
You wake up with the sun in your eyes, yet again you’ve barely closed your eyes thanks to those dreams. Those stupid dreams that keep coming back no matter how much you tell them to fluff off. Those dreams full of your demons that follow you around during the day, weighing down your shoulders, whispering their horrible words into your ears then showing themselves at night. Haunting you at night, making sure you don’t sleep and then when the sun peaks at your eyelids you know dad’s going to come around to wake you up and maybe if he’s in a good mood he’ll ask how you’re feeling but usually it’s just a “wake up, get downstairs and help with the kitchen” like that’s all you can do. All you do these days is wake up, do the kitchen, try to avoid food until mom notices and forces you to eat, then finish the kitchen, do the homework your parents have assigned, check the mail, go back inside disappointed, the kitchen, and the kitchen.

“Hey, it’s morning, wake up. How are you feeling?” Dad calls gently from the doorway, coming to sit on the side of your bed once he sees you’re awake. Called it, he’s in a good mood though, hope it lasts.

“Hey dad! I’m okay, slight headache but it’ll go away, what about you?” you croak out, your vocal cords failing on you as they usually do. You know you’re lying, your headaches never go away, it’s like it’s continuous. You just say it has so he doesn’t have to worry about a quiet, broken, weird, stupid, fat, nobody like you.

He pulls your blanket off with a mischievous smile, “well, now that you’re awake sleeping beauty, get out of bed before I bring the water!”

You’re freezing yet you bolt upright, trying to get out of bed before dad who’s run off to most definitely get water gets back. “Ha! You’re a bit slow wouldn’t you say?” Your voice has a teasing tone to it as you try to bug him.

“Huh, I dunno, your siblings are still in bed…” he trails off suggestively.

“Hey! This is about me! Not them! They’re still in bed because they’re lazy!” You look at his face and you realise that you fell into his trap just as he’d wanted. “Ha! They’re up too! You’re slow today aren’t you? Tut tut tut.” You tease as you see your siblings fling themselves at dad for a hug, you join in, group hugs are always good.

“Hey dad! Guess you were too slow today” your siblings join into the teasing. Your ears perk up as you hear the doorbell ring, that can’t be the mail, it’s too early but it could be!

Your siblings, ever the social butterflies, run to the door with dad in tow and you sneak behind them to the column from where you can see them but they can’t see you. “Hello, this i- Hey! This is a surprise!” You scoot slightly over to the side trying to make it so that you can see but they can’t.

“Mama!!” your siblings shout with joy as they embrace your aunt whom everyone calls ‘Mama.’

“Hey! How’re you all? Oh my you’ve gotten taller!” she exclaims as she sees you. You’re already feeling dysphoric about yourself and the fact that she pointed out your height made it much worse.

“Heh, yeah I guess I have” you say with a shrug, welcoming the hug.

You look down as you feel a magnet clasp onto the bottom of your leg, ah there she is. You knew she wouldn’t be able to stay home without her mother. Hearing noise you look up, realising you were stuck in your head again and see the other two sprint into view, he’s chasing her again, aaaand he’s hit her, she’s bound to hit back and then he’ll start crying then the loop will continue. You sigh then bend down to pick the little one up then you start towards the kitchen, knowing that mom will get up to help in the kitchen and you might be let off the hook or maybe not you say as you hear mom call “Rose! You’re needed in the kitchen!”

“Awww you never stick around to play much! You’re always busy with something or the other!” Your cousins complain simultaneously, you reassure them again as you always do that you’ll play when you’re done and that you’ll do whatever they want as long as it’s not dangerous or will harm anyone. “Hmph. Promise?” they ask, knowing how you never break a promise.

“Hnn fine-” you hear yourself say only to know that you’re in for a rough day after this thanks to their screams, tight hugs, and the hyperactive, chaotic, crazy energy shining in their eyes. Your siblings join them and then they practically push you up stairs with many “hurry ups!” and “you’re still going to slow!”

You walk into the kitchen with a smile for a change, children are so sweet and they’re honestly amazing. They get so excited from the smallest of things and always have the most interesting ideas. The fact that society is trying to turn them into ‘traditional adults’ sucks. Society is like a cloning machine, it takes someone in and then turns them out once they’re exactly like everyone else. You really want to work with kids when you’re older but you know your parents won’t approve, dad wants you to do something with computers and mom agrees with anything and everything that he says. You hear a truck pass by outside and wonder if it’s the trash/recycling guys or if it’s the mail guy, when you hear on the telltale clang, beep, and random noises of the trash truck your excitement bubble doesn’t pop, you’re sure it will though when you see the mail that’s arrived, you’re pretty sure what you’re waiting for won’t arrive but who knows, it might. The optimism of the “might” keeps you going and you finish setting the table and put out the food while your mom and aunt talk and get the chai ready for the adults.

After everyone’s had their breakfast and the adults are in the living room and are talking, about what you’re never sure, they change topics far too much. Just as you’re about to head downstairs and your foots on the second stair you just barely hear the postman and you run back up to the back door and wait for the postman to move on so you can get your mail without running into people and once he’s gone you sprint out, hoping, praying, that it came. If it didn’t then it’ll just be another broken wish you made because today was the last day for them to arrive. Pulling the mail out you look for the signature yellow parchment with the green ink on it that would say 

“Ms. R. Thorne,

The smallest bedroom on the third floor,

1319, Kearney Street,


and seeing it you scream in joy, it came! It really came! You didn’t think it would but it did!! You open it right there and then wanting to make sure it’s real and not just an empty envelope as a cruel prank from the boys at school, however, how they found out you were waiting for it is still a mystery to you.

You open it to find other folded pieces of yellow parchment inside and you pull out the very first one only to read “Dear Ms Thorne, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1st September

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress”

You run inside to show mom and dad but then just as you get to the door you decide to show them when your cousins have left and when they’re getting ready for bed so you put it in your room and close the door then you head to the basement, still grinning like an idiot, ready to have fun.

June 24, 2020 20:27

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15:26 Mar 19, 2021

I love Harry Potter! Also, I love your name!


Felix Thorne
01:43 Mar 26, 2021

Ooh another Potterhead! :D What house are you in? Thank you!!


01:48 Mar 26, 2021



Felix Thorne
17:17 Apr 14, 2021

Gryffindor is great!!! :D GRYFFINDOR PRIDE!! :D What's your favorite out of all seven? and which is better- books or movies? *awaits an answer eagerly*


17:27 Apr 14, 2021

Maybe, Deathly Hollows, and to me, the books are better than the movies.


Felix Thorne
20:24 Apr 15, 2021

That book has sO many feels to it :') Books are superior, yes!


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Djenat Remmache
22:59 Jul 23, 2020

I'm a fan of Harry Potter too. Great story! Do you mind reading my stories and give me feedback ?


Felix Thorne
21:11 Jan 05, 2021

What house are you in? :) Thank you ^^" I can try ^^ Not sure if I'll be of any help- Sorry this reply is so late :(


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Yoomi Ari
00:20 Jul 09, 2020

Thank you so much for the shout-out and I love your message of self-care and anti-rudeness (you could call it) :D A Harry Potter fan here too!!! An interesting story on how she got on her journey to get a place in Hogwarts! Great job:) -Bee


Felix Thorne
14:33 Jul 09, 2020

I love your style of writing! Aww thank you! :D yay! Which books your favorite? Thank you! This really means a lot, thank you for the like too! Take care of yourself and keep writing! <3


Yoomi Ari
23:46 Jul 09, 2020

Thank you :D I LOVE every single book but my top three are “the chamber of secrets”, “the prisoner of Azkaban“ “and the deathly hallows”. Thank you so much! Stay safe and well!! -Bee :D


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Batool Hussain
16:54 Jul 05, 2020

Hello! A very intriguing story. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Also is that your pen name? Will you mind checking out my recent story? Thanks.


Felix Thorne
14:45 Jul 06, 2020

Thank you! Hermione or Rose? Of course! I love your writing style!


Batool Hussain
14:48 Jul 06, 2020



Felix Thorne
14:55 Jul 06, 2020

Yeah :) Are you a fan of Harry Potter too?


Batool Hussain
15:05 Jul 06, 2020



Felix Thorne
15:13 Jul 06, 2020

A fellow Potterhead! :D Thank you for the like! Take care of yourself!


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Kate Enoch
10:22 Jul 04, 2020

Just a random guess... your a Harry Potter fan?


Felix Thorne
14:45 Jul 06, 2020

Mhm, I love Harry Potter to be honest, what about you? Thank you for the like!


Kate Enoch
15:44 Jul 06, 2020

I'm more of a Percy Jackson fan myself.


Felix Thorne
13:28 Jul 08, 2020

Which are you a bigger fan of? Camp Half Blood or Jupiter? :)


Kate Enoch
13:40 Jul 08, 2020

Camp Half Blood. All the way. You?


Nirosha P
22:31 Jul 24, 2020

I f you don't mind me saying... I'm a huge fan of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter! :)


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Amel Parvez
16:50 Apr 11, 2021

ohh! i am regretting now that why i didn't read this before! it is so just so u know' a dream come true' well, yeah am a potterhead too. anyways just LOVED the story. hoping to see more from u:)


Felix Thorne
17:19 Apr 14, 2021

Aw thank you <3 It's really nice to hear from you!! Thank you ^^ Ooh what house are you in? And what do you prefer, the books or the movies? uwu Thank you <3 ^^ I'll try!! You too though!!


Amel Parvez
17:45 Apr 14, 2021

na! Anytime:) i am in Hufflepuff. DUDE! of course books! i hv read hp series uncountable times. <3 sure! XD


Felix Thorne
20:26 Apr 15, 2021

<3 :) Me too! :D Books are always superior uwu (unless it's Star Wars- in that case, it's debatable lol) Saaaameeee!!! <3 <3 XD?


Amel Parvez
21:15 Apr 15, 2021

:) WOW! in the same house! yeah right! anyways who is yr favourite character in hp? <3


Felix Thorne
17:41 Apr 22, 2021

:) :D! ooh- what about Ravenclaw? ^^ That's a hard question- I don't think I have one tbh- they're all amazing and have so many layers and everything! What about you? <3


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Amel Parvez
14:26 Jan 04, 2021

wow! am a fan too of hp:)


Felix Thorne
21:12 Jan 05, 2021

:D What house are you in?


Amel Parvez
08:59 Jan 06, 2021

I will prefer Gryffindor. <3


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Ari Berri
19:19 Nov 30, 2020

This is awesome! I love Harry Potter!


Felix Thorne
18:10 Dec 24, 2020

Thank you ^^" What house are you in? :D


Ari Berri
18:11 Dec 24, 2020

Hufflepuff, you?


Felix Thorne
21:13 Jan 05, 2021

Same! I'm a RavenPuff ^^ Hufflepuff first though- not sure how to make that into one word and this one was easier to use owo Sorry I'm rambling XD


Ari Berri
21:15 Jan 05, 2021

I think if I was another one, it would be Slytherin. Who are your favorite characters?


Felix Thorne
21:34 Jan 05, 2021

Ooh cool! I don't know many people who're in Slytherin- *shakes hands 6 feet away to be declared government safe* :) Hmm that's a hard question, I don't think I have one! They're all great in their own ways! What about you? :)


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Unknown User
20:49 Jan 16, 2022

<removed by user>


Felix Thorne
02:22 May 06, 2022

Of course! You deserve it!! Oooh no I haven't seen them- are they on youtube? I don't have many socials lol A fellow Hufflepuff! G'day mate! :D I'm a mix of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw :) #Ripcedricdiggoryhedoesntdiehesparkles Felt that T^T And one girl who knows that it's okay to be herself and will do whatever it takes to stand up for those she loves [Either Luna or/and Ginny, you decide ;)] Would ten out of ten have Lupin as an uncle not going to lie, you? FINALLY!! SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T FORGET TONKS- I LOVE YOU ALREADY- Edit: I love your ...


Unknown User
06:08 May 06, 2022

<removed by user>


Felix Thorne
03:59 May 11, 2022

ofc! <3 Bet :D Tysm! IKR T^T HOW COULD BALDY DO THAT TO HIM- It really was qwq me and my english teacher sat and cried over it together for a whole class period in year 6- will never forget that moment T^T <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH MATE IT HURTS ME PHYSICALLY WHEN PEOPLE ASK WHO TONKS IS AGAIN AND AGAIN T^T <33 Take care :D


Unknown User
05:06 May 11, 2022

<removed by user>


Felix Thorne
06:34 May 12, 2022

<3333 :D "Why worry about You-Know-Who when you could be worrying about You-Know-Poo?" u w u It's great to have teachers who love the fandom the same amount as you T^T TONKS IS AN INSPIRATION OKAY :'D


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Unknown User
04:30 Dec 29, 2021

<removed by user>


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Halo! Harry Potter fan here!


Felix Thorne
18:09 Dec 24, 2020

Halo! ^^ :o what house are you in?


Felix Thorne
21:12 Jan 05, 2021

:o I'm a RavenPuff!


Felix Thorne
21:33 Jan 05, 2021

XD go Ravenclaw!!


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