Fantasy Fiction Teens & Young Adult

I asked my boyfriend to meet me at Michigan lake. He said he wanted to tell me something. I told him he can tell me there. I was all prepared with a ring to propose to him after 3 years of dating. And not to mention it was really a great place for a proposal. The sun was about to rise. He was standing near the lake and I went to join him. We both watched the sunrise. It was magical. When I was about to propose, he said he wanted to break up.

"What are you saying? It's not funny you see! " I said.

" Annie, I am really sorry. I have been trying to tell you that am in love with Abigail, your best friend."

"Don't kid with me. We have been dating for 3 years now and I met her last year only!"

"Am sorry. I need to go now. Goodbye."

"Wait for a min¡ where the hell are you going! We need to talk. Amel!!"

He went.

I tried to call Abigail who went to Washington for Thanksgiving. She was not responding.

The next day I went to Washington to meet her. They owe me an explanation. I was waiting outside her home calling her. But she was not coming outside. It started raining. I was standing there alone in the rain.

After a while, she came out with Amel. They were together.

She came out with an umbrella, "Let's go inside and talk."

"No, tell me now. I don't want to go anywhere and don't even try to come near me!" I shouted.

"Annie don't be like that she is worried about you," Amel said.

"That's not my business you cheater! Give me an explanation and I will leave."

"We love each other." He said holding her hands.

I turned to Abigail and said, "I hope he cheats you like he cheated me!"

When I was about to leave, all the strength I had left me. I fell down and everything went dark.

"Annie Annie Annie….." They shouted and it was fainting slowly. It was pitch dark. I couldn't open my eyes. 

"Ugh, water." I managed to say but it was not my voice. It was a child's voice.

"My lady! My lady! Someone call the Duke immediately."

Did she mean doctor? I thought.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room similar to that historical princess room. There was someone in a maid uniform.

Did I read too many reincarnated and time-travel webcomics? I don't even belong to Asia. Where the hell am I.

Soon a man appeared.

"Where am I? Who are you guys?" I shouted.

A group of people followed him.

"My lady you are in your room and he is your father the Duke of the Holy Kingdom. I am your Nanny and these people are priests from the temple. You have been sleeping from the day you were born. And now you have woken up after almost 2 years."

I never read any webcomic like this.

"I don't know what you are saying but am sure that am not your daughter!" I said.

"You indeed are Duke's daughter my lady. You have similar soul energy as the Duke has. But I can feel something else too." One of the priests said. "Yes, your highness we can feel magic power inside my lady's body."

"How's that even possible magic and holy powers reflect each other!" Duke said.

"An Edouard will only have holy powers they can't have magical powers."

"Exactly, your highness" another old man came." But my lady's case is rare. She is the only female successor born after the founder of Edouard." He said.

"Excuse me but I never agreed to--"

"You continue Head priest." Duke interrupted.

"DONT IGNORE ME!" I shouted. 

"Haha, my lady is really funny. You must be really confused but this was your fate. You must live here now. This is your body now." The head priest said to me.

"Okay so the Duke is my father, she is nanny but where is my mother?" I asked.

"Leave us alone I want to talk to my daughter." Duke ordered.

Everyone left.

"So what's my name father?"

"It's a tradition of Edouard family to name a child after 2 years of the birth. Now that you have woken up, after a month there will be your naming ceremony." He patted my head.

"What about my mother?"

"I have yet to find her. I have been searching for her for two years. But I can't find her. I don't even have her in my memory."

"Ok then help me know about this world. Since am not from here. I can speak well as you can but I need to learn other things."

"Yes, I will appoint the head butler and your nanny to teach you about this world. But first, you need to learn how to walk."

"Yes, I will learn everything I can before the ceremony."

"Should I feed you or you want your nanny to do that?"

"Yes tell nanny to feed me."

"Then I will take my leave. Thank you for waking up my daughter."

The duke left and my nanny came running.

"The head butler is bringing some milk, my lady." She said.

"Nanny, can you feed me while showing me the palace?"

"Yes, my lady."

The nanny carried me while the butler explains about the family history.

The butler said, "The Duke's palace is about 1000 years old. The Duke's bloodline is the direct descendants of God's guardian. Every priest and saint in the Holy Kingdom is protected by the Duke. And you, my lady, is the first female successor after the founder. The Edouards were never interested in power and wealth. We are in the Azalea Empire. There are four provinces. The northern province is called Jade. The present Duke of Jade is Alvin Aubrey Sierra. They are known for their friendship with elves. Thanks to elves The Jade produces rice, wheat, and vegetables in mass. The western province is known as Celeste. Dylan Aine Jourdain is the Duke of Celeste and they take over the Wizard Tower. Their family makes great magicians. Celeste is also famous for its tea. The magician there brag a lot about the tea. Not to mention the variety and quality of tea they produce is the finest of all. The southern province is known as Oberon. Caelan Monteen Elias is the present Duke of Oberon. He is also known as the war general. They are great warriors with inhumane powers. Oberon is known for the fruits they produce thanks to the help of fairies. They can even produce apples in summer and mangoes in the winter. At the center is the capital of Azalea, Crocus the blooming city. The present emperor, Ryan Owen Azalea lives there. They are famous for flowers, cafes, bakers, and many more. The people from the capital city have a sweet smell around them. In the eastern province is the Holy Kingdom which is under my lady's father the Duke Alaistair Anise Edouard. We are known for the temple, healing, and many more. Isn't this amazing my lady?"

"Yes, it is amazing in a crazy way." I said.

In only one month I learned how to walk, the etiquette, and even the magical power inside me. I have the ice magic and it's not found in this kingdom. I can't even feel the cold in the winter. Now I can find my mother. I should surprise daddy.

Soon the big day came. It was a surprise to see father early that day.

"Can you join me for a walk, my daughter?"

"Yes, daddy."

He carried me outside. We went to the garden. My Nanny followed us.

"Do you know, everyone in the Holy Kingdom has painted their house with white color because white is a sacred color?" he asked.

"So that's why it's all white. I thought it's because of the snow." I said.

While we were walking I felt someone else's presence too. So did my father. He handed me over to the nanny.

"Show yourself!" My father shouted.

Four people showed up.

"How dare you come uninvited!"My father yelled at them.

"Oh come on Duke. You must be the only short-tempered person in the entire Edouard family. Isn't it obvious that we came to see your daughter, the only female successor after the founder? And why didn't you invite us?" The man with golden eyes said.

"But your majesty it's the custom-" my father was about to say when I interrupted, "Put me down, nanny. Pardon my maaannnnerssh. Blesshings and glory upon the sun of the Azaleaaan Kinggdoomm. I have yet to knooow my name sho I will introduce myshelf as Duke Alastaireee's daughter."

"Ohhhh my goodness Duke your daughter is smarter than you." The Duke of Celeste said.

"Duke Alastaireee's daughter greets the Duke of Jade, the Duke of Oberon, and the Duke of Celeste. I am shorrry that you all were not invwited to my naming sheremony. But I don't think you have any ill intenshionss." I continued with my childish accent.

"Oh my goodness she must have taken her politeness from her mother who is yet to be known. Don't worry my child, I came to watch my future daughter in law's naming ceremony." The Duke of Jade.

"What do you mean? She will be the crown princess." The emperor shouted.

The four started arguing about who will be my father in law.

"Am shorrry but I have no interests in making anyone of you my father in law. I will become the next Head Saint in the temple." I said.

My father and my Nanny were shocked.

"Then who will become the Duke's successor?" The emperor asked.

"What do you mean your majeshty. My father is still young and can have more children with my mother." I said.

"But no one has found your mother. Even the Duke failed." The emperor said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have found out who is my mother." I smiled.

Everyone were shocked including my nanny.

"Daddy you should start preparing for your wedding soon. I have already invited your in-laws. They will be arriving after my naming ceremony. Then I will excuse myshelf. A lady has to get ready for the big day. Let's go, nanny." I went with the nanny smiling.

Soon the ceremony started. The head priest started the ceremony.

"Thee who is reborn again shall be named Anastasia. Thy name is Anastasia Anise Edouard." The head priest announced. "My lady, what do want as a nickname?" He asked me. "Annie." I said.

"On the presence of Annie's mother and father, I announce again that the daughter of Duke Alastair is Anastasia Anise Edouard." He concluded.

The ceremony ended. Everyone is shocked because no one knows my mother yet.

Soon after the ceremony ended my father asked me who is my mother. I called my nanny and said, "Nanny is my mother."

Both of them were shocked.

"You should stop with your disguise now. I know that you are my mother."

My father is really shocked. Mother's disguise was wearing off. Her light brown hair turned to platinum blonde and her green eyes turned into blue. Even her clothes changed.

The room became cold as she changed.

 "Don't worry I will control my magic soon."

My mother is the princess of Frostine Kingdom, Carol Frost.

She is known as the ice queen.

"How did you figured it out, my daughter?" She asked, "Even your father failed to find me."

"I found out about my magic not long before. And ice magic is only found in the kingdom of Frostine. I sent people to find out about you and your kingdom. I got to know that you came here 3 years ago for purification. And for purification, one has to lock their magical power for a period of time and then you met daddy who was poisoned with an aphrodisiac by Marques Milani's daughter. Since you locked your own powers you couldn't defend yourself." I said.

My parents were shocked to see their 2-year-old daughter knowing so many syllables.

"Don't look at me like that this soul is 25 years old."

Some forgotten memories flashed in my father's mind.

A maid came running into the room and said, "Your highness, the Emperor, Empress, and the Crown Prince of Kingdom Frostine are here."

"Okay, inform them I am coming."

While we were leaving the room my mother asked my father,"Why did you call my family here?"

"It's Annie, not me."He said.

"But how will Annie have your family seal? She is too small. Thanks to your family seal my father rushed here!"

"But it's not--" my father was about to say when I interrupted 

"Oh, daddy mommy will you stop. I can use ice magic. Making seals is no big deal for me. I can make hundreds of them."

"Yes, daughter thanks to your mother's magic you have become really naughty." My father said.

"Are you saying it's my fault?" My mother shouted.

"Yes am saying--"

"Oh, guys pleaseeee can you stop. Annie will get upset if you don't." I said in a childish manner and their jaw dropped.

The emperor of Frostine," I, Aspen Frost thank the Duke of the Holy Kingdom for asking my Carol for marriage. "

My mother was shocked and was staring at my father.

My father said, "Um I am really sorry, cause it was out of the blue um now that I have a daughter um with your daughter. So I wanted to marry her."

The Empress of Frostine said, "Are you saying this child over here is our granddaughter? "

"Yesh, nice to meetcha. I am Anastasia Anise Edoouuaard. You can call me Annie. Annie is vwerrry excwited to meet grandpa, grandma and uncle." I said in a childish manner.

"I, the Crown Prince of the Frostine Empire, Wren Frost gives you the title of Iclyn, the ice princess. Nice to meet you, my dear niece." The Crown Prince said.

"Thank you shooo much uncle." I said.

A scribe at the corner noted down everything.

"So shall we fix the date, Duke?" The Emperor asked.

My father turned to my mother, "When do you want to marry me, my dear?"

"The sooner the better." My mother said.

My father then announced," I, Alastair Anise Edouard, the Duke of the Holy Kingdom will marry the princess of the Frostine Empire, Carol Frost, a week from now."

A week passed faster than I thought it would.

It was a grand wedding. Every noble from our Empire and from the neighboring Empires were invited.

The wedding ceremony was at noon and there was a feast at night.

I was really exhausted from the crowd and went outside the temple. There was a lake near the temple similar to the lake of Michigan. It was full moon night and the reflection of the moon on the clear lake was very pleasing to the eyes.

I started reminiscing about the past.

"Annie" my parents called.

"Coming mommy daddy." I said.

I am really grateful to God who made me reborn in this beautiful world. And I hope it's not a dream. And every day is a new adventure for me.

November 20, 2020 13:27

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Roland Aucoin
03:09 Nov 30, 2020

Hi, Subhashree -- you have many (many) grammar errors and this takes away from the flow of your story and the reader's (my) ability to read your story with ease and flow. I recommend that you try out a free-versioned writing tool, one that I use, called 'Grammarly'. I believe that you will find it useful. As an example of grammar, your 3rd to last sentence, "Coming mommy daddy." I said. should be written as "Comming, Mommy, Daddy," I said.


05:28 Dec 01, 2020

Ok, thank you. I will take note of that.


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