Adventure Mystery Science Fiction

Hello I’m bananas3000. I’m a really shy guy and do not talk to people much. I’m yellow in color. I wear a banana peal on my head as a hat. My body is just a bone covered with rubber, and I carry an oxygen tank everywhere weather it’s in an office, HeadQuaters, or a spaceship….

Can you guess who am I?...

Yes you guessed right, I’m a crewmate from among us……WAIT!....

Isn’t among us just a game …

Well yes, it is a game but not “just” a game. We, the crewmates have a whole life behind the game….

And yes, there are real parasite creatures called impostors disguised as crewmates


here is what happened yesterday…

we were all so exited because yesterday was Christmas, and we all were going to get new Christmas hats…

pink:   “yay!”

orange:   “ for What?” 

pink:   “we are going to get new hats, didn’t you know?”,

orange:   “yes..umm..yes of course I know” 

pink:  “well then… yay!”

orange:   “yay?”

i wanted to talk but I'm too shy so I did not

we all picked our chrismas hats and…

blue texted  innersloth HQ

blue: “ innersloth, please start *ze mission.”

Innersloth HQ “mission starting in 3…2..1….."

A tab appeared on my screen “shhhh” said a red player


There is one impostor among us

I was nervous… after all no one wants to die on Christmas…

I could feel my rubbery heart beating..


I went to admin to do my card swipe…

I took it out and swiped it 

beep. Too fast. Try again” said the machine

I tried again..

beep. Too slow. Try again” said the machine

Just then, I remembered something from training..

I swiped the card slow till a specific point and then fast till the end.

click. Card accepted. Thank you

Suddenly another tab opened


Orange:   “where?”

Blue:    “why?”

Red: “what happened?”

Lime: “in electrical, dark green is acting super sus…I was doing the fix wiring task but then dark green came in and the door locked…I went to the door when dark green ran to me and…. The door opened… it was a christmas miracle… I ran as fast as my legs could and pressed the button…..”

Dark green:   “ I’m not the impostor and I was not acting sus... btw I saw orange in the room too.”

orange:  “ you were acting sus like you were the impostor, and framing me?....tsk..tsk...tsk...”

I still did not yet talk

Blue has voted

Pink has voted

Black has voted

orange has voted

dark green has voted

yellow has voted

lime has voted




dark green:4

dark green was ejected.


I went to electrical and finished my wiring task



Pink is dead we all discussed and lime was ejected

And I did not talk again

Blue has voted

Black has voted

orange has voted

yellow has voted

lime has voted

Lime was ejected.


I want to storage to do garbage task

I hadn’t finished it..

Just then..


orange: “ black was following me”

 black : “no I was not”

I did not talk again…

We voted..

Blue has voted

Black has voted

orange has voted

yellow has voted

black was ejected.

Black- was- NOT-the-impostor

I went to do my decode message task:


whY are veggies are Of no use to frUits.

sArah and aRiana wEnt home.


*I need more Cake, Ramen, Eggs, Water, Monkeys, Apples, Turtles and Energy

* see the first letter of all the items






you are a crewmate .

just then...


Blue: “yellow sus”

orange: “really?"

Blue: “trust me orange he is”

orange: yeah and I supposehe is not gonna talk too

You: “no wait, I'm not, let me tell you”....

but alas I was too late...

Blue has voted

Yellow has voted

Orange has voted




Yellow was ejected.



     Orange was the impostor

I thought I was dead but I realized I was in innersloth HQ base ship they caught me and the others. Turns out that they catch the ejected cremates. I was never ejected before so I did not know. We activated the self destruction mode of the *skeld…. it exploded in front if our eyes like a firework show it was beautiful and the impostor died….

                                                                    THE END

*blue has a French accent

*skeld is the name of the spaceship


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January 12, 2021 11:17

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Conner Lafond
16:18 Jan 21, 2021

This is some pretty snazzy stuff


Harley Quinn
04:40 Jan 22, 2021



Harley Quinn
06:56 Jan 22, 2021

pls rate it from 1-10


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Merel Cooijmans
08:56 Jan 21, 2021

5, It was very confusing to me. In the beginning I figured out that "among us" is a game. But I didn't get any of the references. I understand this story is not for me ;) It did however, sound like you were just discribing playing the game with friends. My tip for writing fan fiction is to create a story you can not copy while playing. Something completly different. I hope you understand my point of view :)


Harley Quinn
04:39 Jan 22, 2021

yes I do understand ur point of view and sure I will work better on it 😅😅 and btw I actually wrote it with my real experience was yellow and tis really happened in the game(of course my name was not bananas 3000)


Harley Quinn
06:55 Jan 22, 2021

and please rate it from 1-10


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Aanya Rooprai
19:57 Jan 20, 2021



Harley Quinn
03:04 Jan 21, 2021

thank you for the rating.........if there is any feedback please tell 😊


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Harley Quinn
11:21 Jan 12, 2021

hi everyone, pls give me feed back and rate in the rank between 1-10


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