
Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Dragons. They like to hunt. But this one likes it more than you think. His name is Whitefire. He's an outlaw from his tribe Fire-raiders.

There are speed dragons, there are fire dragons. There are weak dragons, there are strong dragons. There are small dragons, there are big dragons. There are many more types of dragons. Whitefire was a small, and weak dragon. He was a wind dragon.

โ€œI need to find another tribe,โ€ He thought, โ€œeven if itโ€™s bad, it will be better than roaming around in this trashy forest. Maybe I should look on the bright side, I like hunting, and I have to hunt.โ€ 

But what he thought of โ€˜a trashy forestโ€™ was actually the place that was going to change his life. 

Eventually, none of the tribes took him in. He thought the forest would now be his home. He started making a small tent.

One evening not long after he got into the forest, he heard sounds of dragon grunts. They were becoming clearer every minute. The dragons were wearing masks. One of them spotted Whitefire. Whitefire flew. After some time, he stopped flying. He thought he lost them. He hadnโ€™t. He felt a hot hand on his right-wing.

Whitefire turned around. He saw a lime green dash and it hit Whitefire hard on the back. He got pushed back into a tree. He was bleeding. The dash hit him again. He got pushed back into another tree. The dash kept hitting him until it was too tired.

The dash tried hitting him again, but Whitefireโ€™s instincts made him hold up his fore-leg and to block the dash and hit back hard. It fell back about 50 feet away. He looked at his hand. Then he looked at the lime green dash. It was actually a dragon. Then he remembered, the lime green dragons are speed dragons. Then he saw the face of the dragon. It was his long lost friend, Speedash.



 They both asked at the same time. โ€œWhy are ye in da forest?โ€ Speedash asked. โ€œItโ€™s a long story.โ€ Replied Whitefire. โ€œNothinโ€™s long fer me now, I've been โ€˜ere fer almost fereva,โ€ Speedash said. 

โ€œOH,โ€ replied Whitefire. โ€œwell, I was actually dismayed with dad's decision to banish you.โ€ Speedash broke into a grin. 

Whitefire continued, โ€œbut I never felt like he was my family. I was much more โ€˜naughtyโ€™ after you left. And then I did something even I didnโ€™t think I would do. I stole some of the relics and threw them into the Holy Pit.โ€ 

Speedash was shocked. โ€œBuโ€™ why?!โ€ She asked in a trembling voice. 

โ€œI donโ€™t know. It just happened. But dad only suspended me for that, I did something more once I got back. I found dadโ€™s oldest ancestral relic. I did it because I was angry at him for suspending me and banishing you, so I destroyed it. So that is how I got banished too.โ€ 

Speedash gasped. She took a step back. โ€œEven I wouldnโ€™ do that!โ€

โ€œYes, Iโ€™m not denying it. Listen, can you come here tomorrow? It's almost sundown.โ€Whitefire said. โ€œOK,โ€ Speedash replied. โ€œAt around 65:305?โ€ โ€œYea,โ€ Speedash said. โ€œBye.โ€ Said Whitefire. 

He suddenly got the urge to drink water. He started flying. It felt as though he was flying 10 times faster. He got โ€œhomeโ€ quicker than he expected. A cloud formed above him. It started raining only for him. He started drinking the water. It tasted like a bottle of Nasty Rush even though water does not have a taste. It stopped as he was full.

The next day at 65:300, he got out and went to the same place Whitefire and Speedash agreed. Speedash was already there.

โ€œYe were flyinโ€™ fast yesterday,โ€ Speedash said, looking astonished. โ€œExactly what I was about to tell you. There is something going on with me.โ€ Whitefire told Speedash.

He enlightened Speedash about the weird things that happened the day before. 

โ€œAnd when I was smashing the old relic the day I got banished, there were whispering sounds that said if you get pushed into 7 magical trees inside the forest at a certain place, you get superpowers. I think I have superpowers โ€˜cause you pushed me into the trees and hit me. I saw the place and the trees; they were like the relic had whispered.โ€ 

Speedash was smiling so hard. She looked as though she might cry happy tears. She was so happy. โ€œI thought you were flyinโ€™ so fast cuz it was late. I never knew about the powers! I can help you control your superpowers.โ€ She said. 

"How about I help ye make yer house as well? I think we can make our own tribe." She added.

As they were talking, Whitefire sensed something wrong close to them and told Speedash about what he sensed. โ€œDo my powers allow me to sense danger?! Itโ€™s to the right. Should we deal with it?โ€ Whitefire asked Speedash. โ€œYea I think we should,โ€ Speedash answered.

They slowly walked behind the trees to the right and saw two dragons. The dragons were in an arena and about to fight. A whistle sounded. The dragons were fighting against their will. The chief of the tribe was watching the fight. The chief was a strong, big fire dragon.

Whitefire said to Speedash, โ€œThe dragons are fighting! โ€œWhat should we do?โ€ Speedash said โ€œI donโ€™ know! Ye tell me!โ€ They climbed up the metal cage and with Whitefireโ€™s super strength, they broke the metal cage.

Since it made a loud noise, every dragon looked up and forgot what they were doing. 

Whitefire and Speedash flew down and stopped the fight. The chief looked at Whitefire and Speedash. โ€œAttack!!โ€ he yelled. Speedash kicked all of them. She shouted up to the chief โ€œIs dat all ye gat!!!โ€ she laughed. 

The chief got up and shot fireballs out of his hand. They just skimmed Speedash. Speedash fell. As Whitefire blew at the chief, the epic battle began. The chief fell back because Whitefire blew with all his strength. 

 The chief and Speedash got up. Speedash got up first so she quickly ran to the chief and hit him so hard that his jaw broke. โ€œAhhhhhhh!!!!โ€

The chief blew fire out of his mouth. Speedash had fire on her scales. The chief grabbed a very rare smoke bomb and threw it on Whitefire. He was hit. He was coughing so badly. 

The chief was winning.

โ€œWhat can I do?โ€ Whitefire thought โ€œHeโ€™s winning. I need to get out of this.โ€ Then it struck him. He could try and get into Speedashโ€™s mind and tell her when to hit the chief. He concentrated a lot. Then he saw words. He thought โ€œIโ€™m in Speedashโ€™s mind! Yes.โ€ 

โ€œWhoโ€™s in ma mind?โ€ Speedash thought. 

โ€œI am. Whitefire. I have an idea.โ€ Whitefire thought and told Speedash his plan.

โ€œThat'll definitely work. Good job.โ€ Speedash thought. Whitefire thought and counted down. โ€œ3, 2, 1. DO IT!!โ€

Speedash ran towards the chief and hit him a lot while Whitefire made a lightning strike on the chief. There was a BANG. And it looked as though the dragon world had gone white.

Speedash was looking dizzy. The chief died. It was all OK.

The next day Speedash was alright and Whitefire sensed a dragon from their tribe. The dragon came inside. He said โ€œYou are unbanished... if thatโ€™s a word. Well, you're allowed to come back to the tribe, Chief says.โ€ Whitefire asked, โ€œIs Speedash allowed too?โ€ โ€œYes.โ€ He said.

July 24, 2020 16:08

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Pragya Rathore
07:51 Aug 17, 2020

Wow! This story was amazing! I could see how much work you put in. Great going, keep it up! This is your first story, yet I can see that you've got tons of talent!! Please check out my two recent stories :)


Thanks! I'll read your stories! Look out for my comment!


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Akshat .
04:43 Jul 30, 2020

Nice! Just mention the reason why Whitefire's tribe is taking them back.


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Akshat .
04:43 Jul 30, 2020

Nice! Just mention the reason why Whitefire's tribe is taking them back.


Akshat .
04:43 Jul 30, 2020

Woah, must be some kind of glitch. I only commented once.


01:22 Aug 31, 2020

it be like that sometimes smh


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01:24 Aug 31, 2020

dragons are cool and so is this story๐Ÿ˜Ž


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Sia S
06:08 Jul 28, 2020



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04:25 Oct 27, 2020

This story was interesting. I loved it very much. โ˜บ๏ธ


21:28 Oct 27, 2020

My pleasure!.


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Hriday Saboo
13:23 Aug 17, 2020

A brilliant story Vivaan Atal. And please do like ,comment And read my stories (PLEASE)


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