quite some years. I don't know if the universe picked up on that or not, but something or someone did. When it was over, I would like to say I felt like Snow White. But we know the reality of that was far far away. Yep, you guessed it, number 5 on the top ten list, Got a fairy godmother sent to me by the best dressed BBW in Disney. Fiona!!! I so loved feeling like a well deserved Fiona Disney princess. Although I am not an Ogre...

So I was going to go out on my date. Yeah, something sidetracked me. He was ok with it when I told him what was up. Well, yesterday had been a doozy of a day, with getting the kids ready for back to school. I had wanted the kids to be able to enjoy what they had even in this time of Covid. You guessed it. Number 4 on my top ten list. The kids came home with a note from school. All schools were out for the remainder of the school year and all students that attended brick and mortar schools got an A in all classes. That never happens!!!

My date called me and said he was going to be busy with his kids also, it was no biggie. I still had several hours left in my day. I was feeling pretty good. My grown daughter was pregnant and my son-in-law worked his fanny off to provide for them. They called me last minute telling me they had put in for an annual trip with his work. It was a competition and whoever delivered the most packages got the cruise of their dreams. You guessed it. Number 3 on my top ten list. My kids invited me and the other kids on an all-expenses-paid trip to Australia. I asked why Australia and they said it was where I always wanted to go. And yes, it has always been. So they said what better place to take the most well-deserved mom on the planet? You guessed it. To the one place, she has always wanted to go.

As if that weren't enough. I was finally settling in at home. I got on Facebook as usual. Seeing everything I usually looked at. All my groups and notifications. When one of them caught my eye. I am a member of a Facebook book readers club. It's my favorite part of Facebook and hosted by my favorite author who writes my favorite book series. You guessed it. My number 2 on my top ten list was that Teresa Gabelman contacted me via Facebook and wanted me, her biggest fan, to be immortalized as a mate to one of the Vampire Council Warriors in one of her mate's series books. I'm down. 

Finally, I decided to end the perfect day to be laying down and watching some Sons Of Anarchy. My fave show with my fav actor, Charlie Hunnam. I got a call from my best friend who told me he had a surprise for me to get to his house right away. So I squared away the kids. They were teenagers, well capable of taking care of themselves for a few hours. Little did I know I was going to need a sitter because this was going to be a week. So I asked my mom and grabbed one of my other besties and we all left for Louisiana. Upon arrival, I saw a big set. There were people everywhere. It looked as if they were getting ready for Marty Graw. I even got to meet my best Facebook friend for the first time since she lives there. But that wasn't it. They were publicly announcing winners of a dating competition. The winner got to go out with their favorite actor/actress. Number 1 on my top ten countdowns was... Drum roll, please. I won a date with Charlie Hunnam. My best friend said I did so much for everyone that he thought I deserved something special, so he and my other friends sent a letter and said who my favorite all-time actor was. And wow. I never wanted it to end...

Well, it had to. No matter what I wanted, I had to wake up and get out of my dream world and face the not so nice end of 2020.

December 31, 2020 03:04

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Unknown Unknown
16:50 Jan 07, 2021

I love the end of the story so unexpected


Why thank you... I really appreciate that... πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


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